Sigma Chi Fraternity
Pledge Manual Supplement
Fall 2005
Dear Fall 2010 Pledge Class,
Welcome to Sigma Chi. Congratulations on your decision to become a member of our chapter. First and foremost, Sigma Chi does not believe in hazing. You will never be subjected to any activity or experiences which will in any way, make you feel uncomfortable. Know too, that as a pledge, you are held in the highest esteem of the gentlemen of Sigma Chi and this chapter. It is your responsibility to maintain this lofty position through your conduct during your pledgeship. Pledgeship is best described as a period of time for you to learn about the chapter, the fraternity, and yourself. We have full confidence in you and will do our best to help you in all your endeavors.
Pledgeship in Sigma Chi is one of the best experiences you will ever have. You will have experiences and begin friendships that will last you for the rest of your life. Sigma Chi has the responsibility of making sure your college experience is rewarding, both in and out of the classroom. We hope to build the leadership and brotherhood that is not found in academic buildings. Pledgeship in Sigma Chi prepares prospective members for a personal commitment to the ideals for which Sigma Chi stands and for the understanding and acceptance of the fundamental values of our Fraternity. True friendship, brotherhood and the lifelong development of character demand accountability for one's course in the Fraternity, in college and throughout life.
Pledgeship is the beginning of your fraternal experience, and its paramount goal is the communication of expectations of our brothers, our academic institutions, and our society.Educational attainment, personal development and the contribution of value in all aspects of the world around are fundamental expectations of brotherhood. The Preparation for Brotherhood program will challenge youto discover the personal commitment that underlies our ideals, and to adopt it as part of who you are.
The purpose of this manual is to compliment the Norman Shield pledge manual which you have received. It is designed to give you all the information that you will need about the chapter as well as the national fraternity. You will need to know all the information in the manual. It is your reference point when you have questions about the fraternity. Notice at the end of your supplement, there are questions for every week of pledgeship. The answers to these are contained in the Norman Shield or in this packet. If you have difficulty finding an answer, seek out a brother in the house to help you with them.
I am very pleased to work with you and look forward to calling you all my brothers.
Ryan Lum
Campus phone: 522-4455
Cell: (971)227-5624
Pledge Meetings
Pledge meetings are an integral part of your pledge experience. You are required to attend every meeting. Pledge meetings prepare you for the kind of leadership interaction you will experience as an active member of Sigma Chi. The meetings are informative and provide a structured environment wherein you can interact with the members of your pledge class. You must have a good excuse to miss meetings (i.e. not just “too much homework”).
Pledge Meeting Agenda:
- Convene
- Reading of the minutes
- Officer Reports
- Old business
- New business
- Announcements
- Pledge of the week
- Magister
- Quiz
- Pledge Circle
- Adournment
You will elect officers for your pledge class. These officers provide valuable experience for chapter offices. The officers you elect will be responsible for the activities of the pledge class. All officers are elected by secret ballot, majority wins.
Pledge Officers:
- President- Presides over pledge class meetings; represents his pledge class when necessary; coordinates and takes part in any activities undertaken by the pledge class.
- Vice President-Assists President; sees that any committee formed is functioning properly; works with other officers.
- Treasurer-Assists our Quaestor; is responsible for all monies belonging to the pledge class; keeps the pledge class informed of its financial status.
- Social Chairman-Sets up a function run by the pledge class; works with the treasurer to insure proper use of the money raised.
- House Improvement Chairman-Sets up and oversees the pledge class house improvement project.
- Philanthropy ChairmanSets up and oversees the pledge class philanthropy project.
Pledge Expectations
The following is a list of expectations of you as a pledge. Try to fulfill them to the best of your ability. We realize that you can’t be around for everything, but please make an effort to let someone know if you can’t.
- Attend weekly pledge meetings
- Attend social functions, formal dinners, philanthropy projects, etc…
- Participate in all pledge projects
- Conduct interviews with all the active members
Pledge Quizzes:
There will be a “quiz” at the end of every pledge meeting. The purpose of these quizzes is to help you learn the information which you will need to know throughout your time in Sigma Chi. You will be responsible for knowing the material on each quiz.
All pledges are required to interview all active members. Interviews can be very informal and are just a way to pledges to get to know the actives and vice versa. When an interview is completed, the active will sign the inside cover of your Norman Shield. The signature is the active’s way of permitting you to join the house. Only when all signatures are obtained will you be able to initiate.
Pledge Projects:
- House Improvement – A plan to improve the chapter house in some way. This project must involve actual time and labor on the part of the pledges. Consult active brothers for ideas and we will vote on the project to be done during a pledge meeting.
- Philanthropy – In addition to attending regularly scheduled philanthropy events, you, the pledges will organize a philanthropy event for the whole house (both actives and pledges) to take part in.
- Social Project – A date function. Pledges are responsible for choosing the location, setting up, cleaning up, and any other duties that the active social chair can inform you of.
Pledge Program Requirements:
1.Successful planning and execution of a Social, House Improvement, and Philanthropy project.
2.Scoring 80% or above on each weekly pledge quiz, and passing the National Pledge Examination at the end of the Pledge Process.
3.100% attendance to weekly pledge meetings.
4.You are required to eat lunch at the Sig house on Tuesdays (Friends of the House lunch), and are strongly encouraged to eat at the house on other lunch and dinner meals.
5.You must interview each active member of the Gamma Epsilon chapter of Sigma Chi and obtain a signature from them after completing this.
6.Successful planning and execution of a special event honoring our Sweetheart.
7.Each pledge honoring our Sweetheart with a white rose and a small note of appreciation sometime throughout the pledge process.
Financial Obligations
During Your Pledgeship:
- Pledge fee: $100, part of this goes to nationals, the rest goes toward the pledge class fund for social and house improvement projects.
- Initiation Fee: $175 (this is covered in $510 live-out fee), all of this goes to the International Fraternity
- Live-in fee per semester: $3110 which covers: dues, room and board, insurance, social expenses, membership deposit ($60), etc.
- One time room deposit: $100, refundable at time of Graduation
Live-outs: (this includes you guys next semester)
- Live-out fee: $510 which covers: dues, insurance, social expenses, membership deposit ($60)
If there are any questions or financial problems, consult our Quaestor or me and we can find a way to work it out. We have a policy that no person should be kept out of Sigma Chi because of monetary troubles.
Initiation Requirements
Initiation is the culmination of your pledgeship. This will occur sometime next semester. So that you will be able to return in time for initiation, please talk to me (your Magister) before making travel arrangements for returning to school. To be considered for initiation, you must meet several criteria.
* You must complete the pledge program satisfactorily
*You must have an overall G.P.A. of 2.50 or above
*You must pass the Sigma Chi National Pledge Examination
*You must have your dues paid in full
*You must fill out all of the forms required of you
*You must complete Indoctrination week
A Brief History of
The Gamma Epsilon Chapter of
Sigma Chi
The Gamma Epsilon Chapter of Sigma Chi has had a long and illustrious career, even as Sigma Chi chapters go. The beginnings of Gamma Epsilon are rooted around the 1918. At that time, a group of men had formed, and lived in a place called the Commons. Fraternities at Whitman in that day served the additional role of being the primary means for housing men; however, not all men were accepted into fraternities. The Commoners was formed by a group of men not selected by the current fraternities. The Commoners was almost an “anti-fraternity”; the emphasis was on easy-going college life. The house did not go far; after all, even paying dues was an optional thing. A group of men emerged from the ruins of the Commoners, and decided to form a fraternity of their own. They designed it to have the qualities they found lacking in the houses that were currently on campus. Keeping ever in mind the lessons they had learned from the Commoners, they formed Tau Delta Sigma.
Tau Delta Sigma petitioned Sigma Chi nationals to become a Sigma Chi chapter. The process began in 1921 and took nearly two years to complete. Chester “Chet” Lesh was instrumental in completing the work necessary to qualify Tau Delta Sigma as a Sigma Chi chapter, and the support of the first Grand Consul John S. McMillan made it all possible. Finally, on October 13, 1923, Gamma Epsilon was formally installed as a chapter of Sigma Chi, with Brother McMillan as the installing officer. Waldo Carlson was elected the first Consul of Gamma Epsilon.
Through the years, Gamma Epsilon swung between good years and bad. Twelve Peterson Significant Chapter Awards were garnered, among other awards. In 1939, the original chapter house was torn down, and the old section of the current house was built. Twenty years later, an addition, the newer section of the house, was built.
In the late 60’s, controversy on a national scale erupted within the Fraternity over the issue of racial prejudice. A stipulation within Sigma Chi in the past was that no man could become a Sigma Chi who was not, among other things, “a bona-fide white male”. Whitman was among the many chapters that led the fight to remove this policy. Gamma Epsilon needed to go so far as to place its charter in the keeping of alumni, so that Sigma Chi nationals would not repossess it. A splinter group, Nu Sigma Chi, broke off from Gamma Epsilon, and made an unsuccessful go at forming their own fraternity. The racial clause was finally dropped in the face of this nationwide pressure.
Gamma Epsilon did not return to good favor with nationals, however. Around the years 1974-75 the Sigma Chi house became a major clearing house for drug trade in the Walla Walla area. During that time, a WSU Sig named Harlan Jones transferred to Whitman and affiliated with Gamma Epsilon. Harlan was elected Consul, and set about putting the house back on track, taking drastic measures. Members were expelled, some left, and the house membership dwindled to about six. House finances were a disaster (they did not even have enough money to heat the house in the dead of winter), and it was only the perseverance of the members of Gamma Epsilon in the mid to late 70’s that allowed for this house to survive.
Since that time, Gamma Epsilon has led a relatively “normal” life. Active membership has varied from the 20’s to the high 50’s. Controversies have come and gone, house improvements have been made, and the attitudes and image of the house have fluctuated as well. In recent years Gamma Epsilon has faced the challenges of required liability insurance, alcohol policies—even going as far as being dry for a semester—differed rush, and fallout from the bad press fraternities in general have recently had to endure. Gamma Epsilon has, however, met these challenges and proven its excellence by gaining five Petersons in the past 15 years.
The Founders of Sigma Chi
Benjamin Piatt Runkle remembered for his Courage
Thomas Cowan Bell remembered for his Wisdom
William Lewis Lockwood remembered for his Integrity
Isaac M. Jordan remembered for his High Ambition
Daniel William Cooper remembered for his Self Control
Franklin Howard Scobey remembered for his Courtesy
James Parks Caldwell remembered for his Fidelity
These men came together to form our fraternity dedicating their life to the high ideals of Friendship, Justice and Learning.
Purpose of Sigma Chi:
The purpose of this Fraternity shall be to cultivate and maintain the high ideals of friendship, justice and learning upon which Sigma Chi was founded.
The Sigma Chi motto is:In Hoc Signo Vinces
Translation: “In this sign you will conquer”
The Gamma Epsilon Chapter motto is:
Non sentinus declaratis sed consecratis vitarum nostarum nos ipsos existamamos
“We judge ourselves not by the purposes we profess,
but by the commitment we live.”
Spring 2010 Officers
*Denotes Executive Committee office
Consul*Erik Korsmo
Pro Consul*Keith Hock
Magister*Ryan Lum
Questor*Matt Morganroth
Rush Chairman*Ryan Lum
House Managers*Chris Barton and John Abercrombie
Scholarship Chairman*Matt McMillan
Annotator*Paul Kruss
Social Chairmen*Eli Sienger and Graham Toben
Philanthropy*Peter Olson and Robbie Seager
Tribune/Chapter EditorBrenton Weyi
HistorianTim Shu
KustosJames Bevan-Lee
Kitchen StewardPaul Kruss
Judicial Board
The Judicial Board has three purposes:
- Hold Brothers accountable to the expectations of the Sigma Chi Ritual.
- Respond fairly and decisively to brothers who have brought dishonor to the chapter and the General Fraternity through their actions at any time, while in or out of the chapter.
- Hold Brothers accountable for violating any Sigma Chi governing law and/or chapter bylaw.
The Judicial board consists of the Pro Consul (who shall act as chairman), and four brothers—one from each of the freshman, sophomore, junior and senior classes—who shall each be elected not by the chapter as a whole but by the members of their respective class.
The members of the board shall be elected every six months or as necessary.
Weekly Pledge Quizzes
Week One
- What is the purpose of Sigma Chi as stated in the Constitution?
- State the Jordan Standard in complete detail, beginning with the words: “The standard with which the Fraternity started…”
- Describe the pledge pin and membership badge of Sigma Chi in complete detail.
- What are Sigma Chi’s colors and flower?
- State the Sigma Chi motto in Latin and English. State the Gamma Epsilon (that’s us) motto in Latin and English.
Week Two
- State the Sigma Chi Creed exactly. Who wrote it?
- Who was Constantine and why is he important to Sigma Chi?
- Briefly describe the major circumstances leading to the founding of Sigma Chi. Where, When, and Why was Sigma Chi founded? What was the original name of the fraternity and why was it changed?
- When did Gamma Epsilon receive its charter from Sigma Chi? Who was the installing officer? What were the circumstances leading to the establishment of the Gamma Epsilon Chapter?
Week Three
- State the Spirit of Sigma Chi exactly. Who wrote it?
- What are the full names of the seven founders?
- Give a brief, but thorough, biographical sketch of each founder. Include their major career activities and their specific contributions to Sigma Chi.
- What is the Miami Triad?
Week Four
- What is the Fraternity’s Grand Chapter? What is the Fraternity’s Executive Committee?
- Name the Grand Officers and briefly describe their major duties. How are these officers chosen?
- What is the Peterson Significant Chapter award? List the major criteria.
- What is a Life Loyal Sig? What is a Significant Sig?
- Briefly describe why the Constantine Chapter was established and explain its importance.
Week Five