PO BOX 249
Whitney Point, NY 13862
Date: January 20, 2009
District Mission:
To provide an excellent education ensuring that all children maximize their potential, become contributing citizens, and pursue lifelong learning.
District Beliefs:
· All children possess unique qualities and come to school eager to learn and be successful.
· We respect all people within our community and treat them with dignity at all times.
· Learning is a partnership that includes school staff, parents, family and the community.
· Knowledge allows for critical thinking and effective decision-making.
· Purposeful and intentional change is a constant that leads to educational improvement and positive results.
· Compliance with state and federal regulations is critical to school district success.
Present Absent
James DiMascio President ______
Sara Benscoter Vice-President ______
Stephanie Champney Member ______
Kathleen Driscoll Member ______
Mary Ellerson Member ______
Thomas Tasber Member ______
Mary Hibbard Superintendent of Schools ______
Laura Lindsley District Clerk ______
Patricia Kuenecke Director of Curriculum and Instruction ______
Others in attendance:
Mrs. Hibbard recommends Board approval of the Minutes from the Board meeting held on December 16, 2008.
Moved by______Seconded by______
___Aye ___Nay ___ Abstained APPROVED/REJECTED
Mrs. Hibbard commends:
• Dawna Cicak, Anna Holt, Emma Irwin, Debbie Oliver, Kathy Price, Heather Pudish, and Shelby Samson of Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) for contacting families and collecting, organizing and delivering gifts. The generosity of our staff and community provided gifts for 232 children in 85 families.
• The Tioughnioga Riverside Academy 5th graders along with the community for supporting the Broome County Humane Society’s “Paper Towels for Puppies Drive”. Together to were able to donate $140.00 and a van full of supplies.
• The High School Student Council, with advisors Lisa Thomas and Jamie Monaco, for their successful holiday food drive. With donations from students and the community, food boxes were provided to 65 families.
• Kris Gilbert, Barbara Heinle, Christine Ryder, Nancy Summers, and Jessica Williamson for the spirited holiday music provided during the month of December.
• Lisa Staccone, Ben Ellerson and the High School Drama Club for their recent production of My Son Is Crazy, But Promising.
Letter and packet from Alan Bennett.
Policies: For Second Reading
Mrs. Hibbard recommends Board approval of the attached updated Academic Eligibility Policy.
Moved by______Seconded by______
___Aye ___Nay ___ Abstained APPROVED/REJECTED
Mrs. Hibbard recommends Board approval of the attached updated Special Education: District Plan Policy.
Moved by______Seconded by______
___Aye ___Nay ___ Abstained APPROVED/REJECTED
Mrs. Hibbard recommends Board approval of the attached updated Students with Disabilities Policy.
Moved by______Seconded by______
___Aye ___Nay ___ Abstained APPROVED/REJECTED
Mrs. Hibbard recommends Board approval of the attached updated Grouping by Similarity of Needs Policy.
Moved by______Seconded by______
___Aye ___Nay ___ Abstained APPROVED/REJECTED
Mrs. Hibbard recommends Board approval of the attached updated Preschool Special Education Program Policy.
Moved by______Seconded by______
___Aye ___Nay ___ Abstained APPROVED/REJECTED
Mrs. Hibbard recommends Board approval of the attached updated Students with Disabilities Participating in School District Programs Policy.
Moved by______Seconded by______
___Aye ___Nay ___ Abstained APPROVED/REJECTED
Mrs. Hibbard recommends Board approval of the attached updated Student Individualized Education Program Policy.
Moved by______Seconded by______
___Aye ___Nay ___ Abstained APPROVED/REJECTED
Mrs. Hibbard recommends Board approval of the attached updated Identification and Register of Children with Disabilities Policy.
Moved by______Seconded by______
___Aye ___Nay ___ Abstained APPROVED/REJECTED
Mrs. Hibbard recommends Board approval of the attached updated Parent Involvement Policy.
Moved by______Seconded by______
___Aye ___Nay ___ Abstained APPROVED/REJECTED
Comments from the Public
Old Business
a. Renovation Project
Mrs. Hibbard and Mrs. Lindsley will provide updates on Phase I work and Phase II planning.
New Business
a. Appointments
Mrs. Hibbard recommends Board approval of the appointment of Sandra Harzinski, Teacher’s Aide, effective December 1, 2008. Please see attached application.
Moved by______Seconded by______
___Aye ___Nay ___Abstained APPROVED/REJECTED
Mrs. Hibbard recommends Board approval of the appointment of William Kitson, School Bus Driver, effective January 12, 2009. Please see attached application.
Moved by______Seconded by______
___Aye ___Nay ___Abstained APPROVED/REJECTED
Mrs. Hibbard recommends Board approval of the appointment of Paul Reeney, School Bus Driver, effective January 12, 2009. Please see attached application.
Moved by______Seconded by______
___Aye ___Nay ___Abstained APPROVED/REJECTED
Mrs. Hibbard recommends Board approval of the appointment of Richard Smith, School Bus Driver, effective September 12, 2009. Please see attached application.
Moved by______Seconded by______
___Aye ___Nay ___Abstained APPROVED/REJECTED
b. Retirement Resignation
Mrs. Hibbard recommends Board approval of the retirement resignation received by Suzanne
Kemak, effective February 1, 2009. Please see attached letter.
Moved by______Seconded by______
___Aye ___Nay ___Abstained APPROVED/REJECTED
c. Caryl E. Adams Primary School Shared Decision Making Report
Mrs. Jo-Anne Knapp, Principal, will present the Shared Decision Making Report with members of her team from the Adams School.
d. Winter Sports Report and IAC Update
Ms. Hayes will report on the participation of students in the Winter Sports Program and provide an update on Whitney Point’s membership in the IAC. Please see attached.
e. Committee on Special Education
Mrs. Hibbard recommends Board approval of the attached recommendations of the Special Education Committee.
Moved by______Seconded by______
___Aye ___Nay ___Abstained APPROVED/REJECTED
f. 2009-2010 Budget Calendar
Mrs. Hibbard has attached the Budget Calendar for the Board’s review and discussion.
g. Warrant
Mrs. Hibbard recommends Board approval of the December 2008 Warrant. Please see attached copy.
Moved by______Seconded by______
___Aye ___Nay ___ Abstained APPROVED/REJECTED
h. Treasurer’s Report
Mrs. Hibbard recommends Board approval of the September and October Treasurer’s Report. Please see attached copy.
Moved by______Seconded by______
___Aye ___Nay ___Abstained APPROVED/REJECTED
i. STAR Exemptions and Reassessments
Mrs. Hibbard recommends Board approval for the changes made in STAR exemptions and reassessments for the 2008 Whitney Point Central School District school taxes. Please see attached copy.
Moved by______Seconded by______
___Aye ___Nay ___Abstained APPROVED/REJECTED
j. Financial Reports for the General Fund, September and October 2008
Mrs. Hibbard recommends Board approval of the financial reports for the General Fund from the months of September and October 2008. Please see attached copies.
Moved by______Seconded by______
___Aye ___Nay ___Abstained APPROVED/REJECTED
k. Special Aid Financial Report, September and October 2008.
Mrs. Hibbard recommends Board approval of the Special Aid Financial Report from the months of September and October 2008. Please see attached copy.
Moved by______Seconded by______
___Aye ___Nay ___Abstained APPROVED/REJECTED
l. 403-B Retirement Plan
Mrs. Hibbard recommends the Board adopt The Whitney Point Central School District 403(b) Retirement Plan Document. Please see attached copy.
Moved by______Seconded by______
___Aye ___Nay ___Abstained APPROVED/REJECTED
m. Change Orders
Mrs. Hibbard recommends Board approval of the following Change Orders:
MC-23 Provide all labor, material, and equipment for removal, installation,
and repairs to High School mechanical system. Add $1,270.00
MC-24 Provide all labor, material, and equipment to install new louver and
plenum for the home and careers ventilator in the High School. Add $ 775.00
MC-25 Provide all overtime labor at the High School math/science wing
because of delays caused by the discovery of PCB caulk. Add $2,216.00
MC-26 Provide all labor, material, and equipment to adjust the fuel input
due to the installation of new oil pumps. Add $ 457.00
MC-27 Provide all labor, material, and equipment required to locate and
repair mechanical related leaks in the High School cafeteria/office area. Add $ 243.00
MC-28 Provide all labor, material, and equipment required for 18 sheet metal
panels for the unit ventilators at the High School. Add $4,697.00
MC-29 Provide all labor, material, and equipment required to relocate High
School air conditioner unit #3 and ACCU #3 from room 170 to 156. Add $ 996.00
MC-30 Provide all labor, material, and equipment required to convert an
existing valve in the math/science wing from pneumatic to DDC. Add $4,849.00
MC-31 Provide all labor, material, and equipment required to install 2 new
reheat coils at the High School math/science wing. Add 2,567.00
PC-40 Provide all labor, material, and equipment to remove and relocate
condensate piping in the High School server room. Add $ 606.00
PC-41 Provide all labor, material, and equipment to fabricate and install
stainless steel enclosures over the controls in High School toilet
rooms 130 &132. Add $ 357.00
PC-42 Provide credit for not installing a floor drain in the High School gym
storage room #124. Credit $ 402.00
PC-43 Provide all labor, material, and equipment to install access door at the
High School. Add $ 146.00
PC-44 Provide all labor, material, and equipment to re-rough eyewash and
showers in the High School math/science wing different from shop
drawings. Add $1,512.00
PC-45 Provide all labor, material, and equipment to provide additional roof
patching at the High School. Add $ 307.00
EC-58 Provide all labor, material, and equipment at the High School district
office, technology, math/science rooms to relocate, rework, remove,
and add electric connections as per the project manager and engineer. Add $6,940.00
EC-59 Provide overtime labor at the High School math/science wing required
because of delays caused by the discovery of PCB caulk. Add $8,903.00
EC-60 Provide all labor, material, and equipment at the High School to
complete additional electrical connection in the scope of work. Add $8,619.00
EC-61 Provide all labor, material, and equipment to install clocks in the Middle
School rooms 240 & 304. Add $ 943.00
EC-62 Provide all labor, material, and equipment to modify and clean up
the existing telephone entrance panel at the Caryl Adams School. Add $ 897.00
SAN-01 Repair pipe outfall by the riverbank at the Middle School. Add $2,340.00
SAN-02 Replace fuel tank cover with an aluminum hatch at the Middle School
main entrance. Add $1,752.00
SAN-03 Add an overflow pip from a catch basin to the existing drywell with an
outflow pipe to the drainage ditch at the Caryl Adams Building. Add $14,509.00
SAN-04 Patch the east and west side of the Bus Garage parking lot and pave
the south end of the lot. Add $18,238.00
SAN-05 Repair 135 square yards of pavement at the High School parking lots. Add $7,972.00
SAN-06 Tie existing waste line discovered at the Caryl Adams Building to the
sewer system and restore existing site. Add $4,688.00
Moved by______Seconded by______
___Aye ___Nay ___Abstained APPROVED/REJECTED
Comments from the Public
Executive Session:
For matters of personnel and contractual issues
Eagles Express - Whitney Point High School Newspaper
December Enrollment Report
Meeting Adjournment
Motion to adjourn the meeting at ______.
Moved by______Seconded by______
___Aye ___Nay ___Abstained APPROVED/REJECTED