Sample email policy for X Company
Email Policy for X Company
Your organisation provides staff with electronic communication tools, including an email system. This Policy governs all email activities by all X Company employees, whether they are on- or off-site. Our definition of employees includes full-time employees, part-time employees, casual employees, interns, independent contractors, consultants, suppliers, clients, and other third parties.
Any employee who violates this Policy will be subject to disciplinary action including termination.
Emails are for business purposes.
- Your organisation provides email services primarily for business purposes.
- You may use email services for personal use only in accordance with this Policy.
- You may not use public email services such as Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail and so on at your organisation’s premises.
Authorised personal use of email
- You may use email services to communicate with your spouse, domestic partner, children, and other family members.
- Your personal use of email services is limited to lunch breaks and work breaks only.
- You are prohibited from using email services to conduct private business, perform external job searches, solicit personal monetary gain, campaign for political causes or candidates, or promote or solicit funds for personal religious or other causes.
Employees cannot expect privacy
- All email messages created and transmitted on your organisation’s network system are the property of your organisation.
- Your organisation reserves the right to monitor all emails.
- You should have no reasonable expectation of privacy when using your organisation’s network system for business or personal use.
Your organisation reserves the right to monitor
- Your organisation reserves the right to monitor, inspect, copy, review, and store at any time all of your communications via our network system.
- This includes all files, information, software, and multimedia content, whether they are sent, received, forwarded, downloaded, uploaded, etc.
- Your organisation reserves the right to disclose all email content to regulators, the courts, law enforcement, and other third parties without your consent.
Offensive content
You are prohibited from using email services to engage in activities or transmit content that is harassing, discriminatory, menacing, threatening, obscene, defamatory, objectionable, or offensive.
Employee prohibitions
You may not send, solicit, receive, print, copy, or reply to any of the following that may discriminate others based on race, religion, colour, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, veteran status, disability, ancestry or age:
- text or images
- jokes (text or images)
- defamatory content
- gossip, rumours, and innuendos
- sexually-oriented messages or images
- messages or images that contain foul, obscene, off-colour or adult-oriented language
- messages or images that are intended to cause alarm, embarrass the organisation, negatively impact employee productivity, or harm employee morale.
Protecting confidential information
Unless permission is given in writing, you are prohibited from using email to transmit confidential information to external parties.
You may not access, send, receive, solicit, print, copy or reply to confidential or proprietary information about your organisation, employees, clients, suppliers, or business associates.
This includes client lists, credit card numbers, employee performance reviews, salary details, trade secrets, passwords, and any information that could embarrass your organisation and fellow employees were it to become public.
Business record retention
All email messages are written business records. As such, they are subject to your organisation’s rules and policies for retaining and deleting business records.
A violation of this Policy may result in disciplinary action including possible termination.
Employee acknowledgement
If you have questions regarding the policies and procedures in this Policy, please contact your Compliance Officer before signing this document.
I have read the Organisation’s Email Policy and agree to abide by it. I understand that a violation of any of the above policies and procedures may result in disciplinary action including my possible termination.
Employee nameEmployee signatureDate
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© New South Wales Department of Education and Training 2006