Minutes of 8th Governing Board meeting
of W.B.Z.A held on 06th January,2014
The meeting was attended by :
1. Sri Sanjay Mitra, I.A.S., Chief Secretary, Govt. of W.B.
2. Dr. Subesh Das, I.A.S., Addl. Chief Secretary, Department of Forests, Govt. of W.B
3. Sri N. C. Bahuguna, I.F.S., PCCF(HoFF) & Member, WBZA
4. Sri Ujjwal Bhattacharya, I.F.S, PCCF, WL & Member, WBZA
5. Sri A. K. Jha, I.F.S., Director, PNHZ Park & Member, WBZA
6. Dr. Subhas Bose, Director, Animal Husbandry & Vet. Services, W.B & Member, , WBZA.
7. Sri K. L. Ghosh, I.F.S., Director, Alipore Zoo, Member, WBZA
8. Sri Mihir Chakraborty, President, All Backward Class Relief & Development Mission
9. Sri T. V. N. Rao, I.F.S., Member Secretary, WBZA
Sri Sanjay Mitra, I.A.S., Chief Secretary, Govt. of W.B. chaired the meeting.
Leave of absence was granted to Sri B. S. Bonal, I.F.S., M.S, CZA, Sri Dwivedi, I.A.S, Principal Secretary, Finance, West Bengal, Sri Nantu Paul, Sri Sankar Dhar and Dr. BR Sharma.
Agenda 1 :
Sub. : Approval of the minutes of the 7th meeting of the Governing Board.
The GB passed resolution that,
"The minutes of the 7th Governing Board held on 22nd May, 2013 are hereby approved."
Agenda 2 :
Sub. : 'Action Taken Report' on the resolutions of the 7th meeting of G.B.
The GB passed resolution that,
"The Action Taken Report on the resolutions of the 7th Governing Board meeting has been ratified."
Agenda 3 :
Sub. : Approval of Annual Accounts of West Bengal Zoo Authority for the year 2012-13.
The GB passed resolution that,
"Annual Accounts of West Bengal Zoo Authority for the year 2012-13 are hereby approved."
Agenda 4 :
Sub. : Approval of Annual Accounts of Darjeeling Zoo for the year 2012-13.
The GB passed resolution that,
"Annual Accounts of Darjeeling Zoo for the year 2012-13 are hereby approved."
Agenda 5 :
Sub. : Status of the Annual Accounts of Zoological Garden, Alipore for the year 2012-13
The Annual accounts of Alipore zoo for the year 2012-13 are prepared and submitted for Statutory Auditors for scrutiny. The report is awaited.
The GB has noted the status.
Agenda 6 :
Sub. : Approval of detailed 'Heads of Budget/Accounts' for WBZA to be adopted from financial year 2014-15.
The GB passed the Resolution that,
"The detailed 'Heads of Budget/Accounts' as proposed for implementation from the financial year 2014-15 is approved."
Agenda 7 :
Sub. : Additional Plan schemes for different zoos.
The following additional schemes under Plan head are proposed under different zoos of WBZA.
1. Alipore Zoo :
Development of drinking water supply system of Alipore Zoo .... Rs.45 lakhs
Development of enclosure of Hippo ...... Rs.70 lakhs
Development of Children Play Enclosure ...... Rs.25 lakhs
2. South Khairbari Rescue Centre :
Introduction of visitor car ...... Rs. 5 lakhs
3. Rasikbeel Rescue Centre :
Repair of existing bridge and road ...... Rs.11 lakhs
Development of Butterfly Park ...... Rs.20 lakhs
The GB passed the resolution that,
"the Additional Plan allocation as indicated above and to meet the same from the existing funds of WBZA is approved."
Agenda 8 :
Sub. : Half yearly accounts of West Bengal Zoo Authority for the year 2013-14.
The GB has noted the unaudited half yearly accounts of 2013-14.
Agenda 9 :
Sub. : Approval for introduction of battery operated vehicles at Alipore Zoo and to tender the operational services.
The GB passed resolution,
"the proposal to introduce battery operated eco-friendly vehicle at Alipore Zoo is approved and Director is authorised engage private agency for operation following standard tender procedures as per guidelines of Finance Dept."
Agenda 10:
Sub. : "Friends of Zoo Animals" - introduction of scheme by WBZA & tie-up with reputed newspaper agency.
The GB passed resolution that,
"The scheme for 'Friends of Zoo Animals' and a publicity tie up with reputed News Paper Agency of West Bengal is approved and a committee of MS, WBZA and Director, Alipore and Darjeeling Zoo will formulate and negotiate the terms of reference and implement it after approval of Technical Committee."
Agenda 11:
Sub. : Died-in-Harness case related to Late Sri Pradip Kumar Thapa.
The GB passed resolution that,
Member Secretary to draft a policy for cases of Died in Harness and submit the same for approval of Finance Dept.
Supple. Agenda 1 :
Sub: Status Report of Master Layout Plan and Master Plan.
The Governing Board has noted the status report of Zoos of WBZA.
Supple. Agenda 2 :
Sub: Ratification of 'Adoption of Animals - rate of Royal Bengal Tiger.
The GB passed resolution that,
"the adoption rate of Royal Bengal Tiger is revised from Rs.1 lakh to Rs.1.5 lakh from the date of introduction of the scheme."
Supple. Agenda 3 :
Sub: Approval of Annual Report to Darjeeling Zoo.
The GB resolved that,
"The Annual Report of the Darjeeling Zoo is approved."
Member Secretary,
Vice Chairman &
Addl. Chief Secy., Dept. of Forests, Govt. of West Bengal
Chairman, WBZA &
Chief Secretary, Govt. of West Bengal