‘More than just the Disease’
Helpful Vocabulary
You may find it useful to learn some of the suggested vocabulary below to include in your essay. This can help to demonstrate a greater degree of language skill to the marker and help to improve your grade.Adolescence – Neil, like other young boys, struggles with adolescence and the difficulties of growing up.
Ambivalent – The ending of the story can be seen as ambivalent.
Antithesis – Mrs Wan is the antithesis of Neil’s mother.
Anxious – Neil is particularly anxious about his psoriasis and is unable to relax on holiday.
Catalyst – Mrs Wan is a catalyst for change; she brings about the turning point of the story.
Chronic – Neil suffers from a chronic skin condition.
Climax – At the climax of the story we see Neil listening to Mrs Wan’s advice and begin to accept himself for who he is.
Deteriorate – Neil and Michael’s friendship begins to deteriorate.
Eccentric – Mrs Wan is an eccentric woman who doesn’t care what others think of her.
Epiphany – Mrs Wan leads Neil to an epiphany, realising that his psoriasis is not as terrible as he thought.
Influence – Neil’s mother has a great deal of influence over him.
Innocence – Neil’s innocence is clearly shown when he uses the excuse that he has his “period”.
Insecure – Neil feels insecure about his psoriasis and isn’t confident in around others.
Naivety – Neil is naive character who comes across as very innocent.
Narrative – The voice of Neil’s mother interrupts the narrative.
Over-bearing – Neil’s mother can be described as over-bearing.
Over-protective – She is over-protective of Neil and stifles him.
Paranoia – Neil’s paranoia with regards to his psoriasis means he doesn’t get involved in activities.
Patronising – Neil’s mother comes across s patronising through the comments that she makes about others.
Peers – Neil doesn’t fit in with his peers and is picked on by them and bullied.
Prejudice – Mrs Wan is not prejudice; she accepts Neil and is not worried by his “disease”.
Psoriasis – Neil suffers from the skin condition, psoriasis.
Psychological – Neil’s problems are both physical and psychological.
Realisation – Mrs Wan brings about the realisation in Neil that his psoriasis is not something to be ashamed of.
Self-consciousness – Neil suffers from self-consciousness surrounding his “disease”.
Self-effacing – Neil is a shy, self-effacing young boy.
Socialawkwardness – Neil is socially awkward and doesn’t fit in at school or even on holiday with the Middletons.
Stifled – Neil is stifled by his mother.
Symbolic – The lace ball is symbolic of Neil himself.
Unconventional – Mrs Wan is unconventional and unique from the other characters in the story.