Mrs. Replogle
Course Overview:
U.S. Government CP is an intensive study of the formal and informal structures of government and the processes of the American political system, with an emphasis on policy-making and implementation.
McClenaghan, W. A. (2006). Magruder’s American Government. Needham:
Prentice Hall.
Grades will be calculated on a total point basis including but not limited to the following:
Unit Tests 50-100 points each
Projects75-100 points each
Quizzes, papers, assignments10-50 points each
Attendance and participation are crucial and will be reflected in the grade.
Projects and Assignments:
Throughout the semester projects and assignments are required that will substantially affect grades. Each assignment will reinforce topics covered in class. Projects are assigned in order to evaluate the extent to which you can apply your knowledge.
Course Requirements:
1. All homework and assignments must be handed in on the day
they are due. For each day late- one letter grade reduction.
2. Everyone must keep a notebook of some kind for notes. Notes
may be collected for points.
3. Quizzes and Tests will be given periodically.
4. Class Participation- all students will receive participation points
for group work.
5. School Board and / or Township Reports: each student must
attend either a school board or a township meeting during the
semester. School board meetings are held once a month on the
third Tuesday and township meetings are held twice a month on
the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Village meetings
are also an option.
Attendance and Make-up Work:
Attendance is very important, especially in block scheduling. Since we cover more material in one day, a student can get behind very fast. Therefore, I have decided to reward any student with perfect attendance each quarter with 10 bonus points.
If a student is absent it is their responsibility to ask for what they missed. The student will be required to make up all missed assignments, that is if the student has an excused absence. The number of days missed will determine the time given to complete make up assignments. The only exception is on long term projects- the student is responsible to get the assignments turned in on the due date. If a student has missed notes he/she will be required to get them from another student or see the teacher.
Class Guidelines and Student Expectations:
1. Be here on time and in your assigned seat when the bell rings. 2. Be prepared for class. Have your text, notebook, pen/ pencil.
3. Swearing will NOT be tolerated.
4. Talk at appropriate times.
5. No food in the classroom.
6. Teacher dismisses the class, NOT the bell!!
** All Madison High School rules are to be followed- see Student Handbook.
Each student is allowed 3 tardies to class each semester. This is a school policy and mine. The fourth, fifth, and sixth tardies to class receive 30 minute after school detentions. Seventh, eight, and ninth tardies receive one hour after school detention. Ten or more tardies result in two hour after school detentions.
Each student is given 3 restroom passes each quarter. For any passes left unused at the end of each quarter bonus points are awarded.
Dear Parent or Guardian:
Please take the time to read over the above requirements for Government CP. The bottom portion is due back to me by Friday, September 2, 2011. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at the high school and I will return your call as soon as possible. Thank you.
Detach and return this portion for extra credit.
2011-2012 Fall Semester, Government CP
Mrs. Replogle
I have read and understand the information and requirements in this course syllabus.
Student SignatureParent Signature
Date: ______Parent’s Email:______