Mentor Profile

To request this organization as a mentor please email the intervention contact listed below.

Name of intervention contact: Dannie Currie

Fax Number: 902 481 5803

E-Mail address:

1.  Name of organization: Saskatoon Health Region

2.  Address:

Street Address: 103 Hospital Dr

City: Saskatoon Province: SK Postal Code: S7N 0W8

3.  Mentor organization key contact information

Name: Kelly Johnson

Position/Title: Clinical Nurse Specialist for Heart Health


4.  My team represents (please check all that apply):

single- facility X hospital

X multi-site organization nursing home

regional program home care/community pharmacy

long term care facility rehabilitation facility

mental health service pediatrics

5.  My team is a member of:

X Western Collaborative CAPHC Medication Reconciliation Collaborative

ICU Collaborative Node (please specify)

6.  My team’s progress can be described as (include all that apply):

Baseline X Gains held for 6 months

Early implementation X Full implementation

X Spread plan developed Actively spreading to other areas

7.  Please describe your team’s activities (check all that apply):

X Use an improvement charter to regularly guide our work and progress.

X Use The Model for Improvement in our work

X Test changes using PDSA cycles

X Collect measurement data regularly

X Senior leadership are actively involved in this intervention

X Physician leaders are actively involved in this intervention

X Team reports on its success and challenges regularly to Executive Sponsor

Help us learn more about your team. In a short paragraph please highlight relevant strengths and accomplishments which might enhance your ability to be a mentor. Please use the space provided to comment.
Our team came together after we were told about the Western Node Collaborative starting up. We had been working on the perfect care components individually, but not calling them the perfect care components, but not as a team. For example the Cath lab was working on Door to balloon times and the ward was working on the medication aspect of the components. Safer Healthcare Now gave us the opportunity to come together as a group and work on all the components as one team. I think that is one on the reasons that we have been so successful; we had been working successfully as individuals but when we became a team we were able to look at the whole system and how our patients flowed through and make changes to the whole system not just individual units or areas. Our successes have been huge. We have achieved perfect care for 90% of all our AMI patients. We have all our Cardiologists on board with the team and willing to make changes and adjustments. Our Physician leader is very passionate about evidence based practice so he is always available for assistance and arm turning as needed. Our CEO and Directors are very supportive of all initiatives that improve or transform patient care – which is one of our regions strategic directives. The team members are very much driven by providing the best patient care that we can and this initiative gave them the opportunity to shine. As a team we have had to learn a new language, the language of quality. PDSA cycle, run charts, story boards don’t frighten us anymore. Everyone waits for the latest data sheets and run charts to be put up so we can see if we are hold the gains or and making improvements. We have had struggles in some areas but have been able to overcome the majority and it is this learning that we would like to share with others if we can.