Dear Children,
At last the much awaited summer vacation has begun. It is a time for relaxation and enjoyment. As important as it is to rest & enjoy, it is also important to continue to learn.
Strike a balance between work and play and allow yourself to grow in the process. Let vacation time be a doorway to creativity, learning, growth and joy. We have some very interesting Holiday Homework for you this vacation. You are sure to enjoy this learning activity. The projects have been chosen with a lot of deliberation. Utmost care has been taken to ensure that you use your creativity, your innovative ideas and your imagination to shape your projects into beautiful, wonderful ‘creations’. Relax, enjoy, have loads of fun and come back refreshed.
Here are some tips which you might find beneficial during the vacation.
Familiarize yourself with concept of time management by drawing up a
schedule. Vary the schedule with fun activities and ensure that you get enough
rest as it is going to be very warm.
Bond with friends and relatives. Avail all opportunities for social interaction.
*Decorate the waste plastic bottle and use as pots to grow plants and bring it to school.
Read as much as you possibly can. Visit the local library or bookshop. Select 8 to 10 books that you will enjoy reading.
Visit the supermarket in order to practice money handling and basic math
transactions. Remember that plastic bags must not be used because they are dangerous for children and bad for the Earth.
Enjoy a good water swim. Enrol for professional swimming classes if required.
*Be vigilant of safety at all times and ensure adult supervision. You must always be aware of saving yourself from excessive exposure to the sun and its hazards. Use sunscreen lotion, wear sun visors and avoid looking directly at the sunlight.
It is important that you keep yourself hydrated by drinking a lot of fluids and eating fresh fruit and vegetables. Avoid street food as rising temperatures encourage food contamination and decomposition. Remember to carry filtered water in water bottles for any outdoor activities.
Make indoor experiences fun by inviting friends and organizing small group activities such as, drama, dumb charades etc.
Play indoor board games like chess, carom, monopoly, scrabble etc.
Undertake to do one household chore like watering the plants or washing the car to inculcate a sense of responsibility.
Rise early in the morning, go for morning walks, exercise, read the morning newspaper and do crosswords, mazes, quizzes etc. Keep abreast of general knowledge and current affairs.
Art and craft projects are ideal to do at this time of year.
Limit the use of television and the internet. It is a great source of innovation and inspiration only if used discreetly.
Watch informative channels such as National Geographic, BBC and
Discovery. You can discuss the programs at the dining table or during family time.
Cyber Safety
Some of your assignments require you to research online and gather information.
Here are some guidelines for you dear young ones to use some caution while surfing the net. Don‟t fret ,there are many ways to curtail the ill effects of cyber surfing.
1. I will not give out personal information such as my address, telephone number, parents‟ work address/telephone number without my parents‟ permission.
2. I will tell my parents right away if I come across something that makes me feel uncomfortable.
3. I will talk with my parents about posting pictures of myself or others online and not post any pictures that my parents consider to be inappropriate.
4. I will talk with my parents so that we can set up rules for going online and using a mobile phone. We will decide upon the time of day that I can be online, the length of time I can be online and appropriate areas for me to visit. I will not access other areas or break these rules without their permission.
5. I will not give out my passwords to anyone (even my best friends) other than my parents.
6. I will check with my parents before downloading or installing software or doing anything that could possibly hurt our computer or mobile device or jeopardize my family‟s privacy.
7. I will be a good online citizen and not do anything that hurts other people or is against the law.
8. I will help my parents understand how to have fun and learn things online and teach them things about the Internet, computers and other technology.
9. I will never breach my parents‟ trust in me.
10. I will immediately log off any website if it has inappropriate content (even accidentally).
11. I will abide by the rules and regulations for internet safety drawn up with my parents. Share with your parents that they should trust you implicitly. Share with your parents that you will use the internet with their guidance and avoid inappropriate sites. Build your trust with your parents so that they may never need to have any sleepless night!
If you can follow all these guidelines then you are safe.
Take Care!
Enclosed you will find a selection of engaging activities that will energize you and enhance creativity. These activities will keep you abreast
of your work, keep you engaged and ready to enjoy your vacation to the hilt.
Happy Vacation!
SESSION: 2018-19
Q1)Read The Treasure Island and do the following task on the same(to be done on an A-3 size sheet):
Q2) Make a wall magazine:
(Roll No. 1 to 10) : Using 10 proverbs
(Roll No. 10 to 20): Using 10 Idioms
(Roll No. 21 to 30 ): Tenses
(Roll No. 31 to 35):Write good slogans and make posters on the following topics:
a) Donate blood b) Keep the earth green c) Save water d) Save girl child e) Stop violence against women.
Q3) Bring self-composed poems/articles for the school magazine (to be done on A-4 size sheet).
NOTE- Q1 and 3 are compulsory for all. Q2 is to be done on pastel sheet. (You can join two or more pastel sheets together for the same).
(I)TOPIC 1: Vedic maths ( Roll No 1-10)
India's next gift to the world could be Vedic mathematics. Vedic Math is a set of ancient techniques that can help to conquer the most difficult sums. Make a creative project on Vedic maths.Collect information and find out the answers to the following questions
-What is VedicMathematics?
-What are the benefits of learning Vedic Math?
-List some of the techniques of VedicMath.(Any two for Addition and Subtraction)
Use the scrapbook to write all the information. Paste pictures and decorate the scrapbook.
(II) TOPIC 2: Solar System (Roll No 11-20)
Calculate distances of any five planets from the Sun and write the numeric values in Indian and International system of numeration.
Use an A-4 size sheet for the same. Paste pictures and decorate it .
(III) TOPIC 3: Best Out of Waste ( Roll No. 21 onwards)
Students should note down age of each family members in Hindu Arabic and Roman form. Use matchsticks, straw or any other waste material to depict the same.
१.प्रतिदिन एक पेज सुलेख करें|
२.निम्न्लिखित कार्य को ए-४ रंगीन कागज़ में लिखिए:-
क)पाँच मुहावरों के अर्थ लिखकर वाक्यों में प्रयोग कीजिए|
ख)किसी एक महापुरुष की जीवनी लिखकर उनके जीवन से क्या सिख मिलती है लिखिए|
ग)मित्रता विषय पर एक अनुछेद लिखिए|(१०० से १५० शब्दों में)
३. हिंदी समाचारपत्र से ‘प्रदुषण’अथवा ‘खेल समाचार’के विषय पर एक कोलाज बनाए|
४.निम्न्लिखित विषयों में से किसी एक एक विषय पर एक स्वरचित कविता लिखिए:-
(क) ‘स्वछता’ (ख) ’अनुशासन’ (ग) प्रकृति
५.’प्रेमचंद’अथवा ‘जयशंकर प्रसाद’द्वारा लिखी गई कहानियाँ पढ़कर किन्ही दो कहानियों का वर्णन अपने शब्दों में कीजिए|
६. हिंदी पाठ्यपुस्तक “ऊँची उड़ान” का पाठ१ से पाठ ३ कंठशठ करें|
- E.V.S.:
Q1) Collect information and pictures on the five major calamities in the world and study their impact on the lives of people. Make a scrapbook based onyour finding. (Roll no- 1 to 7)
Q2) Try and read the ‘Nutritional Information’ printed on packed food items like packets of milk, biscuits, chocolates etc. In your scrapbook, note down the amount of different components present in such food. (Roll no- 8 to 14)
Q3) Find out about three different rock sculptures around the World. Collect information about the kinds of rocks that have been used in these sculptures. Make a scrapbook on your findings. (Roll no- 15 to 21)
Q4) Name the NGO’s that assists in times of natural calamities. Collect information about each of them. Collect pictures related to the work done by these NGO’s. Make a scrapbook. (Roll no- 22 to 28)
Q5) Find out the names, pictures and details of four artificial satellites. Make a scrapbook on your findings. ( Roll no- 29 to 36)
Q6) Make a model for the following by using waste materials: -
a) Volcano ( Roll no- 1 to 12)
b) Life Cycle of a Butterfly (Roll no- 13 to 24)
c) Windmill ( Roll no- 25 to 36)
कक्षापाँचवींसंस्कृतगृह- कार्य
1. संस्कृतेफलानाम्- शाकानाम्चनाम्नाA3 पत्रेचित्राणिरचयत।
संस्कृतमेंफलोंवसब्जियोंके नामसेA3 शीटपरचित्रबनाए।
2. A3 पत्रेसंस्कृतेनशरीर- अंगानाम्नामानिलिखत।
(शरीर के अंगों के नामसंस्कृतमेंए3 शीटपरलिखें)
3. श्रीमद्भागवत - गीताया: 2 श्लोकान् A4पत्रेलेखयित्वा कंठस्थम् कुर्यात ।
श्रीमद्भागवत गीता से संस्कृतमेंकोई -2 "ए4"शीटपर सुंदरता से लिखकर याद करें ।
4. पाठ्यपस्तकात्15 सुलेखान्संस्कृतेलिखत।
(पाठ्य पुस्तक से 15 सुलेख लिखिए)
नोट - पी ए 1 परीक्षा के लिए पाठित विषयों को दोहराए ।
FRENCH:Q-1Create your own Alphabets Book in French creatively. Stick 3 pictures with each letter and name them in French only for your better understanding. Design in a manner that it could be sell in the mkt.
Q-2Find two words in English every day and translate them in French. Do this work in your class notebook.
Q-3To attain the correct pronunciation of French words and accent follow the link given here in the presence of your parents.
Collect the pictures related to topics mentioned below and make a collage
on chart sheet with information.
1.Any five Operating system pictures (eg: window 7) (Roll no.1-7 )
2.Any five E-commere Websites (eg: flipkart) (Roll no.8-14 )
3.Any five Web Browser (eg: google chrome) (Roll no.15-21 )
4.Any five Search Engine (eg: google) (Roll no.22-28 )
5.Any five Anti-virus (eg: Awast Anti-virus) (Roll no.29 ONWARDS )
Roll no 1 to 10 make a 3d tree house, Roll no 11 to 20 make a beautiful queen crown,
Roll no 21 to till last make a paper bowl by using old newspapers.