List of participants
National Workshop on Capacity Building
in Gender Violence Measurement
23-25 June, 2008
№ /Name
/ Name of organization1. / Ajigulova Zamira Baiseitovna / Apparatus of Government КR,
Social Development Department / 0312-638786
National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyz Republic
2. / Tulegabylov Nurbek Mukashevich / Deputy Chairman NSC
3. / Koichumanova Kuliipa Djumashevna / Head of Social and Ecological Statistics Department / 0312-622726,
4. / Sulaimanova Gulsara Nazarbekovna / Deputy Head of Social and Ecological Statistics Department / 0312-625607,
mob. 0555-702772
5. / Soorombaeva Dinara Kumaevna / Senior Specialist of Social and Ecological Statistics Department / 0312-664040,
6. / Kokonbaeva Gulnara Omorovna / Senior Specialist of International Cooperation Department / Mob. 0543-887888
Ministries and Divisions
/7. / Kaliev Zamirbek Aripjanovich / Chief prosecutor of Bodies of Justice, Ministry of Interior and Drugs Control Agency, General Prosecutor’s office Activity Lawfulness Supervision Department / Mob. 0555-777202
8. / Lyan Konstantin Valerievich / Prosecutor of Citizens and Under-Aged Rights and Feredoms Supervision Department of the General Prosecutor’s Office / Mob. 0555-288000
9. / Abakirova Perizat Abakirovna / Judge of the Supreme Court of the KR / Mob. 0555-010861
10. / Jakypbaev Sheraly Jakypbaevich / Judge of the Supreme Court of the KR / Mob. 0555-612216
11. / Arakeeva Ainura Aseinovna / Deputy Head of Court verdicts Enforcement Enabling Division of the Court department of the KR
12. / Jusupova Nurzat Janyshovna / Chief Expert of Court verdicts Enforcement Enabling Division of the Court department of the KR / 0312-649057
13. / Alievea Gulsara Midinovna / Deputy Head of Academy of Ministry of Home Affairs KR / Mob. 0555 722518,
14. / Kekiev Kyyazbek Kekievich / Head of COR of Ministry of Home Affairs KR / 0312-662244,
Mob. 0772-310640
15. / Davletbaev Zamir Samarbekovich / Deputy Head of IAU Division of Ministry of home Affairs KR / 0312-660581,
Mob. 0543-095643
16. / Torobekova Elmira Toktomuratovna / Specialist of Medical Information Center of the Ministry of Public Health of the KR / 0312-667792,
17. / Alybaeva Janyl Ishembekovna / Senior Specialist of Social Policies Analyses and Forecast Division of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the KR / 0312-624521,
18. / Baltieva Victoria Geradievna / Chief Expert of Pre-School, School and Extracurricular Activity of the Ministry of Education of the KR
19. / Asanbekova Ainura Askarovna / Coordinator on Youth Policy,
Crisis Center Association / 0312-661592,
Mob. 0773-542941
20. / Tilebalieva Mairam Kazybekovna / Public Fund «Darshaiym» / 0312-934920,
21. / Kadyrkulova Meerim / Acting Director of Crisis Center «Sezim» / 0312-512639,
Gender experts
22. / Janyl Abdyldabek kyzy / Specialist UNDP on Implementation of Gender Approaches / 0312-627411,
23. / Isakunova Talaigul / Expert on Gender Issues / 0312-695523;
International experts
24. / Angela Me / Expert on Gender Statistics
25. / Maria Giuseppina Muratore / National Statistics Institute, Italy
26. / Enrico Besogno / UNECE, Social and Demographic Statistical Division
27. / Asiya Kasenova / Agency on Statistics, Kazakhstan / +77172-749061;
28. / Gulnara Febres / World Bank Institute
International Organizations
29. / Akisheva Juldyz Lukmanovna / Acting Head of Project office of UN on Drugs and Crimes in KR
30. / Pisareva Tatyana Nikolaevna / Senior Economist, World Bank
31. / Jiteneva Tatyana / Coordinator, UNFPA / 0312-611202;
32. / Divinskaya Anastasiya Vladimirovna / UN Adviser on Gender issues
Venue: Hotel Koi-Tash (Alamudun Region, Chui oblast)