The Sixth Discipline

Maintaining Integrity of Heart

Memory Verse:

Matthew 5:8NIV

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

  1. Restate the principle of maintaining integrity of heart in your own words. What do you think it means? (page 96)
  1. Read Proverbs 4:23

Why should we guard our hearts?

According to Pastor Jack what promise is available to every disciple who learns to guard their heart? (page 98)

  1. What biblical story first introduces the concept of integrity? (pages 98-99; see Genesis 20:1-6)

How does what happened to Abimelech illustrate our personal vulnerability as believers? (page 100)

According to Pastor Jack what life principle does the story of Abimelech teach us? (pages 100-101)

Surprisingly it is not Abraham, the father of faith who first demonstrates integrity of heart but Abimelech. What does Abraham’s lack of faith in this situation coupled with his deception of Abimelech teach us about integrity?

Read Psalm 25

  1. List the ways you see integrity of heart as the theme of David’s song to the Lord in Psalm 25.

According to Pastor Jack, what was David’s request in Psalm 25:21 and how did the Lord answer David’s prayer? (page 101)

Read 1 Kings 9:3-9

  1. What promise does God make to Solomon?

What is the condition Solomon (and his sons) must keep to receive this promised blessing from the Lord?

What judgment will come upon them if they turn away from the Lord and do not maintain integrity of heart?

  1. According to Pastor Jack what three blessings are promised to those who maintain integrity of heart? (page 102)
  1. What other words help us to more fully understand the meaning of integrity? (page 103)

According to Pastor Jack what then is the meaning of integrity?

(page 103)

How would you define integrity based upon the understanding of wholeness?

How is wholeness and integrity of heart expressed in Psalm 119:10? (page 103)

  1. What happened to Solomon’s and the nation of Israel’s integrity over time? How? (page 104-105)

How can the same thing happen to us today? (page 105)

  1. What is the literal meaning of “Urim” and “Thummim?” (page 106)

What purpose did the “Urim” and the “Thummim” serve for the high priest? (page 107-108)

What application of the “Urim” and “Thummim” can we make to our lives today in order to maintain integrity of heart? (page 108-109)

  1. What personal illustration does Pastor Jack share that has taught him the meaning of integrity of heart? (page 109-112)

Pastor Jack says, “Let’s live our lives that way. In front of Jesus” (page 113). How will you personally benefit from daily living your life this way?