2012 GA Hurricane Ground Hog Inv.
February 3 – 5, 2012
SANCTION:Georgia Swimming, Inc.
MEET NAME:2012 GA Hurricane Ground Hog Inv.
Date:February 3 – 5, 2012
HOST TEAM:Columbus Aquatic Club (Hurricanes – GA)
MEET MANAGER:Michael Stewart
P.O.Box 4581
Columbus, GA 31914
SOFTWARE:Hy – Tek Meet Manager 3.0
FACILITY:The D.A. Turner YMCA, 4384 Warm Springs Road, Columbus, Georgia 31909, (706) 563-7001. This is an indoor, 25 yard eight (8) lane, heated pool; limited bleacher seating for spectators and ample parking. The pool depth measures 10 feet in the dive end and 4 feet on the turn end. An Omega Timing System provided by Peachtree Timing Inc. will be utilized. Additional seating for parents and swimmers will be available in a gymnasium adjacent the pool.
Driving direction are available at the host website at:
The competition course has been certified in accordance with 102.2.2C(4). The copy of such certification is on file with USA Swimming & Georgia Swimming.
CONCESSIONS:Basic concessions will be available.
HOSPITALITY:Will be provided for coaches and officials
RULES:The current USA Swimming and Rules and Regulations will govern the conduct of the meet unless noted otherwise herein. Swimmers are responsible for swimming in assigned heat and lanes. All officials must wear current USA card while on deck and present current LSC card at check in. Coaches must present upon check-in , a current USA Swimming card. A coaches meeting will be held on Friday at 5:45pm. The Georgia Swimming scratch rule (adopted April 2010) is in effect for this meet (see attached). Chairs will only be permitted in gym or outside. Chairs are not allow on the pool deck. “Any swimmer entered in the meet, unaccompanied by a USA Swimming member coach, must be certified by a USA Swimming member coach as being proficient in performing a race start or must start each race from within the water. It is the responsibility of the swimmer or the swimmer’s legalguardian to ensure compliance with this requirement.”
FEES:$4.00 per individual event.
Out-of-state teams must include $2.00 surcharge per athlete.
TheClerk of course will charge $7.00 per event for late (deck) entries.
ELIGIBILITY:Open to all swimmers registered with USA Swimming, Inc.
ENTRIES:Entry files must include the swimmers first, and last name, age, USA Swimming ID number, and seeding time.The 500 free/400 IM are deck seeded events that requires a positive check-in and is subject to the GA scratch rule. Also, entries for each session would be limited in order that the session would not exceed the 4 hour session guideline. Swimmers should submit their best short course times for seeding.A copy of all entries will be sent to Georgia Registration Chairman by the host club. Out-of-state swimmers should be prepared to submit proof of current USA Swimming membership. The Georgia Registration Chairman is Claude P. Rhen, 1899 Trumbull Drive, Atlanta, GA 30338.
ENTRY LIMIT:Entry Limit is 5 Individual events per day.
LATE ENTRIESLate entries will be accepted on an empty lane basis only. All late entries will be entered with a NT. All swimmers entering late must present a valid USA Swimming registration card to the clerk of course, or present a separate check made out to “GA Swimming, Inc” for the annual registration fee in the amount of $65 in order to enter the meet; these requirements do not apply to scratches or to swimmers already entered in the meet who are deck entering additional events.
DEADLNE:Email entries must be received no later than 7:00pm on Friday January27th, 2012.
Email the following three (3) Hy-Tek TM 6.0 files to
Meet Entries
Meet Entries Report
Meet Entry Fees Report
Emailed entry files, individual request for athlete/events removal or additions received after the deadline will not be processed. All scratch and late entries after the deadline must be presented to the clerk of course at the meet.
Before any athlete may participate in this meet, CAC must receive check and signed waiver from an official representative of that athlete’s team.
Mail check and signed waiver to:
Columbus Aquatic Club
P.O. Box 4581
Columbus, GA 31914
SEEDING:With the exception of the 500 Free/400 IM, all events will be pre-seeded. The 500 Free/400 IM are open for all swimmers 9 and over. Although scored separately by age group, the 500 Free/400 IM events on Friday evening may be combined and may be limited to the top 5 heats (40) swimmers for boys and girls based on the total number of entries received. Heats may be limited further at the discretion of the meet referee.
CHECK-IN:All swimmers wishing to swim the 500 Free/400 IM must check in at the clerk of course (Coaches Office) by 5:45 PM Friday.
FORMAT:All events will be swum as Timed Finals. All events will be swum slow to fast, including the 500 Free/400 IM.
WARM UP:Warm up guidelines, as approved by Georgia Swimming, Inc. will be in effect. The warm up for each session may be split into (2) two (25) twenty-five minute periods or (3) three (20) twenty minute periods based on the number of entries. The host team will publish and post a detailed lane assignment/warm-up schedule at least twenty-four(24) hours prior to the meet.
SessionWarm-UpMeet Start
1: Friday PM5:00PM6:00PM
2: Saturday AM8:00AM9:00AM
3: Saturday PM12:30PM1:30PM
4: Sunday AM8:00AM9:00AM
5: Sunday PM12:30PM1:30PM
SCORING:This meet shall be scored according to the USA Swimming 2011 Rules and Regulations. Scores will be assessed for the (16) sixteen fastest times in each event.
Note: All Open events will be swum as one age-group but scored as 8 & Under, 9 – 10, 11 – 12, 13 – 14, 15 & Over
AwardsTrophies will be awarded for the top (12) twelve swimmers in both the 8 & under, and 9 – 10 age groups. Trophies will be awarded for the top (8) eight swimmers in the 11 – 12, 13 – 14, and 15 & Over age groups. Team Trophies will be awarded to the top (3) three visiting teams
OFFICIALS:Meet Referee Ralph McCory (770)631-2862
The Starter Marvin Roberts/Deb Skinner
Stroke & Turn Judge Deb Skinner/Marvin Roberts
The Safety ChairmanMike McCardle
Certified officials are welcome and encouraged to work at this meet. Please contact the meet referee 10 days prior to the meet if a specific assignment is requested, otherwise report to the meet referee 60 minutes prior to each session.
LIABILITY:The Columbus Aquatic Club, Inc., D.A. Turner YMCA, the City of Columbus, Inc, Georgia Swimming, Inc, and United State Swimming, Inc shall be held free and harmless from any and all liabilities or claims for damages arising by reason of insults or injuries to anyone during the conduct of this event.
MORE NFO:Prospective teams and participants are encouraged to visit the Columbus Hurricanes team website at to view the full meet information, psych sheets, and contact information for our preferred hotels.
ATTACHMENTS:Order of events, Georgia Scratch Rule (adopted 9/26/2009, Liability Release.
Friday February3rd
SESSION IWarm Up @ 5:00 pm; Start @ 6:00 pm
3 Open 500 Free4
5 Open 50 Back6
7 Open 50 Breast8
9 Open 400 IM10
11 Open 50 Free12
Saturday, February 4thSunday February, 5th
SESSION II W.U. @ 8:00am; Start @ 9:00am SESSION IV W.U. @ 8:00am; Start @ 9:00am
1311& Over 200 Free1465 11 & Over 200 IM66
1511 – 12 50 Fly1667 11 – 12 100 Free68
1713 – 14 50 Fly1869 13 – 14 100 Free70
1915 & Over 50 Fly2071 15 & Over 100 Free72
2111 – 12 100 Back2273 11 – 12 50 Breast74
2313 – 14 100 Back2475 13 – 14 50 Breast76
2515 & Over 100 Back2677 15 & Over 50 Breast78
27Open 100 Free2879 11 & Over 200 Back80
2911 – 12 100 Breast3081 11 – 12 50 Free82
3113 - 14 100 Breast3283 13 – 14 50 Free84
3315 & Over 100 Breast3485 15 & Over 50 Free86
3511 – 12 50 Back3687 11 – 12 100 Fly88
3713 - 14 50 Back3889 13 – 14 100 Fly90
3915 & Over 50 Back4091 15 & Over 100 Fly92
4111 & Over 200 Fly4293 Open 200 Breast94
Saturday, February 4th.Sunday. February 5th.
SESSION III W.U. @ 12:30pm Meet @ 1:30pm SESSION IV W.U. @ 12:30pm Meet @ 1:30pm
GirlsEventBoysGirlsEvent Boys
439 – 10 200 Free44959 – 10 200 IM96
458 & Under 50 Fly46978 & Under 25 Free98
479 – 10 100 Back48999 – 10 50 Back100
498 & Under 25 Back501018 & Under 50 Back102
519 - 10 100 Breast521039 – 10 50 Breast104
538 & Under 25 Breast541058 & Under 50 Breast106
559 – 10 100 IM561079 – 10 50 Fly108
578 & Under 100 IM581098 & Under 25 Fly110
599 – 10 50 Free601119 – 10 100 Free112
618 & Under 50 Free621138 & Under 100 Free114
639 – 10 100 Fly64
Entry Summary and Liability Release Form
2012 CAC Hurricanes Groundhog Inv.
February 3 – 5 , 2012
Team Name: ______Team Abbreviation: ______
Team Address: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
Coach: ______
Phone: ______Home: ______
Email: ______
Total individual events______X$4.00=$______
Total out of state swimmers______X$2.00=$______
Total fees submitted$______
Make Check Payable To:“CAC” “Columbus Aquatic Club”
Mail Entries To: Michael Stewart
P.O.Box 4581
Columbus, GA 31914
Email Entries To:
Entries must be received on or before 7:00pm, Friday, January 27th , 2012
I, the undersigned coach or team, representative verify that all of the swimmers and coaches listed on the enclosed entry forms are registered with USA Swimming.
I acknowledge that I am familiar with the safety rules of USA Swimming and Georgia Swimming regarding warm-up procedures and that I shall be responsible for the compliance of my swimmers with those rules during this meet.
Georgia Swimming, Inc., USA Swimming, The Columbus Aquatic Club, Inc., D.A. Turner
YMCA, the City of Columbus, Inc, their agents, employees and coaches shall be free from liability or
Claimfrom damages during by reason of illness or injury to anyone during the conduct of the meet.
Signed: ______Date: ______