Refer to your Grant Agreement for the due date of your final grant report. Please provide the information requested below and submit the report on your organization’s stationery.
Project Name______
In the table below, in the Planned Activities column please list the Grant Purposes as outlined in your Grant Agreement (add rows if necessary). In the Implementation Documentation column, please describe your accomplishments regarding each activity. If any planned activity was not implemented or achieved, please explain why.
Planned Activities / Implementation Documentation1.
Please respond to the following:
1. Describe any challenges you encountered and how you addressed them.
2. Quantify the extent to which your project achieved the projected outcomes for your target population. Be as specific as possible.
3. Describe how your project affected the community at large.
4. Describe how the Impact100 grant affected your organization.
5. Describe the most important lesson(s) you learned from this project, and how you will use that information to inform future work.
6. Describe what, if anything, you would do differently if you were to undertake this project again.
7. Describe the steps that are being taken to ensure the sustainability of your project beyond the grant period.
8. Please include any publicity regarding your work that you would allow Impact100 to share with our members and the non-profit community.
9. Please submit a detailed project financial report with revenues and expenses, in a side-by- side comparison with the project budget submitted in your Impact100 grant application.
• Indicate actual project expenses for each line item (spent or encumbered as part of project’s operations).
• Indicate and explain any variances or changes from the project budget approved in the Grant Agreement.
• Update funding sources for the project, other than the Impact100 grant. Were additional funds received for either your project or your organization as a result of the Impact100 Philadelphia grant?
10. Please share any suggestions about how Impact100 Philadelphia could improve its grant-making process.
Executive Director - signature & date Project Director - signature & date
Print Name Print Name
Final September 16, 2015