Holy Week and Easter Services 2018
Sunday 25th March – Palm Sunday
08.00am St John’s Church, Coromandel Valley
10.00amHoly Innocents’ Church, Belair
Liturgy of the Passion with Blessing of Palms at both services
Weds 28th March – Tenebrae Service at the Cathedral
6.30 – 7.30pm“A Service of Shadows”–Scripturereadings, prayers
and silence interspersed with music led by “Certain
Notes” Choir, especially for Holy Week.
Thurs 29th March – Maundy Thursday Service
7.00pm Holy Innocents’ Church, Belair
Friday 30th March – Morning Service for Good Friday
10.00am – 12 Noon All Hallows’ Church, Blackwood
Friday 30th March – Evening Service for Good Friday
7.30pm Holy Innocents’ Church, Belair
Sunday 1st April – Easter Day
6.00am Easter Dawn Service at All Hallows’ Church:
Lighting of the Fire, Candle-lit procession into the church, and a glorious celebration of the Eucharist.Belairand Coro Parishes combined – service led by Revd’s Steve and Nic
8.00am St John’s Church: Easter Morning Communion Service, led by Rev’d Nic
10.00am HolyInnocents’Church, Belair: Shared Family Easter Communion Service, led by Revd’s Steve, Paula & Nic
Saturday Morning of Quiet Reflection
In the lead-up to Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter, Revd Nic Denny-Dimitriou will lead a morning with material for reflection and prayer, on
Saturday 24th March from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm.
At the Parish Hall at St John’s Church, Coromandel Valley
(337 Main Road, Coro Valley, next to the Primary School)
Morning tea/coffee and refreshments will be provided.No charge.Bring things that may be helpful:hat for the sun, comfortable chair if you prefer to sit outside during quiet times (or use one of the hall chairs), walking shoes if you’d like to take a short stroll along the paths next to the local creek, something to write on. For any items to be printed and for catering purposes, please let Nic know if you will attend: or 0411 308 833 (mobile call or text).
Tenebrae Service at the Cathedral
Wednesday 28th March, 6.30 to 7.30pm
“A Service of Shadows” – as listed overleaf, a moving, quietly dramatic service of Scripture readings, prayers and silence interspersed with music, especially for Holy Week. Following each short reading, lighting and candles are extinguished until the church is in “shadow”, reminiscent of the sky turning dark as Jesus’ physical life ebbed away on the cross.
In 2016 we held a Tenebrae Service at All Hallows, attended by a large number of people including many who had never heard of it before, and many described it as deeply moving. Last year several people spoke very movingly of the one at the Cathedral, and we resolved to encourage as many as possible to attend it. It lasts approximately one hour. We will travel to the city for concerts, the theatre or the footy; here’s an opportunity to travel to the city for a powerful once-a-year Holy Week event!
Travel Suggestion: Meet in All Hallows car park no later than 5.30pm, to depart at 5.40/5.45 and to share lifts; put your name on a list that will circulate at both morning services, indicating if you would like a lift or can offer a lift. Traffic congestion at that time of day in that direction is not too heavy and I can suggest a back-route to avoid the city centre. Of course people could also make their own way from work or home, by car or by train.