Homework Ticket
You decide your future! Choose goals now to lead you to success!
Name: ______Date Due: ______
Homework Ticket Goal:
Circle subject area:
Math Language Arts Science Social Studies
Teacher Initials: ______
Describe what you DID:
Describe what you LEARNED:
Student’s Signature
Parent’s Signature
Homework Ticket Activity Suggestions
Language Arts / Math / Science / Social StudiesTeacher Internet links
Reading with parent
Spelling/vocabulary word flash cards
Read poetry
Research an author online or at library
Read to a sibling
Read to an impaired individual
Write a ½ page summary of a current event
Write a letter to the editor, friend, or family member. Must use good format, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. Tell them what you are learning in class!
Read a short story or magazine article and write down the “main idea”
Read the newspaper
Describe an activity you took part in with nothing but adjectives!
Write a story or a poem about a hero of yours / Teacher internet links
Math facts flash cards
Practice decimals/estimate/or multiplication by shopping with mom at the grocery store and matching estimate with clerk’s total
Teach a new math concept to a sibling or friend
Play a math game with a family member
Estimate situations; e.g., how long a car trip will take, or how many steps you will take between two stations, etc. then record the final results
Measure your room, your furniture, etc., and compare with other objects. Make a chart to show which was greatest
Make a pie chart or graph to show your favorite food, activity, etc.
Create a math poster for your room (e.g., hundreds chart, graph, one you’ve seen in a classroom, etc.
Ask an adult how they use math in their occupation / Teacher internet links
Research current science topic online or at library
Conduct a science experiment from the classroom, internet, or one of your own
Interview an expert on science unit topic
Watch a documentary relating to a current science unit
Read the nutrition labels on boxes or cans of food you eat. Record the calories, fat, and vitamins in each serving. Reflect on your choice of food and its effects / Teacher internet links
Read a book fromUS history (non-fiction or historical fiction)
Research an individual from US history
Speak with an older person about their experiences as an American
Speak with an immigrant and learn why and how they came to the US
Watch a documentary about US History
Talk to an elected official
Interview a veteran about their experiences
Research information about our current history topic online or at the library
Visit a memorial of any kind that commemorates an historical event (memorial hill, the cemetery, City Hall, or other monuments farther away and report