Framework for Gifted and Talented Education 2013


Gifted and Talented Education was a major policy initiative undertaken by Education Queensland in response to QSE 2010 and Years 1-9 Curriculum Framework. At Eton State School we see the development of a whole-school Gifted and Talented Strategy as an important focus for the provision of the education of Gifted Students in Queensland Schools.

Our challenge is to make a difference for every child by delivering improved learning successes that meet our gifted students’ needs. Research indicates that students who are gifted are at risk of underachieving and disengaging from learning if they are not identified and catered for appropriately.

Gifted & Talented – A Closer Look…

Giftedness – The possession of natural abilities or aptitudes at levels significantly beyond what might be expected for one’s age, in any domain.

The key to giftedness is outstanding potential rather than outstanding performance.

Talent – An achievement or performance in any domain at a level significantly beyond what might be expected at a given age.


The purpose of this policy is to define and formalise processes and responsibilities to ensure that the students with gifts and talents at Eton State School are provided with opportunities to develop their abilities and meet their potential for success.


At Eton State School our policy stipulates that it is a shared responsibility to ensure that the students are provided pathways to develop their abilities and meet their potential for outstanding successes. Included in these procedures are:

  1. Identification Phase.
  2. Data Collection Phase.
  3. Program Development Phase.
  4. Review Phase.


At Eton State School, our focus is to plan a deliberate procedure that delivers an effective pathway for our gifted and talented students. There are three interrelated pathways for gifted and talented students:

  1. Enriching Education

Enrichment activities and withdrawal programs are provided for identified students who have gifts, talents and/or needs.

  1. Providing Differentiated Curriculum

Day to day classroom provisions and modifications to the delivery of the curriculum by the class teacher.

  1. Providing Individual Support

For identified students, specific individual pathways are designed to meet the needs of the individual child. These pathways are very focused and purposeful for the particular gifts or needs of the student.


The outcomes of this framework will include:

  • Enhanced learning outcomes for individuals.
  • A strategic process for the identification, program planning and review of gifted and talented students.
  • Development of classroom pedagogy.

Roles and Responsibilities


  • Become familiar with characteristics of giftedness prior to referral.
  • Apply appropriate methods of identification including data collection.
  • Liaise with caregivers regarding student’s gifts and needs.
  • Seek support, professional development and resources where required.
  • Co-develop, implement, monitor and review the Student’s Support Plan.
  • Provide a curriculum that is differentiated in terms of learning experiences, teaching practices and teacher expectations so that content, learning processes and student tasks reflect different levels of knowledge and skills, interests and learning styles.
  • Challenge students that are gifted to continue their development through curricular activities that require depth of study, complexity of thinking, fast pace of learning, high level skills development, creative and critical thinking.
  • Critically reflect on the effectiveness of programs and practices in meeting students needs.

Leadership Team:

  • Provide leadership through the Child Needs Committee, in identification of and provision for students who are gifted.
  • Increase school capacity to provide appropriate support options.
  • Ensure alignment of Eton’s strategic documents with the Framework for Gifted Education.
  • Provide support for the 3 Pathways, inclusive of accelerations.

Learning Support Teacher:

  • Co-ordinate the process of identification and referral of students.
  • Collaborate with teachers in assessing classroom environment, teaching strategies and resources, making changes or modifications as necessary.
  • Work with administration and other specialists to co-ordinate services for identified students.
  • Collaboratively develop the Student Support Plan with the classroom teacher.
  • Support the acquisition and use of assessment and teaching resources.
  • Provide support and advice to parents as necessary.
  • Support a whole-of-school professional development program to develop understanding of giftedness and to promote effective teaching practices.

Guidance Officer:

  • Administer appropriate assessment as requested by the Principal (A max of 2 per Term for students being assessed for G&T purposes)
  • Recommend appropriate pathways for students with giftedness.
  • Liaise with caregivers, teachers, administration and other agencies to gather and share information.
  • Distribute assessment reports and discuss results with relevant stakeholders and other agencies. Compile up-to-date case notes.
  • Attend meetings, refer students to other agencies, and assist with decision making/information sharing where appropriate.


  • Provide support personnel with relevant background information and data
  • Be aware of, and regular involvement in, support programs for your child, including attending review meetings.
  • Liaise with teacher to keep information current.
  • Work as a cohesive member of the team ensuring quality educational outcomes for your child.
  • Promote a strong home-school link through regular contact with teachers.
  • Actively maintain communication between the school and other agencies.
  • Contribute to the development and endorsement of the Student Support Plan.

Child Needs Committee: (Staff Meeting)

  • Acknowledge the responsibility of the class teacher to plan and provide appropriately for all students’ needs.
  • Assist the class teacher to provide a broad range of learning advancement options for identified students.
  • Advocate for effective support of all identified students in the school.
  • Identify, coordinate and manage a whole school approach to the advancement of students.
  • Provide an informed link between the school team, caregivers and other involved.


  • Work to their potential in areas of strength and all components outlined in the Support Plan.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to the development of their broader education.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to the development of the skills necessary for their gift to develop into a talent. These include motivation, volition, self management and personality.
  • Liaise with class teacher to develop and enact their specialised timetable.
  • Actively participate in the review process of their Support Plan.

Student Referral and Support Management Flowchart for Giftedness

Identification Phase:

Initial identification by;

  • Class teacher
  • Parent/Caregiver
  • Specialist
  • Other

New Enrolment / Current Enrolment
  • To be placed in age appropriate year level.
  • Current data analysed.
  • Data collection phase initiated by teacher.
  • Referral to Child Needs Committee – case study and further data collection if necessary.
(Minimum1 term duration – Observation and data collection)
If identified, continue to appropriate Pathway. /
  • Data collection phase initiated by teacher.
  • Referral to Child Needs Committee - case study and further data collection if necessary.
( Minimum1 term duration – observation and data collection)
If identified, continue to appropriate Pathway.

Data Collection Phase:

Teacher communicates with caregivers to discuss information Form 1, parent checklist and other possible documentation (Independent IQ test, other reports)

Caregiver completes Form 1, checklist.

Teacher collects data and completes Referral Form to Child Needs Committee.

Sources of Data may include:

  • National Tests (Westpac Maths, Australasian Schools Competitions etc)
  • State wide test results – Year 2 net, Year 3,5,7 tests.
  • Developmental continua.
  • Cognitive/psychometric assessments.
  • Outstanding achievements in any given area.
  • Letters of validation for areas of excellence.
  • G&T checklists from parents and teachers.
  • Previous and current school reports/class tests
  • Work samples.
  • PM Benchmark, Torc 3, other standardised tests.
  • Preferred learning style.
  • Anecdotal observations.
  • Professional discussions with caregivers and previous teachers regarding patterns or trends.

Teacher forwards completed Forms 1 to the Child Needs Committee.

Child Needs Committee arranges the teacher to attend a committee meeting.

Staff Meetings discuss:

  • Issues regarding the child’s progress and needs.
  • Strategies currently being implemented and their effectiveness.
  • Modifications to curriculum.
  • Alternate classroom strategies and resources.
  • Suggestions for support – type, frequency, availability.
  • Possible further testing/data needed – Guidance Officer, Specialists.

Staff Meeting records meeting recommendations.

Copy placed in student folio and school file, and forward Form 2 (If required) to the caregiver.Review date is set.

Program Development Phase:

  • Staff Meeting will determine the most appropriate Pathway/s. Class Teacher and Learning Support Teacher implement recommendations from Child Needs Committee.
  • Teacher collects evidence/data regarding student progress.
  • Teacher and Learning Support Teacher review suggested strategies and evaluate Pathway/s implemented for the student.

Review Phase:

  • Teacher reports to caregiver on student’s progress and participates in the Staff Meeting review (6 months).
  • Staff Meetings determine further support if requested or if required based on reports.

Responsibilities –

Data Collection

  1. The Principal will:
  • Arrange a suitable meeting time with the class teacher.

Staff Meeting considers Pathways which could include:

  • Trial of suggested strategies, curriculum modifications and/or resources.
  • Diagnostic assessment performed by the Guidance Officer (Max two per term), Learning Support Teacher or other specialist.
  • Consider contact with outside agencies for external support.
  • Contact parents to complete Form 1.

The class teacher will:

  • Participate in staff meeting to discuss the child.
  • Present the student’s case using collected data.
  • Forward a copy of Form 2 to the caregiver if required.

The Principal will:

  • Chair the meeting.
  • Ensure meeting recommendations are recorded in staff meeting minutes.

Program Development Phase:

The staff will determine the most appropriate Pathway options.

The Principal will:

  • Co-ordinate any further investigation or assessment as noted in Staff Meeting minutes.
  • Cooperatively develop suggested strategies and evaluate Student Support Plan implemented for the student.
  • Facilitate inclusion in any recommended programs.
  • Provide student support, consultative advice and/or resource assistance as required.

The class teacher will:

  • Implement relevant meeting recommendations.
  • Collect evidence/data regarding student progress.
  • Review suggested strategies and evaluate Student Support Plans implemented for the student.

Review Phase:

The Principal will:

  • Work in collaboration with the class teacher to review student’s progress and future program options and align with Individual Support Plan.
  • Schedule a further meeting to determine additional support if requested.
  • Table the completed Student Support Plan at the next Staff meeting.
  • Ensure a review date is set for the Student Support Plan.

The class teacher will:

  • Provide information on student’s progress in programs.
  • Report to the caregiver on student’s progress.
  • Attend further meetings in necessary.

Form 1

Eton State School

Student Information Form

Name:______Date of Birth:




Comment on yours child’s past and current strengths:


Please give your opinion of your child’s achievements in the learning area/s listed on page 1:


Does your child play happily with other children most of the time? Yes/No

Does your child prefer to play alone most of the time? Yes/No

Does your child have positive peer relationships? Yes/No

Comment on your child’s behaviour at home:


At what age did your child:

Crawl______Walk______Talk______Talk in sentences______

Read independently______Write his/her name independently______

Please describe any special interests or areas of learning in which your child participates outside school:


Does your child have any current (less then 2 years) cognitive assessment? If yes could you please attach a copy if possible)

Please list any current medication, current and past medical conditions or assessments eg. vision, hearing, pertaining to your child.


Number of schools previously attended:______

School names:______

Please list any support (learning support, behaviour, speech, special education) your child has previously received:


Comment on any concerns you have about your child eg. development, socialisation, sleeping, eating:


Are you able to be involved in a support program designed for your child? _____

Any further comments:


Caregivers Name: ______

Signature: ______Date: ______

Form 1

Eton State School


Recent observations and assessment indicate that ______is experiencing particular strengths in the following areas of learning:


To assist the Staff in making decisions about appropriate support programs for ______, it would be appreciated if you could complete the following questionnaire and return it to me at your earliest convenience.

Please contact me at school if you have any questions or concerns.



Class Teacher

Eton State School Referral - Gifted

Student’s Name: ______DOB: ______

Teacher: ______Class: ______

Referral initiated by: Teacher Parent Other ______

Caregiver notified: Yes/No Do they share your concerns? Yes/No

Have they completed Form 1? Yes/No

Reason for referral: Academic Behavioural Other ______

Comment on the student’s learning needs:


Describe modifications made to cater for the student’s needs:


Describe the strategies employed to cater for the student’s needs:


Signature: ______Date: ______

Please provide the following data with the referral.

  • PM reading level. ______Lexile Level. ______
  • Torc 3 reading year level. ______
  • S.A. Spelling result. ______
  • Year 3,5,7 Test data. (Copy from files)
  • Continua Phase. Reading. ______Writing. ______Number. ______
  • PAT Reading result. ______
  • PAT Maths result. ______
  • Work Samples.
  • Other samples (eg. UNSW test results)

Form 2

Eton State School Referral Form


Date: ______

Dear ______,

After some discussion with ______’s teacher and the Principal, we have decided to see if there are more ways that he/she could be helped at school. We have a Guidance Officer attached to our school who will assess his/her needs. We therefore seek your permission to have this assessment done. If you agree, please sign the accompanying consent form and return it to school immediately.

Please contact the school if you would like to discuss this further.

Yours faithfully,



Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss______(Name in full)

Address: ______

Phone: (H) ______(W) ______(Mob) ______

Previous Schools (if any) ______

I hereby give permission for my child ______to be seen at school by a Guidance Officer.


I give permission for the Guidance Officer to discuss information regarding my child with the following medical specialists or other agencies: ______(names)

______(Signature) Date: ______

Eton State School Tools for Identification of Giftedness and Standards

Student Placement / National Testing / Standardised Achievement Tests / Reports/Others / Parent/Teacher Checklists / IQ Test
Current Enrolment / Year 3,5,7 Test results
Result: Off the scale / Pat Maths
Pat Reading
South Australia Spelling
Result: 8th or 9th stanine / Report Cards
Results: A and beyond
Others: Social and emotional checklists
National Testing
Teacher-Made Tests
Aptitude/psychometric Tests / Sayler Checklists:
Preponderance of criteria / Waiting list or privately conducted
Result: IQ 130-180 +
Very Superior
New Enrolment / Year 3,5,7 Test results
Result: Off the scale / Pat Maths
Pat Reading
South Australia Spelling
Result: 8th or 9th stanine / Report Cards
Results: “A” and beyond
Others: Social and emotional checklists
National Testing
Teacher-Made Tests
Aptitude/psychometric Tests / Sayler Checklists:
Preponderance of criteria / Waiting list or privately conducted
Result: IQ 130-180 +
Very Superior

Eton State School 2013

Gifted and Talented Pathways

Enrichment Activities

School and Community Competitions
Sports Days – Athletics
Art Festivals
Science Lab visits to/by High School
Electives – Yr 5,6,7
woodworking, cooking, art, sports
Lunchtime Activities – Games Room
Student Leadership Program
ICT Webquests
Cheerleaders Squad
National Competitions – Maths
Curricular Activities – Multiple Intelligences, Blooms’s Taxonomy, Debono’s 6 Hats
Active After School – Bollywood, Tai Chi / Provision for Classroom Extension
Maths Coaching
Science Expo
Recorder Band
Camps –music, sports, writers
Sports Training – school, district, state, national
Opti-mind Competition
Tournament of Minds Competition
District Maths Tournament
Speaking Competition
Computer Elective
Leadership Program – National Young Leaders Day, Student Community Council
Special Days – Instrumental Performances, Vocal Performances
Japanese – Speaking Competition, Cultural Night
Music – Instrumental Music Band Yr 5 -7, Music Advancement Yr 6 - 7, Strings Ensemble Yr 4 – 9, Vocal Development – Yr 4/5 Choir, Yr 6/7 Choir

Curriculum Differentiation

Gifted Education

Ability Grouped Classes –Yrs 4-7
Enrichment in regular classrooms
Modified programming in one or more of the KLA’s
Advanced work with deep level of understanding
Challenges within contexts
Fast paced work in the gift area – text
Clustering of Gifted students

Learning Support

Speech Program
Support a Talker
GO Counselling
ORACY – Early Literacy
Year 2 Net Intervention
Year 5 Test Intervention
LST – in class or withdrawal
Early Intervention Aide P-3
Intervention Aide 4 – 9
Key Teacher
Special Education Unit /

Individual Pathways

Gifted Education

Individual Support Plans
Single subject acceleration
Single Year Level acceleration
Split Placement with High School
Specific counselling services
Independent Studies
Distance Education Modules
Curriculum Compacting in one or more of the KLA’s

Eton State School

Identification and Data Collection Form

Name: / Date of Birth:
Year Level: / Class:
Teacher/s / Start Date:
Review Date:

Identification Tools:

Tool / Result / Tool / Result / Tool / Result
Diagnostic Net Results:
Writing Number / School-Based Tests
Speaking / Numeracy Competitions
Year 3,5,7 Test Results:
Spelling / School-Based Tests
Space / Literacy Competitions
Year 3,5,7 Test Results:
Space / IQ Test Results / Music Achievement
PAT Maths / PM Benchmark Level / Sporting Achievement
PAT Reading / Lexile Level / Artistic Achievement
South Australian Spelling Test / Leadership Roles / Others
