------CEN 5035 - Software Engineering ------

Quiz 2 -- Spring 2007 –- Solution Notes

  1. a. Potentially changeable design decisions are isolated (i.e.,

“hidden”)to minimize the impact of change.

b. An aspect is an abstraction which encapsulates the code associated

with a cross-cutting (i.e., distributed across a number of program

components) concern or requirements.Thus, aspects can be used to

isolate potentially changeable “cross-cutting concerns” (design

decisions that cut across program components) in order to minimize

the impact of change.

2. He agrees that “heavyweight” design is unnecessary for small and

medium-sized business systems, but that for large, especially critical

systems, design activity is useful in ensuring that teams working on

different parts of a system are properly coordinated.

3. Legacy systems may be “wrapped” by defining a set of interfaces and

providing access to the systems through these interfaces.

4. The results and trade-offs (i.e., pros and cons) of applying the


  1. a. It models the sequence interactions when the external mapping

system requests data fromaweather station.

b. Vertically; time progresses down the dashed vertical lines.

c. Interactions between objects. (They are messages or events – not


  1. The time when the corresponding object is the controlling object in the system.

6. For long-lifetime systems, the focus should be on maintainability. You

will have to adapt the system to new requirements, which will probably

mean making changes to components and how they are used. Thus, it is

probably wise to avoid using components and systems from external

suppliers if you do not have access to the source code.

7. Verification concerns whether or not a system conforms to its

specification (“Are we building the product right?”). Validation

concerns whether or not the system does what the user really

needs/wants (“Are we building the right product?”).

8. a. all

b. prototype, program

c. Static V&V techniques (e.g., inspections) are applicable to ALL

software entities, including non-executable (i.e., program)

entities. Dynamic V&V techniques (testing) only apply to

executable software entities.

9. During machine-based testing, errors can mask (hide) other errors. In

inspections, however, such interactions are not normally an issue.

Thus, a single inspection session can discover many errors in a


10. Management must not use inspections results for (owner) staff

appraisals (since this would probably result in an unwillingness to

report defects during inspections due to the negative impact this

could have on the owner).

11. People naturally tend to avoid exposing work they are not confident

about to others for close scrutiny. Thus, a reader may be inclined to

gloss over parts of his/her work that are more likely to contain


12. The specification may not reflect the real requirements;The proof may

contain errors; andAn incorrect usage pattern may be assumed.

13. Defects are avoided through the use of formal specification and

(function theoretic) verification. Only statistical testing is

employed to measure reliability. (There is no defect testing.)

14. If the input (initial state) satisfies pre-condition P and (if)

program S executes and terminates, then the output (final state) will

satisfy post-condition Q.

15. a. false

b. true (vacuously)

c. true

d. false

e. true

f. false

g. false

16. Using the if-then Rule of Inference:

{P b } S {Q}, (P b)  Q


{P} if b then S {Q}

(1) {P & b} S {Q}:

{Z=B A>B} Z := A {Z=A A>B} Z=Max(A,B) 

(2) (P b)  Q:

(Z=B AB) Z=Max(A,B) 

17. a. P=>I, {I&b}S{I}, (I&~b)=>Q

b. initialization: (P=>I)

Does (n>=0 & p=1 & k=0) => p = 2k?

1 = 1

preservation: ({I&b} s {I})

{p = 2k & k>n }

p := 2*p

{p = 2k+1 & k>n}

k := k+1

{p = 2k & k-1>n} => I 

finalization: ((I&~b)=>Q)

Does (p = 2k & k=n) => p = 2n ? Clearly 

18. Re-running test cases that previously ran without revealing errors.

The purpose is to ensure that program changes have not introduced

errors in code that ran correctly beforehand.

19. When each element of every equivalence class is handled by the program

in the same manner (i.e., either correctly or incorrectly).

20. Consider the program “if A and B then S” and two test cases that

result in (1) T F and (2) F T being the values of A and B,

respectively. This gives condition coverage (since each condition has

been true at least once and false at least once) but not statement

coverage since S, which lies along the true branch, is never executed.

This proves that condition coverage does not imply (subsume) statement


21. a. X>Y & Y<0 & X-1≤Y+1 & Y+1≥0

b. X=0, Y=-1

22. An incremental integration strategy can significantly reduce error

localization and correction time since problems encountered are

usually associated with the interface between the most recently added

element(s) and the remainder of the system.

23.An indication of how a system is expected to be used in some


24. As an evolving program changes, its structure tends to become more

complex. Extra resources must be devoted to preserving and

simplifying the structure.

25. Maintenance to repair software faults; Maintenance to adapt software

to a different operating environment; Maintenance to add to or modify

the system’s functionality.The most common is functionality addition

or modification.

26. Measurement: attributes of the current process are measured. (Provides

a baseline for assessing improvements.)

Analysis: bottlenecks and weaknesses are identified;changes aimed at

improving measures are identified.

Change: changes are introduced.

27. a. The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) is a DoD-funded organ-

ization (established in 1984 at CMU) to assess and improve the

capabilities of the US software industry.

b. A Capability Maturity Model” (CMM) is a reference model used to

assess the extent to which an organization’s processes follow best

(i.e., “mature”) practice in a specified discipline.

c. The Capability Maturity Model Integrated (CMMI) framework is

comprised of an integrated set of CMMs currently spanning the

disciplines (“bodies of knowledge”) of Systems Engineering (SE),

Software Engineering (SW), Integrated Product and Process

Development (IPPD), and Supplier Sourcing (SS). Each model has

both a continuous and a staged representation (instantiation).

d. The continuous representation enables comparisons across and among

organizations ona process-area-by-process-area basis; the staged

representation provides a single maturity rating that summarizes

appraisalresults over all process areas.