Welcome Package
Dear Etomicmail Evaluator,
On behalf of everyone at EtomicMail we want to take a moment to welcome you to your one week free trial of our Hosted Email package and thank you for considering us for your business.
If you or any of your team should ever have any questions or concerns please contact us as follows:
For all general questions, “how to”, bug fixes, etc contact:
Web based:
http://www.etomicmail.com and click on support.
If you don’t have a login, please create one.
Login and see if our knowledge base / FAQ answers your question.
If not you can create a problem ticket and we will respond promptly to it.
If you want to contact a person directly, here is our primary contact information:
Steve Cole
Senior Sales Engineer
(858) 626-8186
Bronson Tang
Director of Channel Sales
(858) 345-4592
As your Sales Engineer, I am your first point of contact for all general questions, “how to”, etc. I am here to assist with any issues, discuss service modifications, billing questions, or to escalation any issues if required.
If I am not available or if you have an urgent matter feel free to contact Bronson or email to have your concern automatically sent to both contacts.
The following pages contain the information for your new hosted and protected email services.
Warmest Regards,
Steve Cole
To log into any of the services we offer:
Browse to http://www.etomicmail.com
Click on ADMIN LOGIN (the rightmost menu button)
Click on the User Login for the service you want to access
Enter a user name and password. See the email for what we have assigned to you.
Customers are responsible to support their own users and client software. EtomicMail manages and supports the Zimbra server. We do want to provide you with as much supportive information as possible as so we have provided these helpful hints.
Web Client
You will soon see the Zimbra web client is full of amazing functionality and useful tools. It is also very fast, and it is highly recommend running it with the FIREFOX browser. To download the FIREFOX browser, go to http://www.firefox.com.
Setting up Client for IMAP or POP:
IMAP or POP Setting: mail.yourdomain.xxx
Must check (√) authentication
STMP Setting: mail.yourdomain.xxx or your local ISP’s required SMTP setting.
Some networks or ISP’s block SMTP traffic. If so, use their SMTP setting or try port 587. The standard ports are 25 or 465.
SSL is enabled (port 587 will not work with SSL)
Note: User your FULL email address for the user name.
Outlook Connector
We have enabled the Outlook Connect. This will convert your Outlook to work on Zimbra hosted email. We strongly recommend that, during testing of our product, you only use this connector on computers where converting back and forth will not disrupt your business.
If you plan on installing the Outlook Connect, we suggest you make sure all your Outlook data is backed up:
· To back up your main Outlook file (typically personal.pst or outlook.pst) use the program at the following location: http://tinyurl.com/4s68u
· To save your customized settings, use the Save My Settings Wizard. This is typically in your Microsoft Office Tools folder.
If you can’t find this, go to Microsoft’s website and search for “Save My Settings Wizard” to see instructions on how to download it.
Run this and save the file to an area on your computer for saving backup files.
· To save any filtering rules you use in Outlook, open Outlook, click on Tools, Rules and Alerts, Options and Export Rules. Export these to the area on your computer for saving backup files.
The instructions and the download for the Connector and PST import tool are in your Zimbra Administrator console under downloads and in the links here.
Instructions / DownloadConnector / http://tinyurl.com/yogxu9 / http://tinyurl.com/2hzpsm
PST Import tool / http://tinyurl.com/2cpv82 / http://tinyurl.com/2hzpsm
MAC Connector
To install the connector for the MAC, click here: http://tinyurl.com/2dd2ku
Set up Wireless Windows Mobile 5
Note: additional sync such as Verizon wireless sync is NOT required
Go to ActiveSync
Go to Menu
Go to Configure Server
Follow these setting using your domain:
Server Address: mail.unitedroyal.com
users names: above include domain (@domainname.com) full email address
password: above
domain: unitedroyal.com
Check item to Sync: Contacts, Calendar, Email.
Note: Some wireless providers will require you use their outbound SMTP settings
For more information on this and other mobile configurations, look here:
Controlling Spam with MX Logic
Soon after your MX Logic service is activated, you will notice an immediate decrease in the number of spam emails you receive. We would like to remind you that fighting spam is an ongoing battle. While MX Logic strives to block the vast majority of spam intended for our customers, occasionally junk email does get through. If you notice an increase in spam, please help us by doing one of two things:
1. Have all users of Outlook go to http://www.mxlogic.com/support/ and download and install Spam Control for Outlook. Once this is installed, all a user has to do is select a spam email and click on the new Delete as Spam button in the Outlook toolbar area. This will automatically, put the email in the Deleted Spam folder, and will soon thereafter, forward the email to MX Logic for analysis.
2. For those who don’t have Outlook, ask them to forward received spam email to .
More detail on how to submit spam examples to us is available via the eService portal at http://www.mxlogic.com/support/. Simply log in and use the “Search Solutions” section and search for keywords “How do I report False Negatives to MX Logic?”
Reference Materials
MX Logic provides reference materials to assist with the administration and use of MX Logic® Email Defense Services. For quick access to important reference materials, log in to the eService portal at http://www.mxlogic.com/support/ using the Etomicmail support email address:
password: supportpass
Click on the Reference Materials link, where you’ll find downloadable PDF copies of:
§ MX Control Console Administrator User Guide (Administrator guide)
§ MX Control Console & Spam Quarantine User Guide (End User guide)
§ Spam Control for Outlook® Guide
§ MX Logic Email Defense Implementation Checklist
Customer Service and Engineering Support
Please contact:
Steve Cole (858) 626-8186
Bronson Tang (858) 345-4592
or to both of us:
for any billing, customer support or technical support issues.
MX Logic Email Defense Service – Frequently Asked Questions
MX Logic provides the answers to frequently asked questions on the set up and use of our service via our eService portal in the section labeled “Top Solutions”. You may view all of the solutions available or you may search for the topic you are interested in by using the section labeled “Search Solutions”. You may search by a word or phrase, or by the Product Category you need information on.
Sample End-User Email Notice
We have provided copy, below, that you can send to end user’s within your organization to announce your use of the MX Logic® Email Defense Service.
To: Corporate Email User
Subject: New Email Protection Service
To better protect Name of Your Organization and its employees from the harmful effects of unwanted email, we have implemented an email protection and security service that filters all inbound email for spam, viruses, inappropriate content and unauthorized attachments. You should begin seeing the benefits of this service immediately, as you notice considerably less offensive and distracting email being delivered to your inbox.
You will also start receiving regular Spam Quarantine Reports in your email inbox. These reports, which will be initially emailed to you once a day, will contain those inbound email messages directed to your email inbox which are suspected of being spam. Spam Quarantine Reports will enable you to more easily and conveniently manage spam by safely viewing the messages that have been quarantined and providing options for how you would like the messages handled in the future. This process, called “Conditioning the Quarantine,” will ensure that you receive certain messages that the email filters identify as spam including newsletters, association bulletins, and other subscriptions you wish to continue receiving. Once you begin receiving Spam Quarantine Reports, you will have the option to change the frequency of report delivery.
Any email with questionable content or unauthorized attachments will be held (quarantined) by our email administrator until it is determined whether the email should be released to the email user's Spam Summary Report or deleted from the quarantine. Please review the company email policy to determine why email might be quarantined.
We encourage you to contact Email Administrator Name if you believe an email has been misidentified as spam and quarantined and we will be happy to release the email if appropriate.
Network Administrator
Confidential and Proprietary ● © 2007 Etomicmail, LLC ● www.etomicmail.com ● Page 5 of 5
7514 Girard Ave. 1-338 ● La Jolla, CA 92037 ● (858) 345-4592 tel. ● (866) 263-1544 fax