Dear Councillors
You are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of Market Rasen Town Council,which will be the Council meeting held on Wednesday5th October 2016, commencing at 7.00pm in the Committee Room at the Festival Hall, Market Rasen. There will be a 20 minute public forum at Agenda item 3.
Under the new regulations of 6 August 2014 any member of the public can have the rights to film and record at Council meetings. To ascertain whether there is any intention to film, record, photograph or otherwise report on the proceedings.
Signature...... Clerk to the Council Date...... 30th September 2016
1.Mayor’s opening remarks.
2.To approve and accept Apologies for absence
3.Public Participation. To adjourn the meeting for the Public Forum (max 20 minutes) Public forum to include the following. )
a)Report fromLincolnshire Police
b)Report from Nicola Marshall (Consultant) on the Festival Hall Project
4.To nominate and elect the Councillor for Deputy Mayor
5.To nominate and elect the Chair of the Finance and Facilities Committee
6.Councillors’ Reports
Councillors’ reports: Councillors are requested to use this opportunity to report minor matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda. Councillors are respectfully reminded that this is not an opportunity for debate or decision making.
7.To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the localism Act 2011 and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them again at anytime during the course of the meeting.
8.To approve Notes of meeting of the Council held on the 7th September 2016 ( minutes previously distributed & copy in Councillors Pack)
9.Matters arising from the Minutes
10.Chairman’s announcements
11.Town Clerk’s Report PAPER A
a)To look at replacing the damaged bench on Gordon Field
12.Receive the Report of the County Councillor (if any)
13.Receive the Report of the District Councillors (if any)
14.To receive reports from Representatives to Outside Organisations including:
Twinning Association (Cllr Turner & Mayor)
,Market Rasen Development Trust (no representative), Walkers are Welcome (no representative), West Lindsey CAB (No representative).
a)To appoint representatives to outside organisations
15.Accounts for Payment (available for inspection at the meeting) PAPER B
16.To note general correspondence (available for inspection at the meeting) PAPER C
17.To receive any items of importance to report from Committee Meetings
18.Progress reports from Project Groups (Project Leader will bring this for discussion if clarification is required by the Council).
a)Festival Hall (Cllr Matthews).
i)Update from the Festival Hall Steering Group (Working Group)
ii)To accept recommendations from the Festival Hall Steering Group
b)De Aston Field (Cllr Matthews).
19.Feedback from monthly surgeries
20.Progress reports from meetings
21.Update on CCTV
22.To adjourn the meeting for any Public Participation for clarification of agenda points (5 minutes).
23.Risk Management.
24.To resolve on whether the Council will move into closed session. Should this resolution be passed the public andpress will be required to leave the meeting at this stage.
25.Update on Staffing
26.Update on Legal Matters
27.Any urgent agenda items to report
Faye Lambkin-Smith
Market Rasen Town Council
Town Clerk
30th September 2016
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