Name ______Period ______

Subject: Math Workshop

Teacher: Ms. Vaylen

Phone #: 807-3700 Ext.) 3218

Course Description: This course is designed to provide additional instruction in Mathematics. This additional support will be provided utilizing a variety of strategies. Also, math workshop is designed to promote good study habits, provide a nurturing learning environment, and to support every student’s journey for academic success.

Expectations: As a student in Math Workshop, you will be expected to:

Attend class promptly at the scheduled time. (Three lates or one skip= one night’s detention).

Keep your notebook organized and neat.

Respect your classmates and teacher.

Always give your best effort in class.

Complete all assignments and ask for help if you need it!

Complete regular math homework and develop good study skills.


3 ring binder




Loose Leaf lined notebook paper



Warm-Up (5 min)

Math-Minute(5 min)

New material (15-20 min)

Practice/Group Work (10 min)


Based on your efforts in math workshop, you will either be given an S (Satisfactory) or a U (Unsatisfactory).

Progress Reports:

Individual itemized reports will be sent home every 5 weeks.

Parent/Teacher Conferences:

Parent teacher conferences will occur at designated times during the year. They may also happen on a “needs to happen basis” per student.

Please sign the student contract below. Keep this packet as the first hand out in your three ring binder.

Student: ______

Teacher: ___Ms. Vaylen______

Date: ______

Miss Vaylen’s Daily Classroom Rules & Procedures:

Procedure #1- General Rules

No food or drinks (unless it’s your snack period)

No swearing

No cell phones (1st time- held until end of period, 2nd- held until the end of the day, 3rd- held overnight/parent phone call)

No one will be allowed to go to their locker during the class period.

No one will be allowed to use the bathroom during instruction time. You will need to wait until the lesson is over.

You are to stay seated in your seat at all times unless I give you permission to move.

Please raise your hand to answer a question unless I have prompted the class.

Procedure #2- Daily Classroom Rules:

Be on time.

Come to class prepared.

Begin to work promptly.

Be respectful.

Procedure #3- Entering the Classroom:

Quietly enter the room and sit in your assigned seat and begin to work on the warm-up immediately (this will be written on the smartboard).

I expect that you will have the proper supplies everyday.

If you need to sharpen pencils, this needs to be done as soon as you walk through the door.

My desk area is off limits to students, so please respect that.

Procedure #4- Absent from class

Ask me if you missed any major assignment.

Procedure #5- Dismissal

I will dismiss you from class on a daily basis.

North TonawandaMiddle School

AIS Math Lab Workshop

Student & Teacher Expectations


Welcome to the Math Lab Workshop

Dear Student,

You have been selected to receive support through the Math Lab Workshop. The purpose of the program is to provide educational support for students who aren’t performing at the minimum competency levels, which have been established by the New York State Education Department. The program is the added “boost” students’ need for success in their content area class.

AISstands for Academic Intervention Services.


The major goal of the Math Lab Workshop is to provide students with experiences in study skills, time management skills, motivational skills, and mathematics skills, which will help strengthen each student’s classroom performance.

Math Lab Workshop students have the right to know why they are in the program, what is expected of them, and how the program fits into their goals for academic success and excellence. Students are selected for participation in the Math Lab Workshop based on many reasons:

Multiple, educationally related, objective criteria are used to help identify those students who are most at risk of failing to meet the state’s standards for performance and content. This includes recommendations from content area teachers. Recommendations are made based on observable criteria such as: weak study skills, weak basic mathematical skills, failure of math class, difficulty completing assignments, difficulty organizing information, and difficulty understanding tests.

The New YorkState Mathematics Test: The 3rd – 6th grade test scores will be reviewed along with grade 6 remediation in order to determine eligibility. The 7th and 8th grade NYS Mathematics Test will be given in the spring.

North TonawandaMiddle School

AIS Math Lab Workshop

Student & Teacher Expectations


New YorkState Scores: This test will be used to evaluate mathematics skills. Currently it is given to all 3rd through 8th graders in the spring.

Metropolitan Achievement Test scores: Students who score below an established level are recommended for support.

Team Recommendations

Guidance Recommendations

Parent Recommendations



A positive productive attitude

A willingness to learn

A student planner

A take home folder with math assignments

A pencil


Instructional Delivery Systems/Resources

Reinforcement of study skills

Reinforcement of organizational skills

Reinforcement of time management skills

Reinforcement of critical thinking skills

Reinforcement of goal setting methods

Maintaining motivation

Reteaching math material

Creating ownership in learning

Setting criteria for quality work

Developing flash cards

Cooperative learning activities

Learning centers


North TonawandaMiddle School

AIS Math Lab Workshop

Student & Teacher Expectations



Quiet recognition

Loud recognition

Team conference


Telephone calls




Parental Support

NTMS Newsletters

Parent Information Meetings

Report cards and progress reports

Individual student conferences

Team conferences

Parent conferences: by phone or in person


The Magic Dozen for Success and Happiness

  1. Develop a positive mental attitude.
  2. Set long- and short-term goals and work toward them.
  3. Develop self-discipline.
  4. Accept responsibility.
  5. Use Creativity.
  6. Believe in yourself, a Higher Power, and others.
  7. Take the Initiative.
  8. Maintain good physical and mental health.
  9. Develop a pleasing personality and appearance.
  10. Budget your time and money.
  11. Give 110%.
  12. Learn from your mistakes and defeats.

You can make a difference in your world!