Syllabus for Introduction to Neuroscience (NROSCI 1000)
Instructor: Dr. Oswald,
Time: Tuesday and Thursday, 4:00-5:15 pm
Location: Clapp L-9
Review Session: Fridays, 1:00-2:25, Langley 221
Honors Section: Additional Meeting on Fridays, 4:00-5:15 pm, Langley 202
Course Textbook: Neuroscience 5th Edition, 2012, Editors: Purves et al.
Teaching Assistants: GTA: Adam Large,
UTA: Matt Schaff, Nathan Vogler, George Nassar
Section 1: Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
Week 1: Overview of the Neurons and the Nervous System
1) Neuroscience and the Nervous System
2) Cellular properties of Neurons
Week 2: Neurons at Rest
1) Membrane Properties and Resting Potential (Chapter 2, pages 29-37)
2) Pumps and voltage gated ion channels (Chapter 4)
Week 3: Neurons in Action
1) Action Potential (Chapter 2, pages 37-40, Chapter 3, pages 41-51)
2) Propagation (Chapter 3, pages 51-53),
Gap Junctions (Chapter 5, pages 78-79)
Week 4: Synaptic Transmission (Chapters 5, 6)
1) Neurotransmitters- synthesis, storage and transport
2) Synaptic Terminal- Calcium and Vesicle fusion
Week 5: Synaptic Transmission (Chapters 5, 6)
3) Ligand gated channels, Glutamate, GABA, Acetylcholine
4) Synaptic currents and potentials- CNS, NMJ, synaptic strength
Week 6: Exam 1- February 12, 2013
1) Exam 1: Material from Week 1- Week 5
Section 2: Sensory Systems
2) Somatosensory system (Chapter 9)
Week 7: Pain, Vision 1 (Chapter 10, 11)
1) Pain (Chapter 10)
2) Vision 1: Eye, Rods and Cones, Retina (Chapter 11)
Week 8: Vision 2, Auditory System
1) Vision 2: Central pathways and coding (Chapter 12)
2) Auditory system (Chapter 13)
Week 9: Chemical Senses, Exam 2- March 7, 2013
1) Chemical Senses (Chapter 15),
2) Exam 2: Material from Week 6-Week 9
****** Spring Break *******
Section 3: Complex Brain Functions & Autonomic Nervous System
Week 10: Complex Brain Functions
1) Memory (Chapter 31)
2) Emotion (Chapter 29)
Week 11: Autonomic and Neuroendocrine Systems
1) Autonomic Nervous System (Chapter 21)
2) Neuroendocrine System (TBA)
Section 4: Movement and Coordination
Week 12-13, (Chapter 14, 16-19)
1) Motor System
2) Spinal cord, muscle
3) Basal Ganglia
4) Vestibular System, Cerebellum
Week 14: Exam 3-April 16, 2013, Review for Final Exam
1) Exam 3: Material from Week 10-Week 13
2) Review for Final Exam
The content of the syllabus may change as the semester progresses. Exam dates will not change. Grades will be determined based on the three exams during the semester. No make up exams will be offered. If you are not satisfied with your grade, you may take the optional Final Exam during exam week. The final exam will be cumulative. If you take the final, your grade will be determined based on your best three of four exams or 100% of the final exam grade. The greater of the two options will be your grade.
The material presented in lectures as well as assigned reading are subject to examination. Weekly review questions will assigned and discussed in an optional review session on Fridays from 1:00-2:25 in Langley 221.
Additional material provided to the Honors section (NROSCI 1003) will be made available to all students but will not be tested in NROSCI 1000.