Committee on Legislative Affairs (COLA)
March 16, 2016Minutes
7:00-9:00 pm
NJPA Central Office
Members Present:Axelbank, Jeffrey H PsyD (2019), Dranoff, Erik PhD (2018), Gorman, Ashley, PhD (2017)
(Secretary);Lee, Alan J PsyD (2019); Hanbury, Ray (2018), Lauer-Listhaus, Barbara PsyD (2019) (Member); Newsome, Hulon, PsyD (2017) (COLA Past-Chair, NJPA President-Elect); Singer, Mark EdD (2018)(COLA Chair-Elect); Weiss, Frank, PhD (2016); Zylik, Dominika MS (NJPAGS Representative) ; Boertzel-Smith, Keira JD (Executive Director);Bombardieri, Jon (Government Affairs Agent)
Members Absent: Mathais Hagovsky, PhD, Tamara Sofair-Fisch, PhD
Resource Guests: Buchanan, Suzanne, PsyD; Shivers, Stacie D PsyD; Waters, Virginia, PhD
NJPA Member Guest:Malone, Monica, PsyD
I. Call to Order
II. January Retreat Minutes – approved via e-vote
III. New Legislative Bills
A2189Concerns standard for involuntary commitment to outpatient treatment;
requires police training on behavioral health issues. (Last session A4911)
[(A) Singleton]
Hanbury and Lee
Position: Seeking Amendments (Specifically, to addthe term “psychologist” to the term “physician” with regard to the ability to serve as director of treatment facility and administration of other treatment services; Page 9, line 43, Expand the term “psychiatrist” to “treating mental health professional” page 9, line 43)
A3138Requires psychiatrists to complete screening certificates no later than 12 hours after completion of screening documents.(Last session A3478)
[(A) Dancer/ (S) Thompson, Allen]
Weiss and Sofair-Fisch
Position: Monitor (seek additional information)
A3224/S421Establishes the "Mental Health Treatment Reform and Violence Prevention Act.” (Last session A3603/S2525)
[(A) Dancer]
Weiss and Lauer-Listhaus
Position:Monitor (seek additional information)
S1710/A3352Provides for licensure of ambulatory care facilities to provide integrated primary care services including behavioral health care.(Last session S2375)
[(S) Vitale, Singer/(A)]
Axelbank and Sofair-Fisch
Position: Seeking Amendments (Specify: If ambulatory care setting is “exempt”, then behavioral care services could also be provided by an unlicensed psychologist (e.g. permit holders), consistent with current practice in exempt settings)
IV. Other Business
A. 2016 APA State Leadership Conference Report –Group Discussion
B. Listserv Update
Listserv Rapid Response Representative needed to address simple LISTSERV questions about the committee’s work. More complex Listserv questions about the purpose of the committee, or how the committee operates and why should be directed back to the committee for clarification and a committee statement. If a complex question is posed on the listserv that requires an organized response, then it should be noted on the listserv that the question has been seen and that a response will be forthcoming.
Discussion-role of rapid responder to clarify basic factual/public information on listserv
C. Legislative Events
Congressman Pallone Roundtable (Axelbank), Mazzeo Event, Gill Event
Discussion--Axelbank to attend Gill Event
D. May Mental Health Awareness
Sponsor Governor Codey
Need for language
--Plan(provideclarification/definition of mental health awareness)
Boertzel-Smith will reach out to the NJPA Affiliate Caucus Chair about this initiative.
E.Trenton Legislative Day
F. Psychologists for the Promotion of Child Welfare (PPCW) workgroup -
Representative for the DCF Children’s System of Care
--Lee will provide representation/input to DCF Children’s System of Care
G. 2016 Legislator of the Year -
October 22, 2016 Fall Conference luncheon
--Discussion ensued, will revisit at next COLA meeting
H.Governor Christie’s Budget Address
--Plan: Develop relevant questions from NJPA
V. 2016-2017 Legislative Priorities Update
- Grants prescriptive authority to certain psychologists
[(A) Diegnan] [(S) Weinberg](2014-2015 bill #s A2892/S1864)
--Updates discussed
B. S707/A2298 Requires certain health benefits plans to provide treatment for behavioral health care services when determined medically necessary.
[(S) Gordon/ (A) Huttle]Bills are not identical (2014-2015 bill #sS2180 /A3450)
--Updates discussed
- Telepsychology
--propose bill language, consult with language used from APA on this topic as a reference point
D. Access to Care- Medicaid
Interns issue – how to address
--issue of interns will not be addressed in this bill
--bill has been reintroduced; text not yet available
table the intern issue for the next meeting
VI. Meeting Adjourned
Meeting adjourned at 9:12pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Ashley Gorman, Ph.D., ABPP
COLA secretary