Mr. Darren Dusick Spring 2018 MAT101: Survey of Mathematics I
Adjunct Professor of Mathematics
Mathematical Ideas, 13th Edition
By Charles D Miller, Vern E Heeren and E John Hornsby, Jr
Pearson Publishers
ISBN: 0321977076
Course Content
Chapter 1: The Art of Problem Solving
Chapter 2: The Basic Concepts of Set Theory
Chapter 3: Introduction to Logic
Chapter 12: Statistics
Chapter 13: Personal Financial Management
Course Goals:
1. Engage in both inductive and deductive reasoning.
2. Explore set theory and apply the concepts to solve counting problems.
3. Be introduced to symbolic logic and apply the concepts to analyze arguments.
4. Analyze data using measures of dispersion and apply the normal distribution.
5. Explore practical problems from consumer mathematics.
Testing and Evaluations
Chapter Tests, Quizzes, Comprehensive Final Exam
*Note: No make-ups on quizzes.
Test Average = 50%
Quiz Average = 25%
Final Exam = 25%
The final average is converted to the following letter grade:
§ A = 92-100 B+ = 85-91 B = 80-84 C+ = 75-79
§ C = 70-74 D+ = 65-69 D = 60-64 F = below 60
Attendance is expected at all classes. Absence on a test or quiz day will result in a grade of zero.
There are extensive Learning Support Services available at LCCC – Goldman Sachs Learning Center provides tutoring free to all LCCC students. I encourage you to make arrangements as soon as you feel you may need extra help. If you need additional information, please don’t hesitate to ask. Also, utilize the class Wiki,, for helpful course information. Sign up for Remind to receive class updates.
Failure to take the final exam is grounds for failure of the course.
Make-ups on tests start at 85%.
There will be NO MAKEUPS on quizzes.
Please turn off cell phones.