LHES General PTA Meeting Minutes:


6:15pm – 7:30pm

Slide presentation by Shannon

Monika Johnson-Hostler

Year Round Conversion –

LHES was one of 12 schools determined to be put on the Elementary School Model (ESM)

The conversion to Year-Round was considered after parents completed an online survey in regards to continuous learning. The thought is that year-round school would increase student proficiency by negating learning loss experienced by extended summer breaks.

Currently, nothing has been decided on by the school board officially

There is consideration of Track 4, but this is not set in stone

School board and school leaders discussing the logistics of year-round school in regards to track out sessions, cost, and the need to potentially eliminate the option to parents of “opting out”

This decision to convert has been delayed to the 2017/2018 school year.

There has been discussion on potentially converting all NC schools to Track 4, but this decision would be something the state would have to agree upon.

Student transfers will open again

In conclusion to the year- round discussion: currently no formal decision has been made and discussions are ongoing.

Student Reassignment –

There have been some issues in regards to student reassignment and the elimination of county provided transportation, which is causing problems for student specific cases.

Issues with students and family conflicts in regards to student assignment can be discussed with the school board representative – not only to potentially clarify any issues, but may help in resolving things.

Conclusion: If a special case with your student exists in regards to reassignment/transportation, contact your school board representative to discuss resolution.

District 2 (Southeast Wake)
Ms. Monika Johnson-Hostler
Address: 2904 Oak Bridge Drive, Raleigh NC 27610
Office: (919) 431-7325
Term Expires: December 2016

Magnet Status –

Discussion was brought up on potential reinstatement of LHES Magnet Status to not only attract additional funding, but to offer innovative new classes to the LHES curricula. This would aid in attracting more families to LHES and simultaneously offer funding and support. Due to the construction and physical remodeling of the school, magnet status determination would need to be deferred. Baulch and Hostler will discuss more offline, but this is something that the principal has been advocating for since starting at LHES.

Discussions would have to be determined as to what type of magnet school would best fit the area and attract families to LHES. This is evaluated by examining historic magnet applications submitted by local families and gauging where the interest lies.

Magnet applications are typically due late fall. The 2016/2017 magnet schools have already been selected; LHES could apply for magnet status in 2017/2018 school year.

Todd Baulch

LHES Construction Update-

Groundbreaking has begun, playground/track has been torn up and crews are working on the two story wing to the right of the building. Construction of this wing is expected to be completed by January 2017. Over winter break in 2016/2017 school year, it is expected that students/staff will transition over to the new building. This would complete Phase I of renovations.

Phase II would involve demolition of the current cafeteria, which includes only the dining area. The kitchen will remain intact as to continue with school provided meals. The Media Center will be demolished in this phase of construction.

Phase III would see the construction begin on the 4th grade building and gym.

Construction is estimated to be completed in 2018.

Spirit Wear –

MrBaulch unveiled the PTA/Principal funded LHES T shirts. T-shirts will be provided for every child attending LHES this year at no cost. This will encourage school pride and unification. This has been a project 2 years in the making and has finally become a reality. Distribution will be done at school and timing is simply dependent upon when all students can come together for a group picture.


LHES News –

Information was provided by slide presentation

E Laskowich will provide additional information to M. Hostler in regards to chimney swift tower cost/needs.

E Laskowich will ensure that physical brochures are included in Friday folders for families to purchase spirit wear via the PTA (as opposed to online).

PTA Survey Results –

Discussed positive results of survey -

Particular focus on members being unable to identify other PTA parents

Unofficial gathering March 7th at the Mill at 7:30pm – PTA/LHES family members are encouraged to wear orange as to be able to seek each other out.

PTA Survey Results

We discussed negative points of the survey; particularly in regards to information pertaining ot volunteer opportunities.

Discussed suggestions made by members on the survey and steps forward

Erin Laskowich

PTA Budget

Presented budget information, still need to raise ~$5000 for 2016/2017 school year

Currently raised ~$11000 via grant writing, however, a majority of these funds is more pointed, so will not be able to count in general spending funds for PTA.

Discussed need for volunteers on all levels, at any times.

Todd Baulch


PTA has been doing an exceptional job this year. Community involvement is high, and volunteer support has tripled over previous years. Teacher and staff are reinvigorated/very pleased with the support of this year’s PTA.