Dear colleagues and young scientists!
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University welcomes you to participate in the XI International Scientific Conference for students and young scientists “Science and education -2016”, which takes place on the 14th of April, 2016 dedicated to ENU’s 20th anniversary.
The conference will include the following sections:
№ № / №№ / Name of section / Academic Secretary / E-mail, теl.1 / Physical and technical science
1. / 1.1 / Space Engineering and Technology / Abdrakhmetova A.А. /
709-500 (ex. 33-128)
mob.: +707-857-96-45
2. / 1.2 / Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications / Abdrakhmetova A.А. /
709-500 (ex. 33-128)
mob.: +707-857-96-45
3. / 1.3 / Physics / Abdrakhmetova A.А. /
709-500 (ex. 33-128)
mob.: +707-857-96-45
4. / 1.4 / Technical Physics / Abdrakhmetova A.А. /
709-500 (ex. 33-128)
mob.: +707-857-96-45
5. / 1.5 / Nuclear physics, new materials and technology / Abdrakhmetova A.А. /
709-500 (ex. 33-128)
mob.: +707-857-96-45
2 / Modern information and communication technologies
6. / 2.1 / Intellectual
information technology and systems / Zhumadillayeva A.K. /
709-500 (ex. 34-206)
7. / 2.2 / Informatization of education and problems of IT teaching / Zhumadillayeva A.K. /
709-500 (ex. 34-206)
8. / 2.3 / Computer Engineering
and automated control systems / Zhumadillayeva A.K. /
709-500 (ex. 34-206)
3 / Natural sciences
9. / 3.1 / Biology and biotechnology / Aubakirova K.M. /
709-500 (ex. 33-222)
10. / 3.2 / Ecology / Aubakirova K.M. /
709-500 (ex. 33-222)
11. / 3.3 / Chemistry / Aubakirova K.M. /
709-500 (ex. 33-222)
12. / 3.4 / Geography and hydrology / Aubakirova K.M. /
709-500 (ex. 33-222)
4 / Mathematics, mechanics and mathematical modeling
13. / 4.1 / Mathematics / Burgumbayeva S.K. /
709-500 (intercommunication
33-213, 33-215, 33-216)
14. / 4.2 / Mechanics / Burgumbayeva S.K. /
709-500 (intercommunication
33-213, 33-215, 33-216)
15. / 4.3 / Mathematical and computer modeling / Burgumbayeva S.K. /
709-500 (intercommunication
33-213, 33-215, 33-216)
16. / 4.4 / Technique of teaching mathematics / Burgumbayeva S.K. /
709-500 (intercommunication
33-213, 33-215, 33-216)
5 / Journalism and Political Science
17. / 5.1 / Trends in Mass media development / Ashenova S.V. /
709-500 (вн. 35-110)
18. / 5.2 / Journalism and contemporary issues / Ashenova S.V. /
709-500 (вн. 35-110)
19. / 5.3 / Political science / Ashenova S.V. /
709-500 (вн. 35-110)
6 / International relations
20. / 6.1 / International relations / Abisheva M.M. /
709-500 (ex. 31-376)
21. / 6.2 / Regional Studies / Abisheva M.M. /
709-500 (ex. 31-376)
22. / 6.3 / Oriental and
Turkology Studies / Abisheva M.M. /
709-500 (ex. 31-376)
23. / 6.4 / Culture-oriented linguistics / Abisheva M.M. /
709-500 (ex. 31-376)
7 / Modern Issues of Philology
24. / 7.1 / Kazakh Philology (Language and Literature ) / Beisenbay A.B. /
(ex. 302-311, 32-309)
25. / 7.2 / Russian Philology (Language and Literature ) / Beisenbay A.B. /
(ex. 302-311, 32-309)
26. / 7.3 / Foreign Philology (English, French, German, Chinese) / Beisenbay A.B. /
(ex. 302-311, 32-309)
27. / 7.4 / Theory and Practice of Translation / Beisenbay A.B. /
(ex. 302-311, 32-309)
28. / 7.5 / Theory and Practice of Foreign Language / Beisenbay A.B. /
(ex. 302-311, 32-309)
8 / Economic sciences
29. / 8.1 / Actual problems of accounting, audit and analysis in the modern conditions / Bakirbekova A.M. /
709-500 (ex. 32-608)
30. / 8.2 / Global trends and Kazakhstan economic development / Bakirbekova A.M. /
709-500 (ex. 32-608)
31. / 8.3 / Management and Governance / Bakirbekova A.M. /
709-500 (ex. 32-608)
32. / 8.4 / Tourism Industry: Opportunities, priorities, problems and prospects / Bakirbekova A.M. /
709-500 (ex. 32-608)
33. / 8.5 / Development of financial sector in Kazakhstan in the conditions of the Euro-Asian economic Union: youth look / Bakirbekova A.M. /
709-500 (ex. 32-608)
9 / History, Archaeology and Ethnology
34. / 9.1 / Domestic history / Коshman Т.V. / ,
709-500 (вн. 34-410)
35. / 9.2 / Аrchaeology and ethnology / Коshman Т.V. / ,
709-500 (вн. 34-410)
10 / Social sciences
36. / 10.1 / Social pedagogy and self-knowledge, Psychology, Physical Education and Sport / Saliyeva A.Zh. / , 709-500 (ex.35-103, 35-106)
37. / 10.2 / Philosophy, Culturology / Saliyeva A.Zh. / , 709-500 (ex.35-103, 35-106)
38. / 10.3 / Religious studies / Saliyeva A.Zh. / , 709-500 (ex.35-103, 35-106)
39. / 10.4 / Sociology, Social Work / Saliyeva A.Zh. / , 709-500 (ex.35-103, 35-106)
11 / Law
40. / 11.1 / Civil law. Civil Procedural Law. Labor law / Omirzakov P.K. /
709-500 (ex. 31-296)
41. / 11.2 / Theory of History of State and Law, Constitutional Law / Omirzakov P.K. /
709-500 (ex. 31-296)
42. / 11.3 / Criminal law.
Criminal and penal law. Criminology / Omirzakov P.K. /
709-500 (ex. 31-296)
43. / 11.4 / Criminal Procedure Law. Criminalistics.
Forensic enquiry / Omirzakov P.K. /
709-500 (ex. 31-296)
44. / 11.5 / International criminal law / Omirzakov P.K. /
709-500 (ex. 31-296)
45. / 11.6 / Environmental law. Land law. / Omirzakov P.K. /
709-500 (ex. 31-296)
46. / 11.7 / Entrepreneurial law. Housing law. Family law / Omirzakov P.K. /
709-500 (ex. 31-296)
47. / 11.8 / International law / Omirzakov P.K. /
709-500 (ex. 31-296)
12 / Architecture and Construction
48. / 12.1 / Construction. Production of building materials, products and structures / Issina A.Z. /
709-500 (ex. 33-225)
49. / 12.2 / Geodesy and Cartography / Issina A.Z. /
709-500 (ex. 33-225)
50. / 12.3 / Architecture / Issina A.Z. /
709-500 (ex. 33-225)
51. / 12.4 / Design and engineering graphics / Issina A.Z. /
709-500 (ex. 33-225)
13 / Transport and Energy
52. / 13.1 / Organization of transport, traffic and transport operation / Sarzhanov D.K. / 709-500 (ex. 33-122)
53. / 13.2 / Standardization, Metrology and Certification / Sarzhanov D.K. / 709-500 (ex. 33-122)
54. / 13.3 / Transport, transport equipment and technology / Sarzhanov D.K. / 709-500 (ex. 33-122)
55. / 13.4 / Thermal energy and power engineering / Sarzhanov D.K. / 709-500 (ex. 33-122)
The conference will be held in Kazakh, Russian and English languages.
Requirements to format materials:
Materials of reports should provide a clear concept on the character, content and results of the conducted work by the author. The same person cannot be an author or co-author more than twice.
Text should be typed using Word 97-2000 Times New Roman 12pt. Line spacing single, justified. Formula should be typed using Microsoft Equation 3.0. Tables, diagrams, pictures should be named and numerated. Page setting: all margins – 20mm. Volume of materials 3-5 papers.
Example of registration
(1 indent)
Nauryzbayev N.Zh.
Status (student, postgraduate...) University, city
Supervisor – N.Temirgaliyev
(1 indent)
(1 indent)
1. Райдер Л. Квантовая теория поля. – М.: Платон, 1998, 315 с.
2. Ажгалиев Ш.У., Темиргалиев Н. Об информативной мощности линейных функционалов // Мат. заметки, Т. 73, №6, 2003, С. 803-812.
3. Темиргалиев Н. Об оптимальном восстановлении решений классических уравнений математической физики // I-съезд математиков Казахстана: Тезисы докладов. Шымкент. 1996. С.151-153.
4. N.Nayryzbayev, N.Temirgaliev An Exact Order of Discrepancy of the Smolyak Grid and Some General Conclusions in the Theory of Numerical Integration // Found Comput Math. 2012 №12. P.139–172
The footnotes are given in the references at the end of a report with numbering as they are mentioned. The text must be edited stylistically and technically.
Requirements for the participants:
Bachelor, Master and Doctoral students under 35 years old are invited to participate in the conference.
Only internal participation is allowed (for foreign participants participation by correspondence).
Deadline is the 25th March 2016:
· Text of the report which meets document requirements
· The Review (scan) of the research supervisor or the faculty
· Application
Materials are not accepted in the absence of one of the above.
Participation in the conference is free of charge. The materials of the conference will be published (with ISBN) on the official website of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Аfter the conference the printing collection of the best conference works will be published.
Application for the participation in the conference
1. Full name ______
2. Status (student, postgraduate) ______
3. Report theme______
4. Section ______
5. Subsection ______
6. University, organization ______
7. Address, telephone, e-mail______
8. Participation:
Presentation in the plenary meeting
Presentation in the section meeting
Applications, received by the organizing committee after the deadline will not be considered, the materials of the reports will not be published.
Steering committee reserves the right to select the reports for the conference.
Editors examine the received materials and after expertise the received material will be eligible for publication. The author will not receive back their articles that do not meet requirements of the editors.
Travel and accommodation fees are on the account of the participants of the conference.
Address of the Steering committee: 010008, 2 Satpaev street, Astana city, Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Science department. room 408, main building. Phone numbers: +7 (7172) 709-491, 709-487, 709-500 (in. 31-442, 31-412, 31-411, 31-403).
Regards, Organizing committee