P.E. Lesson Plan

Date: First Six Weeks, Week #5 (9-24-18)


  • 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5

Instructional Objective:

  • For students to perform exercises/activities that will help them become more flexible, strengthen the upper and lower body, improve coordination, and increase cardiovascular endurance.

Instructional Materials:

  • Stopwatch
  • Weights

Teaching Procedure:

  • Students will be taken over to the field house to go over weight room procedures and expectations.
  • Proper lifting technique for lower body and shoulder specific exercises will be demonstrated and performed along with proper spotting techniques for certain lifts.
  • Workout:

-Squats – 3x10

-Barbell Military Press – 3x10



  • Student has proper dress for class
  • Student actively participates in all exercises/activities


  • Students that fall under this category will receive aid in understanding and performing the activities given.

P.E. Lesson Plan

Date: (9-25-18)


  • 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5

Instructional Objective:

  • For students to perform exercises/activities that will help them become more flexible, strengthen the upper and lower body, improve coordination, and increase cardiovascular endurance.

Instructional Materials:

  • Jerseys
  • Volleyball
  • Stopwatch

Teaching Procedure:

  • Students will start class by getting playing basketball, four square, or walking/jogging around the gym for 10 minutes.
  • Students will the separate into 4 groups and perform 2 rounds of a core circuit (2x20 sec each / planks, burpees, single leg pikes, crunches). Once they have completed the core circuit they will perform static stretches for flexibility.
  • Students will the be divided into teams and play “Carolina Ball”.


  • Student has proper dress for class
  • Student actively participates in all exercises/activities


  • Students that fall under this category will receive aid in understanding and performing the activities given.

P.E. Lesson Plan

Date: (9-26-18)


  • 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5

Instructional Objective:

  • For students to perform exercises/activities that will help them become more flexible, strengthen the upper and lower body, improve coordination, and increase cardiovascular endurance.

Instructional Materials:

  • Stopwatch
  • Weights

Teaching Procedure:

  • Students will be taken to the field house for weight training.
  • Proper lifting and spotting techniques will be covered for upper body lifts (chest/back).
  • Workout:

-Bench – 3x10

-Barbell Row – 3x10

-Barbell Curl – 3x10

-Barbell overhead tricep extension – 3x10



  • Student has proper dress for class
  • Student actively participates in all exercises/activities


  • Students that fall under this category will receive aid in understanding and performing the activities given.

P.E. Lesson Plan

Date: (9-27-18)


  • 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5

Instructional Objective:

  • For students to perform exercises/activities that will help them become more flexible, strengthen the upper and lower body, improve coordination, and increase cardiovascular endurance.

Instructional Materials:

  • Jerseys
  • Volleyball
  • Stopwatch

Teaching Procedure:

  • Students will start class by playing either basketball, four square, or walking/jogging around the gym for 10 minutes.
  • Students will then split up into 4 groups and perform 2 rounds of a core circuit (2x20 sec each / flutter kicks, toe touches, v-sits, Russian twists). Once they have completed the core circuit, students will perform static stretches for flexibility.
  • Students will then be divided into teams to play “Carolina Ball”.


  • Student has proper dress for class
  • Student actively participates in all exercises/activities


  • Students that fall under this category will receive aid in understanding and performing the activities given.

P.E. Lesson Plan

Date: (9-28-18)


  • 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5

Instructional Objective:

  • For students to perform exercises/activities that will help them become more flexible, strengthen the upper and lower body, improve coordination, and increase cardiovascular endurance.

Instructional Materials:

  • Jerseys
  • Volleyball
  • Stopwatch

Teaching Procedure:

  • Students will start class by performing an 8 minute interval run.
  • Students will then get into stretch lines and perform dynamic stretches as well as 8 half-court sprints.
  • Students will then stay in stretch lines and perform 3 rounds of 10 push-ups and 10 lunge jumps.
  • Students will then be given a choice as to the activity they want to play (Pin Ball, Basketball, Capture the Flag).


  • Student has proper dress for class
  • Student actively participates in all exercises/activities


  • Students that fall under this category will receive aid in understanding and performing the activities given.