6th Annual Maryland Patient Safety Conference

March 19, 2010 – Baltimore Convention Center

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work …Hope, Trust, Partnership

Call for Solutions

The Maryland Patient Safety Center (MPSC) announces its annual Call for Solutions to be included in the MPSC Directory of Solutions. Solutions are due January 25, 2010, and will be published and distributed at the March 19, 2010, Maryland Patient Safety Conference. Solutions are requested from hospitals, long-term care organizations, home health agencies, and other related healthcare organizations in the mid-Atlantic area. Solutions are not restricted to Maryland organizations.

Healthcare providers around the region are engaged in numerous activities that continually improve quality and patient safety. Each year, the Maryland Patient Safety Center collects and publishes information about quality and patient safety initiatives taking place in Maryland and across the region. The 2010 MPSC Directory of Solutions, a compilation of these innovative projects, will be distributed at the6th Annual MPSC Patient Safety Conference on March 19.

Contribute your successes to the MPSC Directory of Solutions. Tell us about your organization’s activities or projects that are improving patient safety. Describe the activity on the attached Submission Form. Be sure to provide the following within your submission:

  • Program or project description
  • Process put in place
  • Solution identified
  • Outcomes/measurement
  • Related tools and resources

Patient Safety Solutions must be related to patient safety, and can address clinical, operational, and/or performance improvements in your organization. While all topics are welcome, the Selection Committee requests specific focus in the areas of patient safety culture improvement, patient and family engagement in patient safety, and teamwork and communication initiatives.

All submissions will be included in the Directory of Solutions. A Selection Committee will choose several Solutions for presentation at the March 2010 Conference. In addition, you will have the opportunity to display your project as a storyboard exhibit, or as a table exhibit, and on MPSC’s Members-Only website. We encourage you to participate and share your work!

Please submit your Solution using the attached form.

Submissions are due no later than Monday, January 25, 2010.

Call For Solutions

Submission Form

(Deadline – January 25, 2010)

Please Type Your Response Here

Solution Title:

Please place an “X” next to the type(s) of provider this Solution was developed for:

(You may select more than one)

Acute care hospital  Specialty hospital  Long-term care 

Other (Please Specify):

Organization Name:
Contact Person: / Title:
E-Mail: / Phone:

_____ Please consider this solution for a Best Practices concurrent presentation. The learning objective for this solution is (use explanatory words such as Describe, Discuss, Explain, Identify, Demonstrate, etc.):

_____ We are interested in a table exhibit in the Ballroom Foyer; _____ we will need electricity at

$125/connection (power strips/extension cords not provided)

_____ We will display a storyboard in the Ballroom Foyer and participate in the lunch time

presentations (storyboards will be displayed on a table and must be self-standing)

The Maryland Patient Safety Center has permission to publish this Solution, and to post this Solution on the Center’s website ( in the members’ only section.

____ Yes____ No

To be included in the Conference Directory of Patient Safety Solutions, please provide the information requested on following pages (related tools and resources may be included as attachments)

Submissions are due no later than Monday, January 25, 2010.


What was the problem to be solved? How was the problem identified? What baseline data existed?

Please type/paste your response here


What methodology or process was used to develop a solution?

Please type/paste your response here


What solution was developed? How was this solution implemented? What are the results of this implementation? What measures are being taken to assure the results are sustained over time?

Please type/paste your response here


Providequalitative and/or quantitative results to date. (Graphs, charts, or tools used can be included as an attachment)

Please type/paste your response here

Return this completed form via email to:

Lisa Butler(). If you have questions, please call 410.379.6200 x3460.