Sigma Chi Fraternity /
Risk Management Action Plan /
Epsilon Nu Chapter at Texas Tech /
Up to Date as of Spring 2012 /
Update as Frequently as Necessary to Maintain an Effective Action Plan /
‘Where as it is the belief of the current Executive Board of the Epsilon Nu Chapter of the Sigma Chi International Fraternity at Texas Tech University that to prevent any future incidents of hazing from occurring we have developed and effective immediately implemented this Risk Management Action Plan’ /

It is necessary for all active Brothers in good standing with the Epsilon Nu chapter to be aware of and familiar with the procedures of the Chapters Risk Management Action Plan.

It is the responsibility of the Risk Management Chair to inform the Brothers of the procedures listed below.

It is the responsibility of the Magister to work with the Risk Management Chair to inform the current pledge class of the procedures listed below.

In the event that any active or inactive alumni brother of the Epsilon Nu Chapter begin to perform an act of hazing, which is defined as the following:

“Any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off fraternity premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Such activities may include but are not limited to the following: use of alcohol; paddling in any form; creation of excessive fatigue; physical and psychological shocks; quests, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, road trips or any other such activities carried on outside or inside of the confines of the chapter house; wearing of public apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; engaging in public stunts and buffoonery; morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; and any other activities which are not consistent with fraternal law, ritual or policy or the regulations and policies of the educational institution."

-Definition from:

The highest ranking member of the Executive team, any Brother in good standing or any alumnus memberwill immediately implement the following procedures:

  1. Attempt to Stop the Actions in question
  2. Contact the Chapter Consul
  3. It is the Consuls responsibility to contact the Chapter Advisor of the situation
  4. Contact the Chapter Advisor
  5. If the Consul cannot be reached it is only then necessary to contact the Chapter Advisor. Otherwise it is the Consuls responsibility.

In the event that neither the Chapter Consul nor Advisor can be reached then the following procedures should be followed:

  1. Same as procedure 1 above: attempt to stop the actions in question
  2. Contact the Chapter Pro-Consul
  3. Contact the Chapter Magister
  4. Contact the Alumni Member at Large

If the hazing or actions being performed upon the pledge , pledges, or pledge class are of an extreme nature and physical harm is an issue than the highest ranking Executive Team member or any brother in good standing or alumnus brother should immediately contact the Lubbock Police Department.

The Brothers of the Epsilon Nu Chapter have a responsibility to ensure that any undergraduate alumnus who has been expelled from Sigma Chi, expelled from the Epsilon Nu Chapter, or has been or currently has a Form 51 pending should be removed from the event or Chapter House. The presence of any undergraduate alumni at the Epsilon Nu Chapter House is considered by the Epsilon Nu Chapter, Sigma Chi International Fraternity and the Lubbock Sigma Chi Alumni Chapter to be an act of Criminal Trespass. The following procedures should be implemented in the event that undergraduate alumni are present during an official Sigma Chi function or at the Chapter House:

  1. Contact the Lubbock Police Department
  2. After calling the police then call the Consul
  3. The Consul should then contact the Chapter Advisor or Alumni Member at Large
  4. Contact Jason Biggs or the acting University Greek Advisor

Epsilon Nu Chapter Contact Information
Contact / Name / Phone Number
Consul / Kenny Francis / (214) 244-4785
Chapter Advisor / Chad Yost / (979) 224-1109
Housing Corporation President / Pat Simeck / (806) 789-6205
Alumni Member at Large #1 / Mike Massingale / (806) 392-0249
Alumni Member at Large #2 / Bill Willey / (806) 773-3321
Risk Management Chair
Pro-Consul / Tyler Lear / (469) 835-4402
Magister / Andrew Arnot / (817) 235-4454
Grand Praetor / Steve Kotz / (505) 224-1464
Sigma Chi Headquarters / Mike Dunn / (708) 610-1800
TTU Greek Life / Jason Biggs / (806) 742-5433
Lubbock Police Department / 911

*List must be updated after every election cycle or change in Chapter Advisors

Social Event Management Procedure

Mission: In light of the many tragic events that face our fraternity as well as many other Greek organizations, Epsilon Nu has developed a new risk management policy to better ensure the safety of our brothers and/or guests at social events. All existing risk management policies set by Texas Tech University as well as Sigma Chi International will still be observed.

  • Brothers must get names of invited guests to the Social Chairman by the time set by him. Any late names will not be accepted (with exceptions explained below).
  • There will be a “No List, No Entry” policy, meaning that guests who are not on the above mentioned invite list will not be allowed entry to our social events.
  • The invite list will be sorted alphabetically, and will include the name of the brother who invited them.
  • Under the discretion of the Social Chairman, a brother may request that a GOOD personal friend be allowed entry to a social event.
  • Party monitors at the door will check IDs of all guests before allowing entry; guests who are under the age of 18 years of age or who appear to have a fake ID will not be allowed entry.
  • Party monitors at the door will mark the invite list with their initials next to the name of the guest whom they allowed entry.
  • Party monitors will mark both guests who are of the legal drinking age and those who are not; for those who are underage, the mark shall be in such a manner that it may not be altered to appear the same as the mark for guests who are of legal drinking age.
  • All social events will be in accordance with the BYOB policy.
  • All guests present at a social event will observe the BYOB policy.
  • Any beverage may be allowed into the event (beer & liquor), but beverages brought in glass must be kept behind the bar and will be served in a cup when requested.
  • There will be at least 5 sober party monitors (sober sigs) at all times, 1 the front door, 1 at the outside door, 1 party monitor and 2 sober drivers. Sober drivers will act as party monitors while inside the event.
  • Off-Duty Police Officers will be hired to monitor events where alcohol is present in the lodge.
  • The party monitors at the door will allow guests into the social event according to the above invite list.
  • One of the two (or more) party monitors will act as a “roamer”, interacting with the guests and more finely monitoring the consumption of alcohol.
  • The other monitor(s) will maintain the bar, cutting guests off as their beverages are consumed or when signs of intoxication of apparent (signs include dropping things, slurring words, not having the ability to stand up, getting sick).
  • If guests show any of these signs, they will be escorted upstairs to rest and sober up; when ready, they will be escorted to their room by a sober brother or party monitor and made sure the guest will be ok for the rest of the night.
  • If a guest or brother vomits, they will be immediately cut off from drinking and brought upstairs. A party monitor or other sober brother will then stay with the said person and make sure they do not fall asleep and provide nonalcoholic beverages (i.e. water) as needed. If the said person continues to vomit for an excess of 10 minutes, then emergency services will be used.
  • Brothers who invite guests are personally responsible for them; they must be responsible as to be able to watch over their guests.
  • Party monitors will also watch brothers to see if they are keeping track of the guests they have invited. If not, brothers will only be able to invite half the number of people to the next social event.
  • The music for a social event will be preset before each event so that party monitors may focus their attention on the guests and the brothers present.
  • All beverages will be kept behind the bar.
  • There will be no kegs at social events in the lodge.
  • There will be no hard liquor allowed at social events inside the lodge.
  • There will be NO funnel at any social events.
  • There will be NO beverages allowed outside the house.
  • There will be no games played which will accelerate the drinking process.
  • Party monitors may begin to cut people off if they see people becoming overly intoxicated.
  • Party monitors must remain sober for the duration of their shift.
  • No one other than the party monitors will be allowed out in front of the house.
  • There will be no beverages allowed outside of the back yard.
  • Back yard gate is locked, with no one allowed in or out through that gate.
  • Cars can be parked in the Sigma Chi parking lot on a first come first serve basis.
  • Cars cannot be parked on the sidewalk.
  • There must be at least 2 vehicles available for sober sigs to drive people home from social events.

Crisis Management Procedures

  • If all the risk management procedures fail and an incident does occur, the Crisis Management Procedures should be used to handle the emergency situation. These procedures apply for any emergency situation.
  • The President will be in command of every emergency situation.|
  • In the absence of the President, the next ranked officer will be in charge of the situation. The order is as follows:
  • Consul
  • Pro Consul
  • Magister
  • Annotator
  • Quaestor
  • Tribune
  • Recruitment
  • Scholarship
  • Chapter Editor
  • Historian
  • Social
    In the event of a crisis, the following procedures should be followed:
  • Close the chapter lodge immediately. Only allow chapter members and officials to enter the house. One or two responsible brothers will be assigned to guard the door.
  • Dial 911 and calmly explain the situation so that the proper emergency personnel (police, fire, ambulance) can respond.
  • Next, contact the University.
  • During normal business hours, contact the Center for Campus Life and notify the person who answers the phone that it is an emergency
  • If the University offices are not open, proceed to call the following people until you reach someone.
  • Jason Biggs , Assistant Director of Greek Life
    806-742-5433(leave message)
  • Elizabeth Massengale, Director of Parent and Family Relations
    806-742-3630(leave message)
  • Next, call your Chapter Advisor
  • Chad Yost–979-224-1109
  • Notify Sigma Chi International
  • Sigma Chi International Headquarters – Mike Dunn- (708) 610-1800
  • The brother in charge of the situation will then assemble the rest of the brothers into a group.
  • Explain that there is an emergency situation and that the chapter house is closed.
  • No one is to speak to anyone outside the chapter. The Consul will be the official spokesperson for the chapter.
  • Do not discuss details, speculate on events, or otherwise elaborate on the situation until police, university officials, and your chapter advisor have arrived.
  • It is important that every brother remains calm and realizes the situation is under control.
  • If a brother who is not present needs to be notified of the situation, the Consul may delegate this task to a responsible brother.
  • If the news media should contact the chapter, only the Consul or the chapter advisor should speak for the chapter. Do not release any names or details of the situation.
  • Do not notify the parents. Proper officials handling the situation will notify the family. After the family has been notified by the proper officials, it is appropriate for a chapter representative to call and share their concerns.
  • In the event of a death, do not remove any personal belongings from the room. Do not let any members in the room. Keep the door locked if possible. Ask the family what they would like with regards to the member’s possessions. Offer to help in any way (moving, packing…). Before their arrival, make sure any borrowed materials are returned. When the family arrives, have packing materials available (boxes, tape…) and offer to help.
  • Coordinate brother attendance at the funeral or memorial service. Discuss with the family the possibility of conducting a Ritual memorial service.
  • In the case of serious injury or illness, find out the visitation wishes of the family and coordinate this with the brothers.
  • If brothers are involved in any type of altercation that requires a hospital visit, call Jason Biggs, 806-742-5433 and let him know about the situation.
    In the event that a brother or guest becomes over intoxicated and passes out, follows these important steps:
  • If you cannot wake the person, seek medical help immediately. They may be injured or may have a medical problem you are not aware of.
  • Stand by his/her side and raise the closest arm above the head
  • Gently roll him/her towards you moving the body and head as one unit
  • Tilt the head back slightly to maintain the airway. Tuck the nearest hand under the neck to stabilize the head. DO NOT LEAVE THEM ALONE!
  • In any emergency use tact and caution in your statements to members, the press, and others. Where possible, litigation may follow, so be cautious about jumping to conclusions or speculation. No one speaks to the media except the Consul.
  • University staff is always available for counseling and general assistance. Do not hesitate to call for help. Individual counseling is strongly recommended following any crisis situation.
  • Campus Counseling: 806-742-3674
  • University Medical Center: 806-775-8200