Media release <Insert date here>
Friday File Fling good for circulationat <Insert organisation name>
It’s official – having an office fling is good for circulation! That is, a Friday File Fling is great for getting paper in unused files back into circulation.
Insert organisation nameis planning to dig through its documents as part of the Friday File Fling during National Recycling Week, November 9th – 15th.
Staff will join other workplaces across Australia on ‘Black Friday’ 13th November to sort through their filing cabinets and desk drawers for old and redundant documents that can be recycled.
Insert quote from organisation owner/manager about why your organisation is participating.>
Paper is the largest contributor to solid waste generated by Australian offices.Currently office paper has a recycling rate of 68%, yet less than 18% of new office paper includes recycled content. To close the recycling loop, Australian workplaces need to keep putting paper in the recycling bin as well as buy back high-recycled content and Australian made paper.
“Having a Friday File Fling is just one of many actions businesses can take to reduce waste to landfill and we applaud Insert organisation namefor getting involved,” explains Gray. “Our website has a raft of ideas to help workplaces get started, including drop-off points for free, industry supported programs like ‘Cartridges 4 Planet Ark’ and MobileMuster and a range of other materials.”
<Reference to any other recycling initiatives in place at your organisation.>
Organisations can register their Fling by calling the National Recycling Hotline on 1300 733 712 or visiting,where a number of adaptable resources and a step-by-step guide are available for download.
The first 500 workplaces that register for a Friday File Fling will receive a free carton of Reflex White 100% Recycled paper.
National Recycling Week is kindly supported by Associate SponsorsAustralian Packaging Covenant,Bingo Bins and ‘Cartridges 4 Planet Ark’and Supporting Sponsor Reflex Recycled.
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AboutNational Recycling Week
Planet Ark’s National Recycling Week, founded in 1996, highlights the environmental benefits of re-use and recycling programs, while making participation enjoyable and easy through community events and programs. Events and initiatives throughout National Recycling Week include the Schools Recycle Right Challenge, The Big Aussie Swap, the Recycle Right Quiz and the Friday File Fling.
For further information, interviews or images please contact:
<Insert name of organisation contact>Sara McGregor
<Insert organisation name>PR Manager, Planet Ark
<Insert organisation contact tel number> 02 8484 7205 | 0424 591 241
<insert organisation contact email>