Have an idea for a new society
Find friends and other students who are interested in your idea
Fill out the Society Affiliation Form and submit to the Opportunities Centre
The Opportunities Centre team will look over your application and contact you to discuss how you wish to operate the society and your options for financing your activities
The form is submitted to the Societies Development Committee where the decision on whether to affiliate the society to the SU or not is made
The committee is informed of the decision and the relevant SU staff will be in touch to discuss any arrangements for future plans and committee training
This Code of Conduct aims to establish and maintain standards towards providing a high quality service to all our members. It addresses the fundamental values that are expected from all people involved in the Society and should be adhered at all times. This Code of Conduct sets out the Students’ Union’s expectations of student groups towards their members and provides a framework for addressing ethical issues in a competent and professional manner.
Expectations of your Student Group
As a student group, we agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of the Students’ Union’s policies and procedures and its Constitution. We also agree to abide by the following Code of Conduct:
•We shall be open to ALL members of UCLan Student’s Union to join;
•We shall not subject any of our members to any form of ‘initiation ceremony’ which involves the consumption of alcohol or drugs, nudity, degrading, violent or bullying behaviour.
•We will ensure that all our group’ s activities are accessible to as diverse a range of members as possible, where appropriate, and that consideration shall be given when planning activities to ensure that all our members can be involved;
•We will uphold a Duty of Care regarding the treatment of all our group members throughout all our activities and social events;
•We shall operate legally and according to safe working practices including those of any National Governing Body (where such a body exists) and the Health & Safety Executive and ensure our members are made fully aware of any risks associated with our activities;
•We, the committee members, will demonstrate a high standard of behaviour & responsibility towards our roles and will uphold the good reputation of the Students’ Union whilst acting in our capacity as volunteers;
•We will abide by all the SU’s financial & administrative processes & understand that failure to do so may result in sanctions for our group.
•We shall be student-led and not be run by an academic department of UCLan although we may maintain a close working relationship with a department.
•We will provide minutes of our Annual General Meetings (AGM) to the Opportunity Centre and will update them about any changes to our contact details when they arise;
•We will uphold and promote the mission, ethos and values of the Students’ Union for all our group members and we will reflect these in everything we do;
•We will treat all our group members, fellow students, and the staff in the Students’ Union with respect and consideration;
•We will ensure that the finances of our group will only be used to benefit all our group’s members and that no individual member shall receive any financial gain from our group’s activities;
•We will not disclose any information about our group’s members to a third party besides the staff in the Opportunities Centre.
•We understand that should individuals from our group wish to organise any trips or tours abroad that they do so as individuals and not as members of a Union-affiliated group. We understand that UCLan & the Students’ Union accept no liability for any excursions outside of the British Isles & will communicate this to our members.
•We will send TWO representatives from the group to all Societies’ Forum meetings and committee members will attend all mandatory training courses and group 1-2-1s.
•We understand that we must submit a general Risk Assessment with ourAffiliation Form to be eligible to affiliate for the new academic year.
•We understand that wemust submit a Risk Assessment form for each different activity wehost during the year. And thaton the spot checks will be carried out periodically throughout the year.
•We understand that Alumni members who have graduated from UCLAN cannot be part of our committee or have a direct role in the decision making process of a society. However, they can be society members and participate in activities provided they purchase Alumni Membership from the SU.
•We understand that all societies must comply with the Union & University’s Freedom of Speech policy and inform the SU within the specified time-frame of the names of guest speakers. We realise that failure to comply may result in de-affiliation of our society.
•We understand that all we cannot use the University’s name or logo independently of the set university logo design i.e. using the roses in a different design or the words UCLAN separate to the image. However, we know that we can called be UCLan SU (Name of society) and can create our own logo.
•We understand the Union may disaffiliate our group for failure to comply with this code of conduct.
For further information see the University of Central Lancashire Students’ Union Constitution and Schedules which is available at the Opportunities Centre.
Management of the Group
Management of the group shall be entrusted to the group’s committee officers who comprise of an elected Chair, Treasurer and Secretary who are voted into post at the group’s first meeting (if it is a new group) or at the group’s Annual General Meeting (for existing groups) which shall take place before Easter.
Group committee officers may be removed from their role by the vote of a majority of the total membership at a properly convened meeting - i.e. an agenda has been circulated to ALL members prior to the meeting.
In exceptional circumstances the committee officers may be suspended or removed from their role by the Students’ Union’s Activities & Participation Officer and Student Involvement & Development Co-ordinator.
Committee Members
*An Associate Member cannot hold the position of Chair or vote for others to in an Annual General Meeting (AGM).*
The Chair will normally preside at all group meetings and report to the membership at the group’s AGM. In the absence of the Chair the members attending may elect a deputy to preside over that meeting.
The Secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence relating to group affairs, informing the membership of events and meetings, and minuting meetings. The Secretary shall also be responsible for keeping records of the membership and of training and qualifications of group members.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of subscriptions and will account for any other income or expenditure made on behalf of the club.
The committee may appoint members to other roles as needed.
The committee may nominate a representative or representatives to attend National Governing Body meetings or events as appropriate.
The committee is responsible for implementing the Health & Safety policy of the Students’ Union and for conducting Risk Assessments for all the group’s activities and events.
The group shall have the power to set group rules. Such rules shall be in accordance with the Students’ Union Constitution, policies and procedures, the group’s constitution and the policies of the National Governing Body to which it is affiliated.
The committee may raise money to further the group’s objectives, make payments, provide equipment and take such action as may benefit the club.
Dissolution of the Club
Should a group become inactive, any liabilities at this time shall be the joint responsibility of all the group’s members. Any funds remaining in the group’s private account shall be held for TWO years in which time if a new group starts with the same aims, they shall inherit the account. If not, the Union will reclaim the money for other groups.
Society Membership Fees
The Society may charge a membership fee (if the group feels this to be of benefit to the Society) which will be in-line with the membership rates set out at the Society’s Forum each academic year.
Note: Please see a member of staff from the Opportunity Centre to discuss the different membership packages before settling on one.
The Students’ Union understands that many societies will need to find suitable spaces to meet or perform certain activities.
The Atrium area and the more private meeting room spaces of the Students’ Union are available to Student groups at certain times. However, should these spaces be occupied at the required time, we may also be able to book University owned rooms for your use, free of charge.
To discuss room bookings, drop into the Opportunities Centre or email them on:
Appendix. I
Terms of reference for
UCLan SU Clubs and Societies
Development Committees
- The Societies Development Committee and Sports Development Committee are sub-committees of the Student Affairs Committee (SAC) to which they will report decisions made.
- The Societies Development Committee shall have the following remit:
i)To consider requests from student led society groups to affiliate to the Union
ii)To determine grant awards to affiliated groups from development funds set aside for their support.
iii)To allocate money from the Societies Event pot to groups to use the upstairs of 53 Degrees for social events with a view to events “breaking even”
It shall consist of:
The lead SAC Officer for Societies
Another member of SAC
A representative from each of the following clusters of societies:
Political and Campaigning
- The Sports Development Committee shall have the following remit:
i)To consider requests from student led sports groups to affiliate to the Union
ii)To determine grant awards to affiliated groups from development funds set aside for their support.
It shall consist of:
The lead SAC Officer for Societies
Another member of SAC
Six representatives of sports clubs
- Representatives shall be elected at a meeting advertised to all affiliates to that committee. No club or society shall have more than one representative on a committee.
- The Secretary of each committee shall be a member of Membership Services staff.
- The Chair of each committee will be the lead officer for Clubs and Societies, and they will be responsible for ensuring that all meetings are conducted correctly.
Conduct of Meetings
- Their shall beat least 3 working days written notice of any meeting.
- There shall be at least 4 members present.
- Members must declare their interests and withdraw from any discussion concerning a club or society they are a member of.
- Decisions must be ratified by the next quorate SAC.
- Minutes of the meeting shall be made available on the Union website within 5 working days of the SAC meeting. Within these minutes there should be details of how much money they have been allocated over the academic year so far.
Decisions on Affiliations
- That membership should be open to all.
- Where a group is seeking renewal of their affiliation the committee should be satisfied that the group remains:
(a)distinct from other groups,
(b)is student led, and has at least 3 members
(c) has lead officers who have successfully completed relevant training
(d)open to all students,
(e)Able to demonstrate continuing good management of its finances.
- For new affiliations each committee should be satisfied that the group will be distinct and student led.
- Both committees will only make an outright refusal of affiliation where a group’s activities will be unlawful or against the Unions’ charitable objectives.
- Where either committee is unable to make adecision to affiliate, the group concerned must be given written advice and guidance on how it could satisfy the criteria.
Decisions on Grant Funding
- The policy of the Union regarding the allocation of funds shall be decided by Students’ Council and made available on the Unions’ website.
- In allocating funds the committees shall ensure that any funds reserved for specific activities shall be spent accordingly.
- Any group unhappy with a decision of either committee shall have the right of appeal. This should be made in writing to the President within 5 working days of the original decision being communicated to them.
- The appeal shall be heard by 2 members of SAC not previously involved with the decision who are not members of the group concerned. Should this not prove possible ‘untainted’ members of council will be approached.
Communication of Decisions
- The outcome of any decision or appeal shall be communicated in writing to the officers of the group within 5 university days of the decision being made.