Birds found within the Broome areaPage 1



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Birds found within the Broome area

(Last updated May 2004)

+ Emu

Stubble Quail

Brown Quail

* Indian Peafowl

* Helmeted Guineafowl

Magpie Goose

Plumed WhistlingDuck

Wandering WhistlingDuck

Freckled Duck

Black Swan

Australian Shelduck

Radjah Shelduck

Australian Wood Duck

Green Pygmygoose

* Mallard

* Muscovy Duck

Pacific Black Duck

Australasian Shoveller

Grey Teal

Chestnut Teal


Pinkeared Duck


Australasian Grebe

Hoaryheaded Grebe

Great Crested Grebe


Bulwer’s Petrel

Streaked Shearwater

Wedge-tailed Shearwater

Short-tailed Shearwater

Hutton’s Shearwater

Wilson's Storm-Petrel

# Abbott’s Booby

Masked Booby

Brown Booby


Little Pied Cormorant

Pied Cormorant

Little Black Cormorant

Great Cormorant

Australian Pelican

Great Frigatebird

Lesser Frigatebird

White-faced Heron

Little Egret

Eastern Reef Egret

Whitenecked Heron

+ Great-billed Heron

Pied Heron

Great Egret

Intermediate Egret

Cattle Egret

Striated Heron

Nankeen Night Heron

Little Bittern

Black Bittern

Glossy Ibis

Australian White Ibis

Strawnecked Ibis

Royal Spoonbill

Yellowbilled Spoonbill

Blacknecked Stork


Blackshouldered Kite

Letter-winged Kite

Squaretailed Kite

Blackbreasted Buzzard

Black Kite

Whistling Kite

Brahminy Kite

Whitebellied SeaEagle

Spotted Harrier

Swamp Harrier

Brown Goshawk

Grey Goshawk

Collared Sparrowhawk

+ Red Goshawk

Wedgetailed Eagle

Little Eagle

Brown Falcon

Australian Hobby

Grey Falcon

Black Falcon

Peregrine Falcon

Nankeen Kestrel


#+ Red-legged Crake

Buff-banded Rail

Baillon's Crake

Australian Spotted Crake

Spotless Crake

White-browed Crake

Purple Swamphen

Blacktailed Nativehen

Eurasian Coot

Australian Bustard

Red-backed Button-quail

Little Buttonquail

Redchested Buttonquail

Pin-tailed Snipe

Swinhoe's Snipe

Blacktailed Godwit

Bartailed Godwit

Little Curlew


Eastern Curlew

# Spotted Redshank

Common Redshank

Marsh Sandpiper

Common Greenshank

Wood Sandpiper

Terek Sandpiper

Common Sandpiper

Greytailed Tattler

Ruddy Turnstone

Asian Dowitcher

Great Knot

Red Knot


Little Stint

Rednecked Stint

Longtoed Stint

Pectoral Sandpiper

Sharptailed Sandpiper

Curlew Sandpiper

Broadbilled Sandpiper


Rednecked Phalarope

Painted Snipe

Comb-crested Jacana

Bush Stone-curlew

Beach Stone-curlew

Pied Oystercatcher

Sooty Oystercatcher

Blackwinged Stilt

Banded Stilt

Rednecked Avocet

Pacific Golden Plover

Grey Plover

Little Ringed Plover

Redcapped Plover

Lesser Sand Plover

Greater Sand Plover

Oriental Plover

Blackfronted Dotterel

Redkneed Dotterel

Banded Lapwing

Masked Lapwing

Oriental Pratincole

Australian Pratincole

Pomarine Jaeger

Arctic Jaeger

Kelp Gull

Silver Gull

# Blackheaded Gull

Franklin’s Gull

# Sabine’s Gull

Gullbilled Tern

Caspian Tern

Lesser Crested Tern

Crested Tern

Roseate Tern

Black-naped Tern

Common Tern

Little Tern

Fairy Tern

Bridled Tern

Sooty Tern

Whiskered Tern

Whitewinged Black Tern

# Black Tern

Common Noddy

Black Noddy

* Rock Dove

Common Bronzewing

Flock Bronzewing

Crested Pigeon

& Spinifex Pigeon

Diamond Dove

Peaceful Dove

Barshouldered Dove

Rosecrowned FruitDove

Pied Imperial Pigeon

Redtailed BlackCockatoo


* Long-billed Corella

Little Corella

Sulphurcrested Cockatoo


Rainbow Lorikeet

Varied Lorikeet

Redwinged Parrot

* Princess Parrot

* Western Rosella

* Australian Ringneck

* Red-capped Parrot


Oriental Cuckoo

Pallid Cuckoo

Brush Cuckoo

Blackeared Cuckoo

Horsfield's BronzeCuckoo

Shining BronzeCuckoo

Little BronzeCuckoo

Common Koel

Channelbilled Cuckoo

Pheasant Coucal

Barking Owl

Southern Boobook

+Masked Owl

Barn Owl

Grass Owl

Tawny Frogmouth

Spotted Nightjar

Australian Owletnightjar

# Glossy Swiftlet

White-throated Needletail

Forktailed Swift

# House Swift

Bluewinged Kookaburra

Redbacked Kingfisher

Sacred Kingfisher

Collared Kingfisher

Rainbow Beeeater


#& Blue-winged Pitta

Blacktailed Treecreeper

Variegated Fairywren

Redbacked Fairywren

Red-browed Pardalote

Striated Pardalote


Dusky Gerygone

Mangrove Gerygone

Western Gerygone

Whitethroated Gerygone

Spinycheeked Honeyeater

Little Friarbird

Bluefaced Honeyeater

Yellowthroated Miner

Singing Honeyeater

Whitegaped Honeyeater

Greyheaded Honeyeater

Greyfronted Honeyeater

Yellowtinted Honeyeater

White-plumed Honeyeater

Blackchinned Honeyeater

Whitethroated Honeyeater

Brown Honeyeater

Whitefronted Honeyeater

Barbreasted Honeyeater

Rufousthroated Honeyeater

Banded Honeyeater

Black Honeyeater

Pied Honeyeater

Redheaded Honeyeater

Crimson Chat

Orange Chat

Yellow Chat

Jacky Winter

Lemon-bellied Flycatcher

Red-capped Robin

Hooded Robin

Greycrowned Babbler

Varied Sittella

+Crested Bellbird

Mangrove Golden Whistler

Rufous Whistler

Whitebreasted Whistler

Little Shrikethrush

Grey Shrikethrush

Broadbilled Flycatcher

Leaden Flycatcher

Shining Flycatcher

Restless Flycatcher


Grey Fantail

Mangrove Grey Fantail

Northern Fantail

Willie Wagtail

Spangled Drongo

Blackfaced Cuckooshrike

Whitebellied Cuckooshrike


Ground Cuckoo-shrike

Whitewinged Triller

Olivebacked Oriole

Whitebreasted Woodswallow

Masked Woodswallow

White-browed Woodswallow

Blackfaced Woodswallow

Little Woodswallow

Pied Butcherbird

Australian Magpie

Little Crow

Torresian Crow

Great Bowerbird

Singing Bushlark

Richard's Pipit

# Redthroated Pipit

Yellow Wagtail

# Grey Wagtail

# White Wagtail

# Black-backed Wagtail

* Eurasian Tree Sparrow

Zebra Finch

Doublebarred Finch

Longtailed Finch

+Masked Finch

* Crimson Finch

Star Finch

Painted Finch

Chestnutbreasted Mannikin

Pictorella Mannikin

* Gouldian Finch


White-backed Swallow

Barn Swallow

Welcome Swallow

# Redrumped Swallow

Tree Martin

Fairy Martin

Clamorous ReedWarbler

# Oriental ReedWarbler

# Arctic Warbler

Tawny Grassbird

Little Grassbird

Rufous Songlark

Brown Songlark

Goldenheaded Cisticola

Yellow Whiteeye

# Blue and White Flycatcher

* Common Starling

Species in italics have been reported less than 6 times per year.

# This is one of very few Australian records for the species.

* These species are aviary escapees or have been ship assisted.

+ These species are from historical records (pre BBO).

& These species have only been found dead.