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PCStatus TypesCPC029
Item Overview:
The Status Types page is used to create status types and define control actions to limit transactions coming into Project Costing. A processing status of Active, Inactive, or Pending must be selected for each status type. Using status types, transactions can be limited based on the analysis type assigned to the specific transaction.
Menu Path:
Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Project Costing > Project Options > Status Types
Page Screenshots:
Record Information:
Table Name / PS Table Name /Table Purpose
Status Type Table / PROJ_STATUS_TBL / The PROJ_STATUS_TBL table is used to define and maintain project status types.Status Control Table / PROJ_STATUS_CTL / The PROJ_STATUS_CTL table contains the status control information.
- The FMS Projects/Grants Team will provide and setup the initial list of status types.
- Project status will be set up to control incoming transactions (analysis types) at any specific time.
- The designated Central agency will maintain status types after implementation.
- After implementation, agencies may request additional status types from the designated Central agency.
- All agencies will use a common list of status types.
- The FMS Projects/Grants Team will be able to utilize several of the delivered values for status types.
Information Source:
- The FMS Projects/Grants Team
Data Entry Method:
_____On-Line Pages
__X__ Excel Spreadsheet
Field Approach:
Record Name:PROJ_STATUS_TBLField Name / Approach
SETID / This will be the common State SetID.
PROJECT_STATUS / This will be the project status type identifier.
EFFDT / This will be the PeopleSoft delivered Effective Dates (01/01/1900) for PeopleSoft delivered status types, or we will include new Effective Dates (01/01/1901) for newly created status types.
EFF_STATUS / This will be a status of Active or Inactive.
DESCR / This will be the description appropriate to the status being defined.
PROCESSING_STATUS / This will be the processing status used to control the incoming transactions. Selection of “Active”, “Inactive”, or “Pending” will be made.
Field Name / Approach
SETID / This will be the common State SetID.
PROJECT_STATUS / This will be the project status type identifier.
EFFDT / This will be the PeopleSoft delivered Effective Dates (01/01/1900) for PeopleSoft delivered status types, or we will include new Effective Dates (01/01/1901) for newly created status types.
ANALYSIS_TYPE / This will be theanalysis types selected that the agencies will need to control based on the status.
PC_ACTION / This will be theproject control action of “Reject” or “Warning.”
RTM Cross-Reference:
- GR 060.000 - System provides the ability for a flag/indicator that prevents transactions from posting against the grant.
- PR 001.270 - System provides the ability to uniquely identify each project through the assignment of a project number and provide a comprehensive accounting for all project activity, including project-related descriptive information. Information to be maintained includes the following: Project Status (e.g., Open, Open for GL Entry, Closed) - Table driven with user-defined values.
- PR 029.000 - System provides the ability to prevent charges from being allocated or recorded against an inactive project.
- Status Types will be maintained centrally.
- CPC001 – Analysis Types will need to be configured prior to this work unit.
- None
Input Provided By:
Name / Title, DepartmentChange Log:
Date / Author / Change Description2/23/09 / Josh San Souci / Module Lead Review
2/17/09 / Kathy Lewis / Module Lead Review
1/14/09 / Christina Nowak / Initial Design
Note: The Template Change Log should be maintained in reverse chronological order. Hence, the most recent changes are on the top of the list.
Configuration Team Leads
______Date: _____/_____/_____
Accenture Configuration Lead
______Date: _____/_____/_____
State of Kansas Configuration Lead
Module Team Leads
______Date: _____/_____/_____
______Date: _____/_____/_____
Team Leads
______Date: _____/_____/_____
______Date: _____/_____/_____
D:\Documents and Settings\joshua.r.san.souci\Desktop\Config Docs\CPC029_Status Types.docx10/23/201810:00:07 AM
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