Name:……………………………………………………. Date: ……………………

Decay Worksheet
This worksheet accompanies Decay Summary.

1.  In all ecosystems, dead organisms and waste matter are broken down by micro-organisms. This is called decay. Answer the following questions about this process.

a) What is another name for decay?


b) Name two micro-organisms responsible for decay.


c) State and explain one benefit of decay for the plants in the surrounding ecosystem.





d) Give one reason why micro-organisms thrive and break down materials more quickly in moister conditions.





e) State a factor in addition to moisture that speeds up decay.


2.  Not all materials can be broken down by micro-organisms. Answer the following questions about the decay of different materials.

a) Which of these materials can be broken down by micro-organisms? Circle the answers.

b) Which of the materials in part a) could be used to make compost?



3.  There are several vocabulary terms associated with decay. Answer the following questions about these terms.

a) Define detritus.


b) Explain how detritivores increase the rate of decay of decomposing matter.




c) How does a saprophyte differ from a detritivore?



4.  When materials decay, it can be both helpful and a hindrance to humans. Answer the following questions about humans’ relationship with decay.

a) Explain one way that humans use micro-organisms to break down matter in a helpful way.



b) Humans use food preservation methods to slow the rate of decay by micro-organisms. Explain how freezing food reduces the rate of decay.




c) How does the preservation method of canning food slow decay?




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