First Congregational Church of Berkeley
Ministry of Justice and Service (AKA Outreach, Mission, and Service)
2017-18 Request for Proposals
Who Are We?
The Ministry of Justice and Service (AKA Outreach, Mission and Service (OMS) at First Church provides leadership within the church to support individual members and the church community as they reach out to address local and global needs through service activities, grant making and special collections as well as through support and sponsorship of First Church Ministry Teams. As part of this work, Justice and Service meets once a year to consider grant applications from organizations addressing community needs. These grants are funded through monies raised by the First Church Cellar Thrift Shop as well as through the Christmas and Easter offerings.
Who Do We Fund?
The Ministry of Justice and Serviceannually funds community-based social justice projects that address oppression, violence, and/or discrimination of and against marginalized populations that are often defined by race, gender, gender expression, religion, and socioeconomic status.
For 2017-18, we are interested in receiving proposals for funding projects that address the areas described below:
IMMIGRATION: Projects that address the quality of lives of people migrating across borders as well as the root causes of these migrations. Sample projects may help with legal issues related to immigration/refugee status, access to health/dental care, emergency and long-range housing, ESL classes, tutoring, and so on. Such projects may be placed in local and national contexts. For those projects addressing root causes of migrations, they would be situated in countries of origin and address such issues as land grabbing, assassinations, displacement, impunity, crime, and poverty, i.e. factors that would motivate or require out-migration.
ENVIRONMENT: Projects that address issues related to climate change, environmental degradation, environmental health, environmental issues with energy, pollution of air, soil, or water, resource depletion, toxicants, and waste. We are particularly interested in the impacts of different environmental issues on marginalized populations in local, national, and global contexts.
FOOD INSECURITY/HUNGER: Projects that address food insecurity and hunger. Sample projects may involve free food distribution, community gardens in low-income neighborhoods, delivery of food to the home bound, and so on. Projects may take place in local, national, and global contexts.
HOUSING: Projects that address homelessness or the lack of affordable housing for middle- to low-income people in local, national, and global contexts. The eligible projects will specifically address housing and/or shelter rather than issues associated with, for example, being homeless (health problems, lack of regular meals, and so on).
Restrictions & Timelines
- We will consider requests for up to $4500.
- Proposals are due by midnight October 20, 2017. We will not be able to accept proposals that arrive after this date/time. Only complete proposals will be considered for the review process.
- Proposals must be submitted electronically to Victoria Purcell-Gates, Chair of The Justice and Service Ministry at .
- We will contact all those who submit proposals by November 23, 2016 as to whether or not we could fund their projects
- We will disburse funds for these projects in two phases in 2017, reflecting the timing of our own funding schedule:
- January 3, 2017
- April 28, 2017
The proposal guide will provide a place to indicate which date will suit the project’s needs.
Review Process
We expect to receive more proposal submissions than we are able to fund. Members of The Ministry of Justice and Service will review all of the proposals and reach consensus as a group as to which proposals will be funded and for how much. Criteria for the review will be:
- How well the proposed project fits within stated priority areas
- Impact the Ministry of Justice and Service grant would have on achievement of goal stated in proposal
- Evidence of appropriate evaluation plan for project and for use of The Ministry of Justice and Service funds
- How well the organization made use of previous Justice and Service grants, if applicable
- Impact of the project and Ministry of Justice and Service funds for the project on the lives of those served by the organization
- ImpactJustice and Service grant would have on budget of organization
- Involvement of First Church members in organization
Applicants are encouraged to contact Victoria Purcell-Gates at with any questions regarding the proposal process.
Proposal Guide
All proposals must be written and submitted using the following format/template:
First Congregational Church of Berkeley
Ministry of Justice and Service (AKA OMS)
Please do not exceed 2 pages
Organization Information
Organization Name:
Mailing Address:
Contact Person:
Tax Status (e.g 501c3 non-profit or other):
Tax ID#:
Please provide 501c3 letter to verify tax status if applicable
Organization Profile
Year Founded:
Population Served:
Geographic Area Covered:
Central Issues of Concern:
Current Annual Budget: $______(REQUIRED)
% of current budget from government (state, federal and local):______
% of current budget from foundations: ______
% of current budget from other sources*: ______
Total must equal 100%
*Specify type(s) of other sources: ______
Organization’s Mission Statement
Involvement of members of First Church in your organization (if applicable)
Utilization of previous First Church grant (if applicable)
Amount of Current Grant Request:NOT TO EXCEED $4,500 ______
Grant will be used for: ______
Do you need your funds before the April 28, 2017 disbursement date (see above)? ______If yes, briefly explain:
Description of CurrentGrant Request:
Goal(s) to be achieved:
The Ministry of Justice and Service 2017-18 Priority Area(s) addressed by project:
Ways in which project addresses The Ministry of Justice and Service Priority Area(s):
Expected impact on the lives of people served:
Criteria and means (including instruments) for measuring success of stated goal:
Breakdown of projected expenditures for amount requested:
Note: If our grant will provide only part of the funding for your proposal where will additional funding come from?