Cumberland Academy High School Dress Code
Cumberland Academy is a school of choice. The high school has a strictly enforced dress code. Cumberland Academy High School’s dress code is established to prevent disruption and promote a positive, professional learning environment.
- Writing, slogans, pictures, are not allowed on any area of clothing (this includes jackets), any brands or brand symbols can be no larger than 2 in. by 2 in.
- Shirts must have a sleeve that extends beyond the shoulder seam
- All see-through, provocative, low cut or excessively tight tops are not allowed. Tops must cover the stomach when arms are raised over the head.
- Spandex, leggings, tights, jeggings and yoga pants as well as skin tight pants are not allowed
- Shorts and skirts must be no more than 3 inches above the knee.
- All split garments and shorts must be no more than 3 inches above the knee
- “Sagging” is not allowed, pants must be worn at the waist
- Torn or cut clothing is not allowed
- Any accessory or clothing article deemed alcohol, drug, or gang related by administration is not allowed
- Cutoffs, wind shorts, short shorts, sleepwear, sweat style pants, athletic pants and boxer shorts are not allowed
- Garments designed as under garments may not be worn as outer garments
- Pants or shorts made out of fleece or sweatshirt type material are not allowed.
- Grills, gauges are not allowed
- Blankets are not permissible
- Headwear and bandanas are not allowed
- Hats and/or caps are never allowed in the school building, this includes athletic uniform gear.
- Exposed body piercings are not allowed (excluding earrings)
- Excessive or distracting makeup is not allowed
- Hair can only be natural colors, hair cannot have multiple colors
- Facial hair is not allowed
- Boy’s hair may be no longer than top of collar
- Symbols, words, lines, or slogans cannot be cut into the hair, eyebrow shaving or notches are not allowed
- Tattoos must be covered and not visible
- Shoes designed for beach or bath wear as well as house shoes are not allowed, flip flops are not allowed
- Shoes must be worn at all times
Final determination of whether or not a student’s dress or appearance is appropriate lies with the administration of the school.
Students who are not in dress code will not be allowed to attend class and will be assigned to ISS. Students will not be allowed to change clothes to comply with dress code. It is the student’s responsibility to comply with dress code at all times.