1 Belle Vue Square
Broughton Road
North Yorkshire
BD23 1FJ
Tel: 01756 700600
Name of ratepayer
Contact addressTelephone number
E-Mail address
Date from which relief is being claimed
Address of the property for which relief is being claimed
Business rates account number
Addresses of any other business rated properties in England which the ratepayer occupies
I confirm that the above properties are the only business properties in England occupied by the ratepayer and undertake to inform the council of any change in circumstances which may affect this application
Signature of ratepayer ______
Name in block capitals______
Capacity of signatory______
(Note: The form must be signed by the ratepayer themselves in the capacity of either
sole trader, partner, director or trustee, and not by an agent.)
Warning: It is a criminal offence for a ratepayer to give false information when making an application for small business rate relief.
Small business rate relief can only be claimed for one property.
Where the ratepayer starts to occupy a new property after making an application but wishes to continue receiving relief in respect of the same property, a fresh application must be made. The council will disregard the ratepayer’s occupation of an additional property in England where –
a)It’s rateable value shown in the local non-domestic rating list is not more than £2,899; and
b)The aggregate rateable value on that day of all the properties the ratepayer occupies in England is not more than £17,999.
Therefore, if the ratepayer occupies more than one property, their entitlement to relief is dependant on the rateable values of the other properties they occupy.
The application must be signed by the ratepayer, not by an agent. This means, where the ratepayer is –
a)a sole trader, the liable person for business rates
b)a partnership, a partner of that partnership
c)a trust, a trustee of that trust
d)a limited company, a director of that company
Warning – it is a criminal offence for a ratepayer to give false information when making an application for small business rate relief.