November 2, 2015 / 1
FEC Meeting Agenda
December 7, 2015
I. Minutes
A. Review and approve October 5, 2015 and November 2, 2015
II. Old Business
A. Review and approve ballots for Legislative Assembly Representative and Postponement of Academic Senate 8-year Review
III. New Business
A. Updates and announcements – Dean Sarna
1. Discussion of the DNP proposal – see item B.
2. Post-Masters program issues
3. Update on planning to confirm classrooms and clinical placements
4. Discussions re increasing undergraduate enrollment
5. APO consultation on process, need for bylaw changes for opus
6. Recruitment process
B. Update on DNP – Drs. Cardin, Sarna, Tauber
C. What service should justify an ACP-V appointment and what is needed to keep an appointment- Associate Dean Doering
IV. Committee Reports
A. Curriculum Committee – Drs. Wiley and Woo
Recommended initiatives possibly one for ballot: Task force report for extra credit recommendations for courses, and 80% rule for theory-linked clinical courses.
B. Faculty Research & Professional Affairs –Dr. An
C. Student Affairs – Dr. Heilemann
FEC Members / Present / AbsentRobbins, Wendie, Professor (APN Program) – FEC Chair / x
An, Dong Sung, Associate Professor (APN Program) – FRPAC Chair/ FEC Vice-Chair / x
Gylys, Karen, Professor (APN and PHD Program) / x
Heilemann, MarySue, Associate Professor (PHD Program) – Chair of SAC / x
Hodge, Felicia, Professor (PHD Program) / x
Nandy, Karabi, Adjunct Associate Professor (PHD Program) – Chair, Evaluation Sub-committee / x
Wiley, Dottie, Associate Professor (Pre-Licensure) – Chair, Curriculum Committee / x
Woo, Mary, Professor (Pre-Licensure) – Vice-Chair, Curriculum Committee / x
Ex -Officio and Ad Hoc Members
Lewis, Mary Ann (Chair of CAPA, Ex-Officio) / x
Sarna, Linda (Interim Dean, Ex-Officio) / x
Irina Tauber / x
Suzette Cardin / x
Topic / Discussion / Action
I. Minutes /
- Minutes from October 5and November 2 were posted on the SON Intranet for review by the Committee members:
- Motion by D. Wiley to approve minutes from October 5 and November 2
- Motion seconded by F. Hodge
- Approved unanimously
II. Old Business (W. Robbins) /
- Review and approve ballots for Legislative Assembly Representative and Postponement of Academic Senate 8-year Review:
- W. Robbins distributed a draft ballot to go to faculty vote to approve F. Hodge as the Legislative Assembly Representative
- W. Robbins distributed draft ballot language that outlines the reason for postponing the Academic Senate 8-year Review until after the BRN visit; this would go to faculty vote
- Ballots were approved to go to faculty vote
III. New Business:
- Updates and Announcements (Dean Sarna)
2)Issues with Post-Master’s Program:
- Issues such as accessibility to the library, documenting grades
- Dean Sarna is meeting with Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Division, Robin Gerrel, to discuss a possibility of SSP MN degree that would allow these students to continue on to the DNP
- Currently the Post-Master’s Program is in suspension mode
- Letters will be sent to 15 applicants and application fee will be refunded to those who applied for F16
3)Classroom and Clinical Placements:
•Dean Sarna will be visiting the new Geffen Center and will meet and discuss stability in planning for classrooms
•Funding needed for SIM lab
•L. Doering reported that we received expanded clinical placements, more spots in Immersion
4)Increasing Undergraduate Enrollment:
- Needed across campus
- We need to assess resources to discuss if growth is an option for us
- Dean Sarna also addressed flow of funding from UCLA Health to Nursing since we provide services and money only goes to Medicine
- Bylaws will need changes
- After consultation with EVC Carol Goldberg, they do require a letter from EVF written by an impartial faculty member. This needs to be added to our Bylaws
- Candidates must have an opportunity to respond to the letter
- Discussed CAPA letter compared to EVF letter. These should not be redundant, and the EVF letter should discuss merits of the dossier
- Recruitment process is now tighter
- Last year, we advertised 3 positions but received a very small # of applicants compared to other departments
- We were allowed to have rolling applications and close position once we got enough applicants – allows us to move forward quickly
- This topic will have to be revisited again next quarter
- Dean Sarna will also report on SON Skid Row Clinical at the next faculty meeting
- K. Gylys will review Bylaws and assess if changes are needed to with respect to APO process
- Discussion to begin in CAPA and go to EVF for a faculty vote in January
III. New Business:
B. Update on DNP (L. Sarna, S. Cardin, I. Tauber) /
- Dean Sarna introduced the DNP Proposal with emphasis on process – all DNP documents are saved in: G/Common/2015 UCLA DNP folder
- Presented a brief overview and history of UC Consortium. The UCLA DNP will be an executive-style (evenings and weekends) self-supporting program (SSP) geared toward working APNs. This will not be an online program in its initial stage
- Received feedback from the most recent Alumni Survey regarding high student interest to return for a DNP
- Current proposal is to admit APNs. It is recommended by AACN to build on the APN, but can look at the second stage of the DNP to admit MECN students
- S. Cardin outlined course syllabi, mapped to AACN Essentials, and tentatively assigned faculty to courses who expressed interest at the DNP Town Hall in teaching. Lecturers may not teach due to union contract, but Adjuncts can teach in DNP program.
- Also assembled a document comparing costs and programs of other Nursing schools with DNP
- Faculty expressed concern regarding students working full-time and taking 3-4 courses per quarter, possibly allow part-time enrollment (currently being discussed within Graduate Division)
- Faculty also noted that many APN students need writing assistance and remediation, as stated by the APN faculty. Possibly assess writing for DNP applicants with a timed writing assessment test upon admission. Another option mentioned is to add a Writing Certificate program?
- There already exists a Writing Task Force, as part of the PHD Committee
- The urgency with approving this proposal is to be able to recruit for Fall 2017, only allowed after all approvals have been received, and the fact that we have a smaller applicant pool of qualified APN applicants who choose to go elsewhere for a DNP program
- CCNE accreditation will take place after the DNP program has been in operation for one year
- Dean Sarna is hopeful about getting the DNP Proposal to Legislative Assembly (LGA) in April, and prior to that it will have to go through various groups, such as Academic Budget & Planning, Rules & Jurisdiction, Committee on New Degrees, etc.
- It is required that FEC endorses the proposal and faculty votes to be listed in the Cover Letter for the Proposal
III. New Business:
C.Update on ACP-V (L. Doering) /
- What service should justify an ACP-V appointment and what is needed to keep an appointment?
- APN faculty met last week, but did not reach agreement yet on work needed to justify ACP-V appointment. Some precept a few students each quarter, some only guest lecture once or twice per year. Need consistent guidelines
- Most ACP-V want library access and other UCLA privileges, need to have that document updated and offer them a UCLA Badge
IV. Committee Reports: Curriculum Committee (D. Wiley) /
- D. Wiley distributed 2 ballots for review
- 1) Language for grading for clinical courses change to min 80% for BS, MECN and APN
- 2) Policy for extra credit in nursing courses. Extra credit to be outlined in the syllabus, and students must be passing in order to add extra credit. Should not be use dot help pass the course. No more than 5% should be given to extra credit and participation (not 10%)
- Faculty stated concern over not allowing academic freedom for faculty to decide grading for their own courses
IV. Committee Reports: SAC (M. Heilemann) /
- SAC suggests a change to MECN admission criteria that would require that students complete all prerequisites prior to being considered for admission. FEC discussed.
- Motion to approve by
- Motion seconded by
- Approved unanimously