Suffolk County Council Personal Education Plan
This Personal Education Plan must be used for any pupil looked after by Suffolk CC up to the end of Year 11.The Designated Teacher should ensure that SECTION 1 is completed and submitted, with a scan or screen shot of the school’s most recent attainment/progress tracking document for this pupil, as early in each term as possible, and by each half-term at the latest. It should be sent by secure email to: .
The Designated Teacher should ensure SECTION 2 is completed and submitted as soon after the termly PEP meeting as possible and the updated document sent by secure email to:
Contact details for the Suffolk Virtual School can be found at
Name / Year
Group / Date SECTION 1 Completed
School / Designated Teacher
Email Address of Designated Teacher
Name and role of person completing Section 1, if not the Designated Teacher
Snapshot of Attainment & Progress* / Answer Y/N for each of …
PRIMARY PHASE / Reading / Writing / Maths
SECONDARY PHASE / N/A / English / Maths
On the basis of prior attainment is the pupil EXPECTED TO ACHIEVE either Primary Expected Standard or at least a GCSE Grade 5 by the end of Key Stage 4? / Y/N
(Secondary– leave blank) / Y/N / Y/N
Is the pupil CURRENTLY ON TRACK TO ACHIEVE either Primary Expected Standard or at least a GCSE Grade 5 by the end of Key Stage 4? / Y/N
(Secondary– leave blank) / Y/N / Y/N
Is the pupil CURRENTLY ON TRACK TO ACHIEVE ABOVE either Primary Expected Standard or at least a GCSE Grade 5 by the end of Key Stage 4? / Y/N
(Secondary– leave blank) / Y/N / Y/N
(Secondary– leave blank) / Y/N / Y/N
SECONDARY / What is the school’s current estimate of the pupil’s PREDICTED PROGRESS 8?
*Please also attach a scan or screen shot of the pupil’s subject level tracking document.
Snapshot of Attendance & Inclusion / Good / Satisfactory / Cause for Concern
Attendance is (select one):
Behaviour is (select one):
Any comments …
SECTION 1 (cont’d) - Plans for this pupil’s Looked After Pupil Premium (PPG)
The interventions below have been identified from the Education Endowment Fund Teaching and Learning Toolkit as having at least moderate levels of evidence to support their use. They are ordered from those having the highest impact for lowest cost to those that are less cost-effective. The list deliberately ignores more general strategies likely to be applied across an entire school cohort such as Feedback, Homework, Mastery Learning, or Individualised Instruction, because they would be funded from the school’s general budget not targeted at the needs of an individual looked after child through the use of the Looked After Pupil Premium.
Please provide brief details, below, of any interventions you intend to use to support the pupil, and fund using the Looked After Pupil Premium: / PPG (£)
allocated / Please indicate in which of these three areas you expect outcome(s) to improve:
Attainment or Progress / Attendance / Behaviour
Meta-cognition and self-regulation: brief details
Reading comprehension support: brief details
Peer tutoring: brief details
Phonics: brief details
Digital technologies: brief details
Social & emotional learning: brief details
Behaviour interventions: brief details
One-to-One Tuition: brief details
Arts participation: brief details
Extending school time: brief details
Mentoring – brief details: brief details
For any other intervention please give details and the evidence that leads you to believe it will be effective:
Please confirm BACS details or provide payee and address details if a cheque payment is required. Suffolk CC maintained schools should provide the school number so the grant can be paid by journal transfer.
SECTION 2 - Personal Education Plan Meeting Record
Name / Year
Group / Date SECTION 2 Completed
School / Designated Teacher
Date of PEP Meeting / Location of PEP Meeting
Those present at the meeting (highlight in bold the person responsible for distributing the complete PEP):
Name / Role
Designated Teacher
Social Worker
other person present
other person present
other person present
Is the information on the green cover and the contacts/permissions sheet accurate? / Y/N
If NOT, who will update and circulate it?
What does SECTION 1 suggest is going well? How has Looked After Pupil Premium helped? / Were previous Targets achieved?
Target 1
Target 2
Target 3
What does SECTION 1 suggest is NOT going well? What are the key issues/needs still to be addressed?
Are there other issues/needs to be addressed?
How is the pupil relating to their peers &/or adults?
Are they taking part in any activities beyond the school day?
Are they approaching a significant transition? If known what is the planned destination?
If in Year 9-11, what information, advice and guidance/careers planning are they receiving? Is it enough?
This page is to be completed by the pupil. She/He should have the opportunity to complete this, with help if necessary, before the meeting.
Your feelings about school
What is going well at school? What do you think you do best?Do you have any concerns? Is there anything about school that you worry about or want help with?
Is there a teacher or someone else at school you could talk to or get help from if you wanted to? Who is it?
Please tell us about these subjects
How well do you think you are doing?(Tick or click on a number. 1 is as bad as possible, 10 is fantastic.)
English / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Maths / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Science / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
If you are in Years 10 or 11 is there anything you can think of that would help you achieve your grades?
Tick and give details as appropriate if you wish anything to be considered.· Revision guides
· Study materials
· Extra tuition
· Other
Future planning
Do you know what you would like to do after you leave school?Have you had any help or advice about your future learning or work?
Year 10/11; have you had any work experience or is there any planned?
Based on the discussion of what has gone well and any issues identified, plus the pupil’s view, agree 3 priority needs this plan will aim to address, and plan how they will be met.
(If you plan to change the way Looked After Pupil Premium is spent please update Page 2)
What support will be provided to help the pupil achieve this? How could Looked After Pupil Premium help?
Who is the best person to:
Provide this support, or arrange for it to be provided?
Monitor progress towards the target?
Keep others informed and call an early review meeting if necessary?
What support will be provided to help the pupil achieve this? How could Looked After Pupil Premium help?
Who is the best person to:
Provide this support, or arrange for it to be provided?
Monitor progress towards the target?
Keep others informed and call an early review meeting if necessary?
What support will be provided to help the pupil achieve this? How could Looked After Pupil Premium help?
Who is the best person to:
Provide this support, or arrange for it to be provided?
Monitor progress towards the target?
Keep others informed and call an early review meeting if necessary?
*Please ensure TARGETS are SMART
Stretching / Measurable
Motivational / Agreed upon
Action-oriented / Realistic
Results-oriented / Time-based
Specify the priority / Target / Support
Specify the Action(s) / By whom? / By when?
Identify any changes to transport arrangements including contact telephone numbers
Date of next LAC review (Social Care statutory review of Care Plan)
Date of next PEP meeting (next term, but must be within 6 months)
Please either:
· Save the completed PEP and send by secure email, with the school’s tracking documents (and an update of Page 2 if you plan to change the way Looked After Pupil Premium is spent) to:
and others as agreed at the meeting.
· send a paper copy of the completed PEP, with the school’s tracking documents (and an update of Page 2 if you plan to change the way Looked After Pupil Premium is spent), marked ‘addressee only’ to:
Virtual School Head
Suffolk Virtual School
Suffolk County Council
Endeavour House
Russell Road
Ipswich IP1 2BX
and to others as agreed at meeting.
Page 1 Version 16-09