Science, Grade 9, Academic (SNC1D) - Course Outline
Mr. G. Shanks / Email: / Website: Stay Tuned!
Availability: Period 1, 4
after school(by appointment ONLY) / Office: E103

This course enables students to develop their understanding of basic concepts in biology, chemistry, earth and space science, and physics, and to relate science to technology, society, and the environment. Throughout the course, students will develop their skills

in the processes of scientific investigation. Students will acquire an understanding of scientific theories and conduct investigations related to sustainable ecosystems; atomic and molecular structures and the properties of elements and compounds; the study of

the universe and its properties and components; and the principles of electricity.



Overall Expectations - By the end of this course, students will provide evidence that they can:


A2. / Identify and describe a variety of careers related to the fields of science under study, and identify scientists, including Canadians, who have made contributions to those fields.
B1. / Assess the impact of human activities on the sustainability of terrestrial and/or aquatic ecosystems, and evaluate the effectiveness of courses of action intended to remedy or mitigate negative impacts.
C1. / Assess social, environmental, and economic impacts of the use of common elements and compounds, with reference to their physical and chemical properties.
D1. / Assess some of the costs, hazards, and benefits of space exploration and the contributions of Canadians to space research and technology.
E1. / Assess some of the costs and benefits associated with the production of electrical energy from renewable and non-renewable sources, and analyse how electrical efficiencies and savings can be achieved, through both the design of technological devices and practices in the home.

Thinking and Investigation:

A1. / Demonstrate scientific investigation skills (related to both inquiry and research) in the four areas of skills (initiating and planning, performing and recording, analysing and interpreting, and communicating).
B2. / Investigate factors related to human activity that affect terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and explain how they affect the sustainability of these ecosystems.
C2. / Investigate, through inquiry, the physical and chemical properties of common elements and compounds.
D2. / Investigate the characteristics and properties of a variety of celestial objects visible from Earth in the night sky.
E2. / Investigate, through inquiry, various aspects of electricity, including the properties of static and current electricity, and the quantitative relationships between potential difference, current, and resistance in electrical circuits.

Knowledge and Understanding:

B3. / Demonstrate an understanding of the dynamic nature of ecosystems, particularly in terms of ecological balance and the impact of human activity on the sustainability of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
C3. / Demonstrate an understanding of the properties of common elements and compounds, and of the organization of elements in the periodic table.
D3. / Demonstrate an understanding of the major scientific theories about the structure, formation, and evolution of the universe and its components and of the evidence that supports these theories.
E3. / Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of static and current electricity.

Communication: embedded in all three of the above categories

Evaluation and demonstration of learning

30% of your learning will be evaluated at the end of the course (last four weeks of the semester) through:
15 % Final Examination / -Consisting of a variety of question types (e.g., short answer, multiple choice, extended response, problem solving, etc.);
-Completed during exam time period;
-Individual student effort;
-Evaluated by teacher;
-a 1 hour exam within a 1.5 hour time slot
15 % Final Task / -Consisting of an investigation or an open-ended problematic situation;
-Completed during final four weeks of the course;
-Individual student effort;
-Evaluated by teacher;
100% of your learning will be recorded as Final Grade on Report Card

How to get extra help!

Learning Skills Assessment Rubric

Needs Improvement / Satisfactory / Good / Excellent
Independently / -rarely focused, and stays on task
- rarely works independently as required / -sometimes focused, and stays on task
-sometimes works independently as required / -mostly focused, and stays on task
- mostly works independently as required / -always focused, and stays on task
-always works independently as required
Teamwork / - rarely listens attentively and respectfully to group members
- rarely a major contributor to all group projects (recorder, presenter, mediator, etc.) / - sometimes listens attentively and respectfully to group members
- sometimes a major contributor to all group projects (recorder, presenter, mediator, etc.) / - mostly listens attentively and respectfully to group members
- mostly a major contributor to all group projects (recorder, presenter, mediator, etc.) / -always listens attentively and respectfully to group members
-always a major contributor to all group projects (recorder, presenter, mediator, etc.)
Organization / - rarely brings required materials to class
- rarely prepared for daily activities (e.g.; arrives on time prepared to do work)
- rarely demonstrates long term management skills (e.g.; organized notebook, calendar of due dates, plans for due dates in advance) / - sometimes brings required materials to class
- sometimes prepared for daily activities (e.g.; arrives on time prepared to do work)
- sometimes demonstrates long term management skills (e.g.; organized notebook, calendar of due dates, plans for due dates in advance) / - mostly brings required materials to class
- mostly prepared for daily activities (e.g.; arrives on time prepared to do work)
- mostly demonstrates long term management skills (e.g.; organized notebook, calendar of due dates, plans for due dates in advance) / -always brings required materials to class
-always prepared for daily activities (e.g.; arrives on time prepared to do work)
-always demonstrates long term management skills (e.g.; organized notebook, calendar of due dates, plans for due dates in advance)
Work Habits/
Homework / -rarely completes and submits work as required
- rarely takes responsibility for keeping up to date with class work / - sometimes completes and submits work as required
- sometimes takes responsibility for keeping up to date with class work / - mostly completes and submits work as required
- mostly takes responsibility for keeping up to date with class work / -always completes and submits work as required
-always takes responsibility for keeping up to date with class work
Initiative / - rarely recognizing the need for help and seeks assistance as required
- rarely demonstrates active listening
- rarely approaches new learning situations with a positive attitude
- rarely seeks new opportunities for learning / - sometimes recognizing the need for help and seeks assistance as required
- sometimes demonstrates active listening
- sometimes approaches new learning situations with a positive attitude
-sometimes seeks new opportunities for learning / - mostly recognizing the need for help and seeks assistance as required
- mostly demonstrates active listening
- mostly approaches new learning situations with a positive attitude
-mostly seeks new opportunities for learning / -always recognizing the need for help and seeks assistance as required
-always demonstrates active listening
-always approaches new learning situations with a positive attitude
-always seeks new opportunities for learning