Frequently Asked Questions
Use this document to view Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and their respective answers. This document should be navigated using the following table of contents, by question topic.
Frequently Asked Questions
Delivering Training
Test Environment
More Information
Hands-On Demos
VSE System Questions
Data Set-Up
VistA Interactions
Clinic Set up
System Functionality
VAR Compatibility
Delivering Training
- Timeframe
- Training
- Roll out
- Go-live
- Test Environment
Question / AnswerIn what time frame do the schedulers need to be trained?
Is the go-live date the same date for every facility or will it be staggered? / Scheduler and Supervisor training should start around June 6 for the larger training effort (that which is outside of the initial 10 schedulers taught during the site visit) for these early visits. For sites whose site visit start on or after 6/6, training should start the week following the site visit. The target is to complete training in an 11-week timeframe. If this is not achievable, the site POC should be in touch with Dawn Smith and the ACAP Office during their weekly calls. Each site is also to be completing a training implementation plan that will help the sites determine what is realistically feasible for them. Guidance for this is provided in the VSE MC Implementation Plan document that Dawn provides to all of the sites during their regular meetings (may also be available from the POCs’ SharePoint site).
For roll out, this is a staggered roll out that aligns with the training schedule, roughly. Currently, OI&T is only rolling out for the test environment based on some final enhancements that are being made to the software. Starting in early June, OI&T will begin the production roll out (at which time they hope to be able to push it to the work stations, rather than local OI&T installing manually). However, for each site, users should only be given access once they satisfactorily complete the Hands-on Demonstration (3 or better across the skills).
Can management reports only be saved as PDFs? / Yes, but audit activity reports may be exported to Excel.
Will data definitions be available for some of the management reports (adjusted demand, for example)? / These definitions are not currently readily available, but we can request this information be added to the User Guide or placed in the Scheduling Staff resources in some other way.
What is the go-live date? Will the rollout be done in phases or will all sites go live at the same time? / This is a rolling deployment. They are currently addressing some last minute defects, but the expected rollout for the earliest sites is in early June. To say updated, the site POC should attend the deployment calls.
For the VSE test environment, will the data need to be refreshed/cleared out after each class? / Yes, assuming they use up the data they have configured.
Do all End Users need to have training completed before sites go live? / Please refer to your site MC POC. The ACAP office would like 100% completion before going live but understand this could be a hard goal to meet. Sites should have a majority of the training completed. Currently sites are being instructed to keep VSE in the Test Environment until additional patches are released that will correct known defects.
Where can I find Scheduling Policies? / National Scheduling Policies/Memorandums can be found on the Scheduling Community Practice Site and at your facility. Directives and Handbooks can also be found on the VGA forms and publications page via the following link:
June 20, 2016 / Entered into VA Pulse through this point
Sites having are trouble with query in the test environment. Will this happen in production as well? / It should not. By reducing the query options, the slowness should be eliminated.
Important - sites who did not install the GUI to the desktop and instead placed them on their regional/local servers are experiencing performance issues. The software is not recommended or built to be pushed out.
The systems team and HP are looking at this.
- Should this be triggering a “white screen of death” or does that suggest an issue with the test environment?
- When the “white screen of death” occurred, the recall that was up at the time became locked and you cannot access the appt. What should they do in this circumstance? Will check into this
If pre-registration flags are not showing, is that an issue with the test environment or how the system should be behaving? / They should be working – it might be a result of the test environment but will check in our systems team and get back with you.
Given the updated info on requiring TMS admins to mark students as having completed the courses, how long after an admin marks the student as complete is the eval available? /
- Will the student receive a notification to complete the evaluation?
Query is consistently causing problems within the Test environment. Is this a test issue or something being put in wrong at the sites? / By reducing the query options, the slowness was supposed to be eliminated. Important - sites who did not install the GUI per desktop and placed them on their regional/local servers are experiencing performance issues. It was not recommended or built to be pushed out
Recall would not work in the Test environment and the POC said they do not have class one software. They are still class three and RECALL won’t work. We also could not use EWL. Is this related to that software issue? / Yes, this very likely. I would ask that they contact their regional OI&T or if needed, Yoojin Lee (OI&T national implementation manager). VA OI&T will not support class 3 software
In the Test environment, pre- registration flags are not displaying. We understood that all flags that display in VistA will display in VSE. Is that correct? / They should be working – it might be a result of the test environment.
June 21, 2016 / Entered into VA Pulse through this point
Test Environment
- Query
- Simulations
Question / Answer
Super Users are continuing to have issues with the query function in the test environment. On my site visits, it’s worked in only one or two cases. With scenarios 5 and 7 (where users are directed to use the query tool to see recalls and EWLs for clinic C), users consistently either get a message saying there are no results or the system freezes. I’ve been directing them to use the filters in the consolidated request list instead, but I thought to give you a quick heads up about the issue. / Have them use all dates – in the scenario the wait time will calculate to -365. The only way to find anything with a negative wait time is to use all dates.
Does TEST system look the same as simulations? Does it blink between screens the same way? / No, the simulation provides the ability to view/practice in a safe environment and become familiar with VSE program; however, there are some features of the simulations that do not behave the exact same way as TEST/VSE application.
When will the “glitches” all be fixed and final product available? / The program will continue to evolve throughout its lifetime. Just like any software program there will be enhancements and patches. The initial go-live date is set for the first week of July barring any issues.
June 24, 2016 / Entered into VA Pulse through this point
More Information
- Results
- Checklist
Question / Answer
Is there somewhere that sites can go to get the feedback that the pilot sites or other sites who are live on the system? / The open forum call line:
Adobe Connect Link:
VANTS: 1-800-767-1750 Access Code 32988
How does the system address appointment status for those who are color-blind? / The application was approved by 508 team.
Is there one place to get all of the documentation for VSE, besides Pulse? / VistA Documentation Library
Is there business rule guidance on cancelling requests in VSE? / The Business Rules are being set by the ACAP Office now.
June 24, 2016 / Entered into VA Pulse through this point
Have any of the sites we visited in May actually started using the production version of VSE? / No, based on varied corrections being made to the system, no sites are live yet.
July 15, 2016 / Entered into VA Pulse through this point
Hands-On Demos
- Results
- Checklist
Question / AnswerWhere will we report our results of the hands on demonstrations? / Sites need to prepare a spreadsheet that contains the Scheduler name, date class training was completed, and a check box reflecting the Scheduler passed the hands on demonstration. The document will be uploaded to a SharePoint. The ACAP office will release the name/location of the SharePoint soon.
When is the hands on checklist completed with the End User? / About two weeks after attending class. The End User is given time to practice on their own. ACAP is recommending 4 hours maximum however times may vary depending on the knowledge of each user.
June 20, 2016 / Entered into VA Pulse through this point
Grading Scale/Scoring Rules for Hands-On-Demonstration Checklist; what is the determination for pass/fail? / Users should perform at a 3 or higher across skills prior to being given access to VSE in production.
June 24, 2016 / Entered into VA Pulse through this point
VSE System Questions
Data Set-Up
- Clinic
- Data Set-Up
- Prohibited Clinic
- Restricted Access
- Special needs
- Reports
Question / AnswerOn the telehealth clinic…is this 3 different clinics for telehealth? / The scenario is the ability to view a clinic in the provider group so they suggested that the provider from Clinic A, B or C also be the provider for a telehealth clinic.
Will VSE link with the new telehealth system (Telehealth Scheduling System)? / Not at this time.
Will VSE at some point allow schedulers to run reports such as EWL, SH, EARs? / At the current time, VSE will allow for the request list items to be printed out in a report like fashion. It does not have the functionality to run the EAR at this time; however, these reports can continue to be run outside of VSE.
Can requests be printed? For example, in the call center when a patient experiencing breathing difficulty calls, needing one of the nurses to triage it, how do they get that request to them? / Facilities should follow their established process as how to handle urgent/emergent issues. This will be no different with VSE except that the scheduler can enter an appointment request that is followed up on by the staff in the clinic. If approval is given, the scheduler can make the appointment directly.
Will the “enter” key work to move through VSE when it is live? / Enter does not register text entries in a field in the live system. Enter does work to select a radio button, checkbox, or button. This is a keyboard alternative to clicking.
Clinic D Dental states it is prohibited. Does this mean it is restricted and if so, who should have access? / Yes it should be restricted. The students in the class should have access so you can restrict users that will be trained later
Can I choose multiple clinics or only groups that are built? / There are two ways to view multiple clinics. The first is by viewing a clinic group built within VSE. The second way is to view by Provider. Please note that the Provider must be listed as a Default Provider for that clinic in VistA.
If a patient is requesting an appointment in multiple clinics, all in one day, will we be able to schedule those? / Yes, you can schedule in multiple clinics by selecting each request in turn and scheduling. If you look up the patient, all pending requests for the patient display in the consolidated request list and appointments display in the Pending Appointments section. As you select a request, the schedule for the requested clinic or specialty displays. When you schedule the appointment, the focus will move to the next request for the patient and you can schedule subsequent appointments, while seeing the already booked appointments.
Who is responsible for creating the groups? And does such information need updating upon every new clinic added? / VSE only recognizes clinic groups created within the software not VistA. Facilities need to develop a written process for managing the clinic groups. This will require maintenance as clinics are activated and inactivated.
In the ER, a whiteboard called EDIS shows a list of veterans waiting to be seen. Will the EDIS board update when an appointment is scheduled within VSE? / If this currently occurs, it will continue to update. If there was no communication previously, this would remain the same. There were no specific adaptions for EDIS.
Will providers also have access to VSE so they can view their clinics/patients? / No, not currently, unless they have the appropriate keys and attend training. A view-only level access is in the works.
If VSE is not used for updating demographics, is there a way the system can have sections greyed out to indicate to users that these sections are unavailable? / You may only update demographic information that has not been previously entered. Any existing information is greyed out, which means it cannot be updated in VSE. Other updates to demographics should be through VistA or VetLink. The ability to update in VSE is a future enhancement on the listuy.
Do staff members get an alert if a patient is Non-Veteran or Collateral? / The staff will not receive a pop up alert. There are several ways to see the information. When making a selection from the Search Box, the eligibility is shown in the dropdown search selection box. After a patient is selected, the Demographics area will display the Patient Type. When creating an appointment request, the Patient’s Eligibility Information box displays showing the Primary Eligibility Code.
Are all staff going to have access to entering Special Needs Notifications? If so, is there anything providing general script? What is the character limit? / Yes, all staff will be able to enter special needs and preferences, unless local policy restricts it use to certain roles. The ACAP office is working on some standard language. The max character length is 120 characters.
Will patients be able to add these preferences once they can request appointments electronically – VAR? (Special preferences when making an appointment, service dog, escort, etc.) / There is a section where the Veteran can indicate the best times for the VA to call and a 100-character message that can be sent to the scheduler. Special needs and preferences will be updated by the scheduler when talking with the Veteran to make the appointment for future reference, as is currently done with traditional appointment scheduling.
Will “Special Instructions” display the special instructions without having to click on the banner in the live version? (In the test account it only says “Special Instructions.”) / No, the user will need to select the Special Instructions banner for additional information.
Once the special needs data has been entered while making "one" appointment, will that special needs data save for all future? / Yes, special needs data stays with the patient, so it should only be entered for those needs.
Is VSE used for registering patients or are we supposed to use VistA? / No, VistA will be used for registering patients.
Can you have a default clinic that populates automatically? / No.
Once you filter a request list, can you save those preferences as a default? / You will need to filter or query to limit what is displayed. The purpose of this is to ensure items are not overlooked.
Can you use the space bar + enter to pull up the last clinic or patient? / No.
Are the fields case sensitive? / The Access and Verify code fields are case sensitive. None of the other fields are.
Can you use the VHIC card to bring up a patient? / No, VSE uses manual entry only.
Will VSE provide an alert if the veteran needs to have their insurance card scanned? / No, staff will need to continue to use ICB.
When searching for a clinic, can the search be done using the clinic abbreviation or the clinic name? / You can only use the exact clinic name when searching for a clinic. You must enter at minimum the first 6 characters of the clinic name.
How long does it take VSE to time out? / 15 minutes.
Do the graphs auto-populate or do users have a choice of graph? / The graphs auto-populate.
June 20, 2016 / Entered into VA Pulse through this point
Is it correct that each site will install the software on a rolling basis per the OIT information in the schedule, but individuals will be turned on per local SOP thereafter based on completion of the demo checklist? / There will be a recommended patch installation window and then GUI installation dates. However, access to the system is per local SOP as you outlined.
Super Users & Schedulers need to complete the two courses (documented as complete in TMS) and demonstrate a level of proficiency through the demo checklist. At that point, they will be recommended for access. This should be outlined per SOP. This is critical.
With regard to the grouping of clinics will - each staff member be able to customize it to their needs for the clinics they are responsible for ? / At this time there is no ad hoc option for clinic groups - all groups need to be built with guidance from your oversight group to include clerks and/or provider input.
June 21, 2016 / Entered into VA Pulse through this point
Currently clinic name changes cause the recall system to have glitches. Will VSE have these same issues? / VSE receives its information from Vista. The information in the recall system is sent to VSE. If there are glitches in the recall system and the clinic names are not correct it will pass the incorrect clinic names into VSE.
The Recall documentation lead the users to believe that the NAMES of the clinic must match but it really is not looking at the NAME but the IEN number of the clinic.
June 24, 2016 / Entered into VA Pulse through this point
When coordinating with a VAMC that is not yet on VSE, what is the process, e.g. this location is live and an associated location they also book for is not live? / The other site would continue to schedule within VistA and this would not yield an issue. There should be no issue with a Veteran who goes in between sites with and without VSE since VSE is only an overlay on VistA.
July6, 2016 / Entered into VA Pulse through this point