Appendix 2 outcome evaluation matrix
Evaluation Questions / Short-Term Outcomes / Indicator(s) / Measurement tool / Method to Collect Data& Frequency / Person responsible for data collection? Data source? / Dates of data collection (specify month/year)
What is your role in your organization? / Increase participation amongst partner agencies, including front-line and supervisors / # of members involved
# of different agencies
# of representation cross Ministry / Meeting and Workgroup resource collection tool / After each activities / Meeting Chair/project lead using on-line tool / Frequency of meetings to determine exact collection – usually monthly
What EKIOC initiatives have you been involved in? / Increase collaboration and strengthen partnerships / # of collaborations with internal/external stakeholders
# of partners sharing resources / Integration Survey / Annually or Biannually / EK Coordinator
Please describe your involvement with the initiatives. / Increased involvement
Increased networks
Increased awareness of EK / # of members involved in learning activities and resource development
# of KE/Communication to partners and community members / Integration Survey / Annually or Biannually / EK Coordinator
How has your involvement in Every Kid has enabled you to strengthen partnerships with other organizations serving your community / Increased networks, Effective communication strategies / # of collaborated initiatives
# of partners sharing professional development, resources / Integration Survey, Meeting and workgroup data collection tool / Annually or Biannually, As projects/meetings occur / EK Coordinator, Meeting Chair/project lead using on-line tool / Frequency of meetings to determine exact collection – usually monthly
How is the work of Every Kid improving the health and wellbeing of children, youth and families in Leeds and Grenville / Increased involvement by stakeholders, families in Leeds and Grenville
Increased collaboration to meet community needs / # and type of collaborations with community members
# of community members involved in learning activities
Satisfaction of community members in learning activities / Integration Survey, Meeting and workgroup data collection tool, Participant training evaluations / Annually or Biannually, As training occurs / EK Coordinator, Meeting Chair/project lead using on-line tool / Frequency of training to determine exact collection
processEvaluation matrix
Evaluation Questions / Inputs/Activities/ Outputs / Indicator(s) / Measurement tool / Method to Collect Data & Frequency / Person responsible for data collection? Data source? / Dates of data collection (specify month/year)How many people attended this meeting/project/training? / Meeting discussions, training (KE) and resources created / # of shared learning professionals
# and type of KE activities
# of members involved in development of resources / Survey Monkey, on-line survey tool / Meeting and workgroup data collection tool / Meeting Chair, EK coordinator / Frequency of meetings to determine exact collection – usually monthly
Which agencies were involved in the activity? / Attendance, participation in workgroups/meetings / Increased strengthened partnerships,
Increased involvement in various KE/collaborative activities / Survey Monkey, on-line survey tool / Meeting and workgroup data collection tool, Integration Survey / Meeting Chair, EK coordinator / Frequency of meetings to determine exact collection – usually monthly, Annually or Biannually for Integration Survey
Was a community resource developed? / Meeting discussions, resources created / # of members involved in development of resources
# of partners sharing professional resources / Survey Monkey, on-line survey tool / Meeting and workgroup data collection tool / Meeting Chair, EK coordinator / Frequency of meetings to determine exact collection – usually monthly
What presentations or training was provided? / Meeting discussions, training (KE) / # of shared learning professionals
# and type of KE activities / Survey Monkey, on-line survey tool / Meeting and workgroup data collection tool / Meeting Chair, EK coordinator / Frequency of meetings to determine exact collection – usually monthly
Outcome Evaluation Question / Measures / Plan for AnalysisWhat is your role in your organization? / Different levels of staff involvement i.e. front line staff, supervisors, admin etc / Survey members of Every Kid annually or Biannually.
What EKIOC initiatives have you been involved in? / Activity involvement by partners, activities that have great/weak involvement / Survey members of Every Kid annually or Biannually.
Please describe your involvement with the initiatives. / How a partner is involved, activities involved with / Survey members of Every Kid annually or Biannually.
How has your involvement in Every Kid enabled you to strengthen partnerships with other organizations serving your community / Relationships between community partners, collaboration / Survey members of Every Kid annually or Biannually.
How is the work of Every Kid improving the health and wellbeing of children, youth and families in Leeds and Grenville / Improvement for children, youth and families / Survey members of Every Kid annually or Biannually.
Process Evaluation Question / Measures / Plan for Analysis
How many people attended this meeting/project/training? / Count of Attendance/participation / Collect data as the activities are occurring.
Which agencies were involved in the activity? / Different partners attending/participating / Collect data as the activities are occurring.
Was a community resource developed? / If resources are being developed / Collect data as the activities are occurring.
What presentations or training was provided? / If training is being provided / Collect data as the activities are occurring.