Internet Resource Guide

Compiled by:

The U.S.-Vietnam Forum

The educational affiliate of the

For more information, please contact:

U.S.-Vietnam Trade Council

731 8th St, SE

Washington, DC 20003 USA

Tel: (1) (202) 547-3800

Fax: (1)(202) 546-4784


U.S.-Vietnam Trade Council

104 Tran Hung Dao

Hanoi, Vietnam

Tel: 844-822-3653

Fax: 844-822-3652


Table of Contents

1.  U.S. Trade Policy and Import/Export Statistics

2.  U.S. Import Regulations and Procedures

3.  U.S. & International Trade Agreements

4.  Finding a U.S. Supplier/Partner

5.  Useful Industry Information – Websites for Government Resources, Trade Associations & Publications, and Trade Shows

i.  Textiles & Apparel

ii.  Agricultural and Food Products

iii.  Furniture

iv.  Footwear

v.  Toys

Internet Resource Guide

1. U.S. Trade Policy and Import/Export Statistics

U.S. Trade Representative

U.S. Government trade programs and initiatives, trade agreements, press releases, speeches, documents etc.

U.S. Government Printing Office

Search for U.S. laws relating to trade policy and import/export regulations.

U.S. Department of Commerce International Trade Administration

Find out more about U.S. government trade programs, trade shows etc.

U.S. Foreign Agricultural Service

Find out more about U.S. agricultural policy, regulations, trends and

programs etc.

U.S. House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee

Subcommittee on International Trade

Find out more about legislation related to international trade including customs matters, import trade matters, trade agreements and trade with non-market economies.

US. Senate Finance Committee

Subcommittee on International Trade


Find out more about pending and new trade legislation and treaties ratified by the U.S.

The United States International Trade Commission (ITC)

Look up text of petitions and complaints, federal register notices, reports and publications related to international trade. Also includes the U.S. Harmonized Tariff Schedule.

2. U.S. Import Regulations and Procedures

U.S. Customs Service

U.S. customs procedures, import and export regulations, import laws etc.

U.S. Code of Federal Regulations

Search for U.S. importing and regulatory laws (e.g. health and safety regulations) relating to your specific industry

U.S. Food & Drug Administration

Look up U.S. food and drug safety regulations

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)

Look up U.S. consumer product safety regulations

3.  U.S. & International Trade Agreements

U.S. Department of Commerce -- Trade Compliance Center

Database of all U.S. multilateral and bilateral trade treaties and agreements

U.S. Department of Commerce -- Office of Textiles and Apparel

Database of all U.S. textile agreements

World Trade Organization

Look up WTO rules, and international obligations and commitments made by other countries, including the U.S.

Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)

Look up ASEAN agreements, including ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (AFTA) commitments made by member countries, plus ASEAN, programs, events and statistics.

4. Finding a U.S. Supplier/Partner

E-Expo USA

An online virtual trade show

Searchable database of U.S. businesses with import/export offerings

Commercial News USA

Listing of the latest U.S. products available for export

International Buyers Program

Listing of major U.S. trade shows

Retail Buying Guide

Resource for identifying suppliers of products and services used in retail operations. Free registration for listing.

5. Useful Industry Information:

Websites for Government Resources, Trade Associations & Publications,

and Trade Shows

(i) Textiles & Apparel


U.S. Department of Commerce - Office of Textiles & Apparel

Database of all U.S. textile agreements, information on quotas etc.

Bobbin Magazine

Monthly industry related publication featuring latest policies, trends, industry news, trade shows etc.

National Retail Federation

Website for trade association representing retail industry. Resource for exporters including industry supplier directories, retail information and trends, events and conferences, and industry codes.

U.S. Association of Importers of Textiles & Apparel

Trade association representing U.S. apparel importers. Includes information on members, services, events, seminars etc. Also features the International Fashion Web offering a comprehensive listing for all segments of the textile and apparel import industry.

Trade Shows:

International Fashion Boutique Show -- New York, New York

Held 5 times a year, this trade show is attended by buyers from department stores, boutiques, and specialty stores for women’s apparel, accessories, footwear, jewelry,

and gifts. An estimated of 30,000 attendees each year with 1,800 booths.

Contact: The Larkin Group

100 Wells Ave

Newton, MA 02159

Tel: (1)(617) 9645100

Fax: (1)(617) 9640657

Fashion Accessories Expo – New York, New York

Piers 90 & 92

This trade expo is held three times a year and includes 200+ lines of international

and designer accessories, including fashion and fine jewelry, small leather goods, handbags, scarves and hosiery. Attended by 14,000+ participants with 755 booths.

Contact: Conference Management Group

200 Connecticut Ave

Norwalk, CT 06856-4990

Tel: (1)(203) 852-0500

Fax: (1)(203) 838-3710

Women’s, Children’s and Men’s Markets – Chicago, Illinois

Held four times a year at the Chicago Apparel Center in Chicago, IL, this trade show attracts up to 7,000 attendees including wholesale and retail merchandise buyers.

Contact: Merchandise Mart Properties

470 The Merchandise Mart

Chicago, IL 60654

Tel: (1)(312) 527-7610

Fax: (1)(312)527-7998

Bobbin Contexpo: The Apparel Show of the Americas – Miami Beach, Florida

Held annually each April, show is an international marketplace for manufacturers and contractors to examine and purchase machines, fabrics & trims, and services. Also for contractors to provide production sourcing opportunities for manufacturers. Attracts up to 5,000 participants and 275 booths.

Contact: Blenheim Trade Shows

1110 Shop Road

PO Box 1986

Columbia, SC 29202

Tel: (1)(803) 771-7500

Fax: (1)(803) 799-1461

Bobbin Show: AAMA Convention – Atlanta, Georgia

Held annually each September at the Georgia World Congress Center, this show is an international marketplace for sewn products manufacturers to examine newest trends in fabrics, fibers, and technology and to compare products and services of more than 90 categories of industry suppliers.

Contact: Blenheim Trade Shows

1110 Shop Road

PO Box 1986

Columbia, SC 29202

Tel: (1)(803) 771-7500

Fax: (1)(803) 799-1461

(ii) Agricultural & Food Products


U.S. Agriculture Department

U.S. Import/Export statistics, commodity information, agricultural policy etc.

U.S. Foreign Agricultural Service

Find out more about U.S. agricultural policy, regulations, trends and

Import/export programs etc.

Ag Exporter Magazine

Monthly news publication by the U.S. Department of Agriculture featuring international industry news, trends etc.

Candy Industry

The monthly magazine focuses on the latest marketing trends, production efficiencies, and state-of-the-art ingredient technology that manufacturers need to know in order to remain competitive.

Supermarket Business

Monthly magazine featuring news and trends, merchandizing & promotion, and other issues affecting the supermarket industry.

Grocery Manufacturers of America

Website for the world’s largest association of food, beverage and consumer product companies.

National Coffee Association

Website for trade association representing coffee industry on national and international coffee matters.

Trade Shows:

United Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Assn. Annual Convention & Exposition --

Anaheim, California

Held at the Anaheim Convention Center every February, this show exhibits

all items related to the produce industry, including seeds, packaging

machinery and products, fresh produce, labeling, software, insurance, commodity groups etc. Attended by 8,000 participants and up to 375 exhibitors.

Contact: Convention Management Group

318 Prosperity Ave, Suite 102

Fairfax, VA 22031

Tel: (1)(703) 8760300

Fax: (1)(703) 8760904

International Boston Seafood Show – Boston, Massachusetts

Held annually in March, this exhibit attracts up to 18,000 attendees and 720

exhibitors. It includes buyers from around the world, featuring the latest in seafood products and services.

Contact: Diversified Expositions

PO Box 7437

Portland, ME 04112-7437

Tel: (1)(207) 774-0076

Fax: (1)(207) 772-5059

(iii) Furniture


American Furniture Manufacturers Association

Website for the nation's largest trade association for furniture manufacturers.

Furniture Today

Monthly publication featuring industry trends, trade shows etc.

Trade Shows:

International Casual Furniture Market – Chicago, Illinois

Held every year in September at the Merchandise Mart Expocenter in Chicago, this convention is attended by up to 7,000 participants including wholesale and retail merchandise buyers.

Contact: Merchandise Mart Properties, Inc.

470 The Merchandise Mart

Chicago, IL 60654

Tel: (1)(312) 527-7610

Fax: (1)(312) 527-7998

(iv) Footwear


Footwear Industries of America

Website for trade association representing footwear manufacturers in the U.S.

Sporting Goods Manufacturers Directory

Database of manufacturers of sporting goods

Footwear News

Monthly publication featuring industry news including trends in consumer habits and marketing, trade shows etc.

Trade Shows:

International Footwear Expo – New York, New York

Held every two years at The Piers in New York, this expo is usually attended by

12,000+ participants with 500 exhibitors.

Contact: Management Groups Ltd.

50 Glen St.,

Glen Cove, NY 11542

Tel: (1)(516) 6740200

Fax: (1)(516) 6740288

Western Shoe Associates International Buying Market – Las Vegas, Nevada

Held twice a year in February and August, this trade show features men’s, women’s and children’s shoes and accessories and handbags. Attracts up to 9,000 attendees with 750+ booths.

Contact: Western Shoe Associates

1040 E. Wardlow

Long Beach, CA 90807

Tel: (1)(310) 427-5168

Fax: (1)(310) 427-2541

(v) Toys


Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)

Look up U.S. consumer product safety regulations relating to toys including a fact sheet on the Child Safety Protection Act, toy labeling, and consumer safety guide.

Toy Manufacturers of America

Website for trade association for U.S. producers and importers of toys, games and children's entertainment products. Includes information on toy fairs, industry news, industry codes of conduct, statistics etc.

Toy Directory™ is the only wholesale toy directory on the Internet that has more than 13,500 registered retailers.

Playthings Magazine

Monthly magazine featuring industry trends, news and events. Includes a product showcase for advertising new products.

Trade Shows:

Toy Show – Las Vegas, Nevada

Held at the Las Vegas Convention Center, this annual toy fair open to all toy categories. First major U.S. market of the year with 10,000 attendees and 400 booths.

Contact: International Expositions Management Group Ltd

50 Glen St,

Glen Cove, NY 11542

Tel: (1)(516) 674-0200

Fax: (1)(516) 674-0288

American International Toy Fair – New York, NY

The American International TOY FAIR® is the largest toy trade show in the Western Hemisphere. Nearly 2,000 manufacturers, distributors, importers and sales agents from 25 countries showcase their toy and entertainment products.

Contact: Toy Manufacturers of America

200 Fifth Ave, Room 740

New York, NY 10010

Tel: (1)(212) 675-1141 ext. 209

Fax: (1)(212) 633-1429
