Steering Committee Meeting Minutes,October 26, 2012


Shelley DuTeaux, ARB – Co-Chair
John Kennedy, US EPA – Co-Chair
Charles Pearson, ARB
Karen Riveles, OEHHA
Dr. Charles Mosher, Mariposa County (phone)
Stephen Wall, CDPH (phone) / Dean Peterson, CCDEH (phone)
Trevor Anderson, Cal EMA (phone)
Heather Williams, CCE
Mollie Mayer, CCE
Julia Freeman, CCE
Lori Kobza, Sac Metro AQMD

Introductions and Welcome

  • Mollie Mayer and JuliaFreeman from CCE were introduced to the group and hosted the meeting. Julia will be assisting Heather Williams with 2013 Summit planning.

Steering Committee Business

  • Dr. Mosher reported he has not yet found his replacement with Mariposa County; He will be staying on at the CCLHO representative for CARPA in the near term.
  • It was announced that Betsey Lyman, Deputy Director Public Health Emergency Preparedness, CDPH, is retiring.
  • The SC discussed the Co Chairs’ concern regarding leadership of the Data to Message subcommittee. John and Shelley will conduct personal follow up with the current subcommittee Co Chairs and will conduct additional outreach/recruitment with other agencies if either of the Co Chairs is not able to continue in this role.

Review of Recent Emergency Events

  • Chevron Refinery Fire. BAAQMD is developing a plan to improve its emergency response capabilities and presented a draft response to its Board on October 17, 2012. BAAQMD is planning to work with a contractor and an expert panel to develop an emergency response plan for refineries and may hold a workshop once the plan is developed.
  • The Governor’s Office and the Attorney General have initiated a state-levelenforcement effort focused on Chevron. Partners include CalOSHA, CalEMA, CalEPA, and CDPH. As part of the effort, ARB has been tasked to develop guidance for community based emergency air monitoring plan around refinery facilities.
  • The refinery firecase study may work well for a panel discussion or table top exercise for the 2013 Summit.
  • Steve reported on CDPH’s involvement in analyzing contaminated money from the Modesto Chase Bank.

Upcoming Trainings

  • The Hazardous Materials & Oil Emergency Function (EF-10) workshop is scheduledfor October 30 at Cal EMA.

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  • EPA Region 9 is conducting ICS 300-400 on December 3-6 in SF (Note: this training was cancelled due to low number of registrations). EPA plans to offer ICS 300-400 for state agencies in 2013.
  • Steve Wall discussed the roll out of CDPH’s webinar-based training on hospital emergency preparedness.

Subcommittee Report-outs

Data – Charles and John

  • The Data Subcommittee met via conference call on October 31. Topics included ongoing discussion on lessons learned from the summer 2012 wildfires and the need to improve deployment coordination and data sharing, CARB OER training on their new Lifeline air monitoring equipment, and developing an EBAM equipment survey for air districts.

Data to Message –(Co-chairs not available)

  • Shelley and Jason Low are working on organizing a webinar where he can present the Salton Sea H2S findings. Scheduling will depend on Jason’s upcoming trip to China.
  • Karen Riveles reported that Bart Ostro (OEHHA) is willing to present a webinar on his sabbatical research on the Icelandic volcano. Karen was encouraged to work with the D-M Co-Chairs to set up a day and time.

Message to Audience – Lori

  • The Subcommittee met Wednesday, October 24th. They discussed the combined heat & air quality draft guidance, two new federal risk communication documents, a status report on the CARPA incident-specific factsheets, and an update on the 2013 CARPA Summit.
  • The incident specific fact sheets are still being edited. Lori said outreach on the fact sheets at the local level will be needed.
  • ARB is waiting for management review before moving the heat and air quality guidance document to the next step in development through CARPA. The background and research articles used to develop the guidance are now posted on the CARPA webpage.
  • Next subcommittee meeting will be in early 2013.

2013 Summit Planning

  • The group discussed how we were able to use student assistance with the previous Summits. With the elimination of student positions at the state, we may need to explore other options including non-paid student volunteers or possibly the CDC Public Health Associate Program. This effort would have to be made by each CARPA member agency individually. Shelley and John encourage agencies to consider how they can provide in-kind (staff) support to the 2013 Summit.
  • SC members voted for their preferred Summit location and dates. The Alumni Center was the winner with 64% of the vote. Heather, Mollie, and Julia from CCE discussed the layout and room options for the CSUS Alumni Center as the 2012 Summit venue.
  • Also discussed were sponsorship options; food options, including hosting a BBQ on the first evening; request for new photos for the sponsorship packet and save the date post cards; and other related topics.
  • Based on the SC preferences and availability of the Alumni Center, October 1-2, 2013 was selected as the date for 2013 Summit.
  • The Steering Committee then toured the Alumni Center as well as Napa and Modoc Halls.
  • Planning documents will now be posted on the 2013 Summit Planning Portal (password: calair).

Action Items:

  • Shelley and John will contact the current Co Chairs of the D-M subcommittee to determine their desired level of involvement.
  • Charles will send out an EBAM equipment survey to air districts.
  • Heather and Julia will create draft sponsorship packets and save the date post cards based on the theme and photos submitted by SC members. The theme will help guide the design of the Summit website. The final draft Save-the-Date card will be available for approval at the next meeting.

Next Steering Committee Meeting

Friday, December 7, 9:30am – 12 noonat the CDPH Richmond Lab.

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