Results Template:

Project Goal / Desired Change
Project purpose;- (The primary benefit to be achieved by a project)
To create awareness on land rights and access to justice to ensure that communities are compensated and resettled in cases of deprivation of property.
Desired Change: (please mention what change you want to see after you have implemented this project)
Eg Having communities which are aware and exercising their land rights and effectively access means of addressing land rights injustices
Results Summary / Activities / Why this / Indicators of performance
(Medium – term) include what you want to achieve at the mid-term of your project implementation eg
M.R. 1: Increased understanding of land rights in Hoima district specifically in oil refinery affected area of Buseruka sub county and Kaiso Tonya oil exploration areas / Eg To ensure that communities that are negatively affected by oil activities (resettlement and compensation) are aware of their property rights and able to seek redress from respective authorities / - 50%of the un compensated and un resettled refinery affected persons getting compensation or resettlement by the end of the project intervention
Short- term 1
Include what you want to achieve at the short term level of your project implementation?
Awareness on land rights and avenues for justice in the areas affected by oil activities in Hoima District created / Include the activities that will enable you achieve the short and medium term results eg
1.1 Hold community training meetings land rights / To ensure that communities are well aware and understand of dispute resolution mechanisms, land ownership systems in Uganda, land management institutions and women’s rights on land. / - 90% of trained community members are aware of their land rights through the feedback survey
- At least 70% of the trained community members are following up on land issues in the oil rich region from the follow-up surveys and activity reports
Results Summary / Activities / Why this / Indicators of performance
(Medium – term)
M.R-2 Communities ably demanding for their land rights / - Eg 50%of the disputes brought over to the Hoima district land board by communities affected by oil activities are resolved
Short- term 2
Increased understanding of land rights in Hoima district specifically in oil refinery affected area of Buseruka sub county and Kaiso Tonya oil exploration areas. / 2.1 Hold community training meetings on land rights specifically on acquisition of legal land ownership in oil exploration areas / To equip land owners with knowledge on securing their land by equipping them with information on ways and avenues of documenting and registering land ie acquiring customary certificates and legal land ownership. / Eg
- Percentage number of land owns who have obtained knowledge on how to secure land after the training through the feedback surveys
- Percentage Increase in the number of applications forwarded in request for customary land certificates
(Medium – term)
M.R-3 Refinery affected households acquiring justice through the court action / - 50% of the refinery affected people acquiring legal justice
Short- term 3
Traditional land disputes tribunals are re-activated and enabling communities access justice for minor land issues / 3.1 Support public litigation cases of refinery affected households / To ensure access to justice for affected households / - Support 500 people from the oil refinery affected areas to access justice
3.2 / -
(Medium – term)
M.R-3 Government revising property rights laws specifically on resettlement and compensation laws / - A bill on property rights tabled and debated in parliament
Short- term 4
A private members’ amendment of article 26 of the Ugandan constitution is presented to parliament / 4.1 A preliminary meeting with selected MPs on the draft bill organized / Influence government policy on compensation and resettlement / - 80% of the invited MPs are in support of the daft bill
- 70% of the MPs are pushing for the bill together with other stakeholders in parliament
4.2 / -
4.3 / -
(Medium – term) / -
Short- term 5 / 5.1 / -
5.2 / -
5.3 / -
5.4 / -

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