SME Action Plan
Department: Ministry of Justice
Agreed Actions / Target Implementation Date / Task / Outcome / Success Factor1. By 1st June, MoJ will publish details of its known pipeline business for the next 12 months. This will be for all categories and for planned projects over £10,000. Details will include, start dates and descriptions of planned projects and contract renewals and estimated values. All details will be refreshed on a quarterly basis to ensure SMEs have a rolling 12 month view of the department’s planned contract activity. / 1st June 2011 / Create a specific area on the MoJ Procurement website for SMEs that will show pipeline activity, how to do business with the MoJ and highlight success stories or case studies to encourage SMEs to apply for MoJ business. / A clear indication of :
· forthcoming projects
· how SMEs can do business with MoJ
· the PQQ details that will be required
Success stories or case studies highlighting the value SMEs play in delivering the services required by the MoJ. / An increase in the number of SMEs applying for and being awarded MoJ contracts.
2. By 1st July, MoJ will identify five key suppliers to agree methods of increasing the level of SME participation in the Supply Chain. This will include; advertising available sub-contracting opportunities on Contracts Finder, including details about the key suppliers on the dept’s website (including contact details) and by holding events for SMEs (in conjunction with Dept for Work and Pensions) that aim to provide additional information and advice on how to become a supply chain partner. / 1st July 2011 / Identify key suppliers and arrange meetings with the suppliers representatives to encourage the supplier to advertise sub contracting opportunities through Contracts Finder.
Publicise details of the suppliers and subcontracting opportunities on the MoJ website. / More opportunities for SMEs to participate in MoJ supply chains. / MoJ percentage of business by value given to SMEs increases.
An increase in the number of SMEs within Supply Chain should be evident by December 2011 and an increase in the level of MoJ’s indirect spend with SMEs should be evident in subsequent financial years.
3. A series of Meet the Buyer Events will be held each year. The events will be category based and targeted to maximise SME involvement in specific projects. Where required, the MoJ will also support the SME Crown Commercial Representative in the delivery of Product Surgeries. / 1st November 2011 / Hold category specific meet the buyer sessions at the start of two large projects where SMEs could have a role either as a prime or sub contractor. Procurement of Food and taxi services will be the first two events held. / To provide SMEs with specific details about two forthcoming projects. This will include details of how they should bid and any limitations or minimum requirements. / Number of SMEs submitting bids and winning business in the categories concerned.
4. All category/sourcing strategies to include a section on the role of SMEs in delivering the requirements of the category. / 1st July 2011 / Category/sourcing strategies will demonstrate that consideration has been given to the role of SMEs in the category and how this should be incorporated in the procurement exercise to maximise participation. / To ensure that the role of SMEs is not overlooked. / An increase in the number of tenders that encourage SME participation.
5. MoJ will provide a mentoring and advice service to departments that are breaking contracts into smaller lots for the first time. This will take the form of support by telephone, email correspondence and, if necessary, face to face meetings. / Effective Immediately / Act as a sounding board and provide advice as required to departments as they embark on breaking contracts into smaller lots for the first time. / Departments are better able to structure tendering exercises to enable more opportunities for SMEs. / Participating departments demonstrate an increase in tendering activity for SMEs.