MYP Visual Art 1

MYP Level _1__

I.Brief description of the course:

The Visual Arts Curriculum at NorthviewSchool is designed to fulfill the North Carolina Standard Course of Study as well as the IB MYP requirement for coursework in the arts. Tasks and assessments use concepts, principles, and processes and are designed to cultivate holistic learning, intercultural awareness and communication skills in students. Students will have hands- on experience with artistic processes using a variety of media, and will be using technology. Students will also discuss the elements and principles of art, and will reflect on his or her own work, as well as reflect on the intention and quality of the work of others. By participating in these activities, students will be molded more intentionally into the IB learner profile. The visual arts curriculum lends itself to encouraging students to be reflective, and students will learn to view art as a means of communication.

II. Aims and Objectives

MYP Subject Objectives / NCSCOSState Standards
B-Use ideas and artistic conventions to create, perform and/or present art
Learn skills and develop the techniques and processes needed to create, perform and/or present art, with the teacher’s guidance
A-Demonstrate an awareness of the art form studied in relation to some of the contexts that influence their current work
Use some basic language and have a simple understanding of some of the concepts and processes that support their current work
Express an opinion of the art form studied in the context of their own work
D-Show commitment in using artistic processes
Demonstrate curiosity, self-motivation initiative and willingness to take informed risks
Support, encourage and work with their peers in a positive way
Recognize that art practices and artworks vary from culture to culture
C-Describe the progress they have made so far and identify areas that have been particularly easy or challenging
Identify strengths and weaknesses in their work
Receive feedback constructively / 2.01 Recognize the unique properties of various media.
4.01 Recognize and discuss art as a means of communication and persuasion.
3.02 Recognize and discuss the elements and principles of design in an aesthetic composition
8.02 Develop and discuss an awareness of art as a profession.
1.03 Recognize in a world of imagination there is no right or wrong, but some solutions are better than others.
1.01 Plan and organize for creating art.
3.01 Recognize and discuss the elements and principles found in the environment.
7.01 Identify connections, similarities and differences between the visual arts and other disciplines.
4.02 Understand the use of life surroundings and personal experiences are used to express ideas and feelings visually
5.01 Demonstrate an understanding that the visual arts have a history, purpose and function in all cultures.

III.Role of the areas of interaction in your course

Approaches to Learning- Students will work individually and in small collaborative groups. The teacher uses MYP Visual Arts Assessment Criteria rubrics to evaluate student learning and progress.

Community and Service- Students will learn about how art affects communities and how communities affect art. Students will see the importance of working together to produce individual art, as well as create products in collaboration with peers. Through working alongside each other, students will have opportunities to work with each other.

Human Ingenuity- Students will reflect on how their ideas influence people and artwork around them through the process of having self- and peer- critiques. Students will witness the consequences their thoughts and actions have on how their artwork turns out, when they apply solutions to problems that arise in the process of creating art.

Environments- Students will understand that everything around artists influence them as people and as artists. Students will make inferences about what particular works of art reflect about the person who created it and about the community it was created in. By seeing the connection we have with our environment, students will have a deeper understanding and respect for their place in his or her environment.

Health and Social Education- Students will be exposed to works of art that reflect issues that exist in human societies. After observing these issues through art, students will create a work of art that demonstrates an issue that has affected his or her life.

IV. Texts and resources


Handouts and Rubrics for each task

Examples of works of art from various cultures, projected with an LCD projector

Demonstrations via the Elmo projector

Self Critique Sheets

Topic / Title / Unit Question / Sig. Concept / AtL Strategies / Assessment Tasks / AOI
Elements and Principles of Art / Reflect on This! / How can evaluation help me grow? (Fall) / Evaluation includes reflection, which leads to personal growth. / Collaboration and Reflection / Criterion A,B, C, D
B-Extracts from the DW showing work from the beginning to the point of realization and materials such as diagrams, photos, and visual influences- at least 2 pieces
A-An Appraisal of other artists work; 2 paragraphs (Gallery Walk)
D-Comments relating to personal engagement, based on this unit of work
C-Analysis of the process of working, discussing themes and issues raised by work, and responses to feedback from the teacher and other students (in DW) / Health and Social Education
Communities / Communities Shape Art and Art Shapes Communities / How are we influenced by things? (Fall) / We are always receiving information through our senses and that information influences us. / Collaboration and Transfer / Criterion A, B, C, D
Assessment Tasks for Criterion B,C and D are the same as above.
A-Oral presentation including presentation notes and any supporting visuals or music: 4 minutes, 1 page of notes, 1 or more visuals (Color Wheel/Renaissance) / Environments
History Through the Ages / How Art Has Changed! / In what ways has humankind developed? (Spring) / Technology and human discoveries have helped to advance parts of our daily life. / Collaboration / Criterion A, B, C, D
Assessment Tasks for Criterion B,C and D are the same as above.
A-A comparison or analysis of art practices in the context of the themes being investigated: 3 paragraphs including supporting evidence (Gallery Walk) / Community and Service
Renaissance Art / “Change You Can Believe In!” / Why do we create? (Spring) / Ideas are the route of creation. Society is propelled through acts of change. / Collaboration and Transfer / Criterion A, B, C, D
Assessment Tasks for Criterion B,C and D are the same as above.
A-Research piece or investigation: 3 paragraphs and supporting visuals (Color Wheel/Renaissance) / Human Ingenuity

VII. Grading policy including the use of MYP criteria

In visual arts, teachers will assess student work using all four types of criteria; knowledge and understanding, application, reflection and evaluation, and personal engagement two times a year. The descriptors will be adapted according to the grade level. At least twice yearly parents will have student progress in the MYP communicated in the form of a rubric adapted for each grade level at a student lead conference, and at that time parents will have the opportunity to set up an additional conference.