Athletic Eligibility 2017-2018
General Eligibility Requirements
In order to be eligible to participate in athletics, the student-athlete must be passing at least 4 credits (PIAA requirement). This will be checked weekly, and when a student-athlete is not passing 4 credits, he/she will be notified that he/she has one probationary week to bring his/her grade(s) up. During this week, the student-athlete may still practice and play. If the student-athlete is still not passing at least 4 credits after the probationary week, then he/she is ineligible to practice or play. As an incentive to continue working when ineligible, the student-athlete can become eligible if teacher verification shows that they are now passing at least 4 credits.
End of each Marking Period
In order to be eligible to participate in athletics, the student-athlete must have passed at least 4 credits in the previous marking period. If a student-athlete does not meet this requirement, he/she will be ineligible for the first 15 school days of the new marking period. For the first marking period of the school year, the final grades for the previous year will be used to check this requirement (not the 4th marking period grades).
Proactive Component
(regardless of how many credits the student-athlete is passing)
The proactive component of our eligibility policy is also checked weekly, and is activated for any athlete who has a failing grade. We believe that our student-athletes should not be failing courses, and that a student-athlete should utilize school resources to improve his/her grades. Extra help is available to all student-athletes in the form of the math lab, the writing lab, the after school ELT and individual help from the student-athlete’s teacher.
- If a student-athlete is failing one class, he/she needs to get extra help using one of the resources listed above for a total of 60 minutes (1 hour) for the week
- If a student-athlete is failing two classes, he/she needs to get extra help using one of the resources listed above for a total of 120 minutes (2 hours) for the week
- If a student-athlete is failing three classes, he/she needs to get extra help using one of the resources listed above for a total of 180 minutes (3 hours) for the week
Notes documenting the required help must be turned in to Mrs. Ammendola in the athletics office by noon on Friday each week. Failure to do so may result in the student-athlete’s removal from competition.