Santiago Canyon College
College Planning and Allocation Council
May 10, 2005, 2:00 p.m. E-107
Approved 5/24/05
Administrators: Faculty: Classified:
Ruth Babeshoff Rick Adams Vacant
Mary Halvorson Morrie Barembaum Vacant
Steve Kawa Linda Cucovatz (alt) Diane Durdella
Jose Vargas Rosi Enriquez (absent) Sheryl Martin
Juan Vázquez Alex Taber Terry Wilksen
Connie Wilson
Student: Laura Wirtz (absent) Communication:
Cristina Montero AnnMarie Deasy
Guests: John Smith and Lynnette Beers
1. Curriculum and Instruction Council: Mary Halvorson
- Council is finished for this academic year and will begin again in September.
- A new Chair will be serving in September.
2. Accreditation/Academic Affairs: Mary Halvorson
- The August flex week schedule was distributed.
- Margaret Manson will be making a presentation to faculty on what to expect during the accreditation site visitation. Steve Kawa was invited to join Margaret.
- Contact Melody if you would like a copy of the Accreditation Report draft.
- A meeting of the OUSD Articulation Council is scheduled for this Thursday, May 12.
3. Academic Senate: John Smith
- The timeline for the faculty hiring list development is under discussion. Trying to include administrator input in the process. Academic Senate would like administrator input prior to the lists being finalized.
- Process is being developed for honoring retirees (i.e. tree, perpetual plaque).
4. Educational Master Plan: Alex Taber
No report at this time.
5. Approval of Minutes, 4/26/05
6A: Orange View KMEX News, Channel 34.
7E: permanently not be closed during road construction.
Motion to approve minutes as corrected (Wilksen/Vargas) passed unanimously.
6. Continuing Education: Jose Vargas
- “Orange View” will be taping a segment on May 20th with Jose Vargas, Ethel Jordan and Connie Wilson for future airing.
- Jose met with Nora Jacobs, Orange Public Library, and worked out the details for providing computers for community member use while the main library is closed for remodeling. Room 130 should be open to the public by June 30, 2005. If the library grant is approved, this room will be used for that purpose also.
- During a meeting of the OEC leadership (including faculty), the group continued to support separate commencement ceremonies for OEC and CEC.
- Continuing Education Commencement is scheduled for Thursday, June 9, 7:00 p.m.
7. Budget: Steve Kawa
- Not all substantiation for the requests above $5,000 has been received by Steve.
- President Vázquez outlined the May revise statistics.
- SCC Open Forum is set for Tuesday, May 17, 2:45 p.m., in E-206. A second forum will be scheduled during flex week in August (Steve will work with Morrie).
- Construction:
· On May 20, contractors will be trenching for conduit data/electric lines from LRC to the A-building.
· The E-building elevator repair is under consideration. The manufacturer is disputing their responsibility for the problems incurred since installation.
· Roof repair is on-going to the T- and E-buildings.
8. Student Services: Ruth Babeshoff
a. Syed Rizvi, director of financial aid, will begin on Monday, May 16.
b. Over 600 students have gone through Early Decision, so far.
c. Reorganizations:
· DSPS – full-time Program Specialist to full-time Student Program Specialist; currently a vacant position under categorical funding. Motion to suspend the rules and present as a second reading (Halvorson/Kawa) passed unanimously. Motion to approve the
reorganization as presented (Wilksen/Vargas) passed with one abstention (Adams).
· DSPS – five part-time Instructional Assistants to six part-time Instructional Assistants to meet demands of credit and non-credit students; categorical funding, 10-month position. First reading.
d. Articulation Officer interviews have been completed.
e. Vice President of Student Services interviews will occur on Monday, May 16.
f. Vice President of Continuing Education interviews will occur on May 25 and 26.
g. SCC missed receiving the SSP Grant by .33.
9. Associated Student Body: Cristina Montero
- President Vázquez congratulated Cristina on an outstanding year leading the ASB.
- ASB elections are occurring today.
- Cristina presented the ASB 2005-2006 budget. The Council requested Danielle Ward attend the next meeting to explain the Inter-Club Council budget.
- The ASB Banquet, held at Orange Hill, was a great success.
- Cristina thanked the Council for their guidance and assistance throughout the year.
10. Classified Advisory: Terry Wilksen
- The Hawks met last week and recommended the following:
· Capital campaign for gymnasium prior to fine and performing arts building. A survey will be sent out to confirm with all SCC classified employees.
· Name for E-107: Hawks Foundation Conference Room or Hawks Landing.
· Calendar: Winter break should occur the week of December 25-31.
- Debby Coleman is stepping down as Hawks leader, and Diane Durdella has graciously accepted the responsibility.
- Classified awards will be presented at tomorrow’s ceremony.
11. Communications: AnnMarie Deasy
- Funding has been approved to re-do the college brochure. The project should be complete in the next month.
- Money for advertising has been allocated.
- Time Warner TV will be coming on campus for local airing of the commencement ceremony+.
- The Library Grand Opening is in the initial stages of planning.
12. President: Juan Vázquez
- Linda Cucovatz reported that community members are involved in the newly formed Friends of the Library.
- Linda also reported that the Library has received 600-700 compact discs, representing a wide variety of music.
- The Recognition Ceremony is planned for Wednesday, May 11, 1:00 p.m., in D-121.
- Juan thanked all who participated and supported the Golf Tournament on April 29. The tournament had the largest turnout and netted approximately $21,000.
- Juan encouraged participation at the Chancellor’s Ball, October 14, 2005.
- The next Board meeting will be held at SCC, in room E-203. The women’s soccer team, forensics and SCC Foundation will be recognized.
- SCC exceeded their FTES goal of 7717 and reached 7966. SAC has not reached their goal. Next year’s goal will be 2 ½% greater than this year, or 8165.
13. Next Meeting: Tuesday, May 24, 2:00 p.m., in E-107.