Americas High School
Student/Parent/School Compact
Mission Statement
Americas High School exists to help students develop within themselves the individual potential needed for success in a continuously changing world, so that these students may contribute productively to their community.
Student Responsibilities
I will be responsible for:
- Attending school daily and arriving to classes on time and ready to learn.
- Bringing all necessary supplies/material and textbooks needed for each class.
- Paying attention, following directions and effectivelyparticipating in class.
- Completing and turning in assignments on time and taking the initiative to re-do failed assignments, per the district re-do policy.
- Dressing and conducting myself appropriately in accordance with the district and campus policies and procedures.
- Respecting administrators, teachers and support personnel, my peers, campus and school property, and myself.
- Not engaging in Academic Dishonesty (i.e., cheating or copying the work of another student, plagiarism and unauthorized communication during an examination).
- Reading and familiarizing myself with the SISD Student Code of Conduct and the AHS Student Handbook and abiding by it.
Student Signature: ______
Parent/Family Responsibilities
I/We will be responsible for:
- Ensuring my son/daughter attends school daily and arrives to school on time.
- Ensuring that my son/daughter has all the required resources/material they need, and contacting the teacher to make arrangements for anything I am unable to provide.
- Encouraging my son/daughter to participate in extra curricular activities.
- Taking an active role in my son's/daughter's education by attending Parent Night, parent conferences, workshops/presentations and other school activities.
- Ensuring my son/daughter follows the District Code of Conduct and Campus Handbook including dress code.
- Ensuring that the attendance office has current/updated contact information.
- If technology is accessible to me, signing up for and utilizing the e-HAC system.
- Being proactive about and/ or involved in my son’s/daughter’s education as best I can.
- Being positive when discussing school related matters.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
Teacher/School Responsibilities
We will be responsible for:
- Providing a positive learning experience in a safe environment with the necessary textbooks, teaching resources, equipment and facilities.
- Educating students regarding the principles of academic integrity.
- Providing opportunities for parent input and involvement through meetings, surveys, questionnaires, etc. regardingdistrict and campus goals.
- Providing a schedule of school events and clubs/organizations for parents.
- Providing information for parents to assist their sons/daughters with testing (State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness or STAAR and end-of-course or EOC, TEA web site), assignments, or projects.
- Providing information to parents regarding the district's and campus' dress code and other policies and procedures.
- Providing translations and interpreters for parents.
- Fostering goodwill between the community and the school by allowing use of the school building for parent workshops.
- Providing ESL classes, adult basic education classes, computer classes, etc. as long as it does not interfere with studentlearning.
- Providing parents with information on STAAR and end-of-course testing strategies (TEA web site), test dates, and student needs.
- Providing parents with timely information regarding student attendance, STAAR and end-of-course testing, and school activities.
- Being accessible to parents by providing contact information (phone numbers, email addresses, times of conference periods, etc.) for teachers, administrators, and staff.
- Returning phone calls and/or e-mail in a timely manner.
- Informing parents of the individual achievement levels of their sons/daughters through regular progress reports or parent contact.
- Making tutoring available.
School Improvement Team April 2013