Chp. 7: Bryce
“Get a Grip, Man”
1)Describe how Juli was acting toward Bryce. What was Bryce
reminded of when Juli acted this way?
2)WHAT was Juli embarrassed into doing? HOW did Bryce feel
about this?
3)HOW did Bryce plan on making up to Juli? WHO beat him to
it? WHY did this bother Bryce so much?
4)WHAT made Bryce nervous at the dinner table? WHAT
‘miracle’ occurred at the table?
5)Summarize Granddad Duncan’s chat with Bryce. What words of
wisdom did he share with Bryce?
6)What made Saturday so difficult for Bryce?
7)How did Juli respond to Bryce’s apology?
8)WHAT may be the reason for Bryce’s grandfather to spend
so much time with Juli? WHY did Bryce have trouble
understanding this?
9)What caused Bryce to be in such a good mood?
10)Summarize what Bryce’s dad has to say about Juli’s family
and his grandfather’s explanation about the way her family
11)What two things did Bryce discover about his grandfather
when they went for a walk?
Chapter 8: Julianna
-The Yard
1)What were Juli’s feelings about where she lived and her
family’s financial situation?
2)How does Juli describe her dad?
3)Why was Juli so surprised that her family did not own the
home they lived in?
4)Why did Juli react with such anger to Mr. Duncan when he
was helping her?
5)What was the motivation that inspired Mr. Duncan to help
Juli in the first place?
6)What caused a “tornado” inside of Juli? .
7)How did Chet try to warn Julie about Bryce?
8)WHY did Chet ask Juli if she was moving? WHAT information
did Juli reveal to him in response?
9)What made Juli’s heart flutter “like a baby bird trying
to fly”?
10)What stopped Juli from spraying Bryce with a hose?
11) Describe the emotions Juli felt after Bryce spoke to her.