IngolCommunityPrimary School Behaviour Policy
- Mission Statement:
‘Learning to live and living to learn’
2.Behave and Be Happy
In order for our children to achieve their potential, it is important to establish a good working atmosphere in school. Good behaviour goes hand in hand with high standards in learning. It is also very important that children have high self esteem. The school places great emphasis on providing positive influences and encouraging children, hence “Behave and Be Happy”.
The whole school community contributes to providing an atmosphere conducive to learning.Pupils,teachers,teaching assistants,student teachers and welfare staff all have their part to play.
With constant reference to our Mission statement we aim to foster within individual children the following;
- To show respect for people and property
- To work as hard as we can and always do our best
- To learn to work on our own and with others
- To listen well
- To be able to say what we think and feel
- To be able to make healthy choices
- To be able to take responsibility for ourselves and our actions
- To be willing to try everything
- To be excited about learning
- To be kind, helpful and polite
4. Our Golden Rules
The Respect Rule: We treat everyone and all property with
The Learning Rule: We always try our best and allow others to
The Moving Rule: We move around with care, thinking of
The Sitting Rule: We will sit sensibly and put our hands
5. Effective Classroom management
- Plan for good behaviour – use positive comments to try and get children to modify their behaviour.
- Use of sun / cloud system in KS2 and ‘mark’ system in KS1 to reinforce positive behaviour consistently.
- Constantly ensuring that all we do is caring, safe and the very best we can do.
- Discuss routines and responsibilities.
- Separate the behaviour from the child. For example, “I like you, but not what you are doing.”
- Use the language of choice. Inform them what the consequences will be.
- Distraction
- Tactical ignoring/proximity praise.
- Pause between name and instruction.
- Keep the focus on the behaviour and ignore the child’s reaction to your discipline.
- Build trust and rapport - Work to repair and restore relationships.
- Model the behaviour you want to see.
- Always follow-up issues that count.
- Avoid conflict and an audience. (Quiet word). Get down to their level.
- Keep calm and be consistent with all children.
- When children are acting inappropriately tell them what they are doing rather than questioning.
- Try to create a relaxed atmosphere and environment
5.1 Strategies for promoting Positive Whole School Behaviour
- When pupils are moving around school into other areas - Class teacher must always lead children from class – ensuring they are at the front and looking back to check pupils are walking quietly in a line
- In assemblies – pupil must enter quietly. The teacher who is delivering the assembly must ensure that all pupils are listening and responding. Shouting out is not acceptable. The warning system must be used for any pupils who do not behave appropriately.
- In PE – staff must ensure that pupils are led into the hall quietly. The lesson must be structured to ensure that there is safe practice consistently. There must be silence when the teacher is giving instructions. When pupils are working on activities the noise level must be at a quiet level so the teacher can hear instantly what is taking place as they look around the hall / field / hub and act immediately if there are any issues.
6. Rewards and Incentives
School operates the Gem Project to promote positive behaviour for learning where pupils focus on a specific gem each half-term.
Ruby celebrates supporting others - praising others when they do well and supporting peers when they have a problem.
Sapphire celebrates keeping focused and listening and staying on task.
Diamond celebrates being able to solve problems and work things out for themselves.
Emerald celebrates being challenged and bouncing back from mistakes.
Amethyst celebrates co-operating and sharing ideas when working with a partner.
Topaz celebrates applying all the gem powers to work within a team or larger group successfully.
The class with the most gems each half-term are given a non-uniform day as a reward.
In class the Juniors operate the Dojo reward system and the Infants have their own individualised reward system where points, stickers and certificates are given for:-
- Good class work
- Good homework
- Good manners
- Achievements
- Using initiative
- Perseverance
Certificates are given out at the Friday Morning Achievement Assembly. A weekly record is kept of pupils who have achieved child of the week and this is recorded in the pupils end of year report.
Other rewards include Reading, times-tables and Gem awards.
Pupils who achieve 100% attendance termly receive a special award.
7. Warnings and sanctions
All teachers must have high expectations for behaviour with all staff adhering to the same procedures. Key Stage One use the ‘mark’ system and Key Stage Two use the cloud and sunshine display to monitor behaviour.
Children aregiven two clear warnings before any further action is taken.
- After a third warning the child’s name is moved on to the white cloud / pupils are given a mark against their name in KS1.
- If a child is still on the white cloud or still maintained their markby the end of the lesson they have to miss 5 minutes of the next playtime.
- It is the responsibility of the member of staff who put them on the cloud to enforce and monitor this 5 minutes.
- If a child continues to misbehave when they are on the white cloud, or if their behaviour is extreme enough to warrant it, their name will be placed on the black cloud.
- Pupils who have a mark next to their name in KS1 miss five minutes of golden time on Friday. The more marks they receive – the more minutes they miss of golden time.
- If a child is placed on the black cloud – their name is put in the consequences book and they have to miss the following dinnertime play and stay inside and work in school.
- If any pupil continues to move onto the black cloud frequently and continues to not behave appropriately – they will be put on daily report and see Mrs Doran at the end of each day to see if they have worked and behaved appropriately.
- At this stage – parents will be asked to come into school to discuss behaviour with their child and senior management team
At Playtime
The following procedure is applied:
1.Two verbal warnings and the class teacher has be informed when pupils return to class..
2.All staff have to fill in ‘playtime report’ book for any incidents – which is kept on the notice board in heads office.
3. if any pupil deliberately hurts someone they have to stay with the member of staff on duty and the head must be informed as soon as playtime is over.
At Lunchtime
Support staff members are on the hub and yard daily to supervise football and shadow pupils who have behavioural issues.
Welfare and Support staff will report any incidents to Mrs Doran at the end of each dinnertime, who will deal with the incident and then inform the class teacher. If the head is not in school – incidents must be reported to Mr Smith, the deputy head.
School Support Systems
As a fully inclusive school, we recognise that for some children, additional or different action may be necessary as a result of special education al need or disability. This is in accordance with the SEN code of practice. We recognise that a pupil with social, emotional and behavioural difficult may require specific support in school. Where this is the case, a child will be identified on our School SEN register. An individual behaviour plan will be established in consultation with the child and parents. This will outline agreed targets and listed strategies on how we will support this pupil.
It may also be appropriate to help other children in school understand what they can do to support this particular pupil.
The Quiet Area
If a child does have specific behavioural issues and needs time out – we have a quiet area where pupils can work in small groups or on a one to one basis. Pupils will be supervised at all times when in the quiet area.
Serious Incidents
If a child is physically or verbally abusive and has deliberately hurt or offended a pupil or member of staff – the head must be informed immediately. After looking into the issue the Head will decide if it is a serious incident and will be logged in the Serious incident file which is kept in the Headteachers office. A letter will be sent home immediately and the parents asked to attend a meeting. An Action Plan will then be put in place to ensure that the pupil behaves appropriately.
Exclusion Prevention
We firmly believe that exclusion should only be carried out if all other sanctions have failed.
The decision to exclude is taken by the headteacher and this may be for a fixed term or permanent exclusion. The headteacher will take into account the interests of the pupil against those of the whole school community. Violent physical abuse towards a member of staff or another child will not be tolerated. Persistent disruptive behaviour that does not allow children to learn or teachers to teach will also not be acceptable.
Power to use Reasonable Force
In our school we do not have a ‘no contact’ policy as there is a real risk that such a policy may place a member of staff in breach of their duty of care towards a pupil, or prevent them taking action to prevent a pupil causing harm.
School staff have a legal power to use reasonable force. Force is used either to control or restrain but never as a punishment. All staff will be provided with training to support their understanding of reasonable force.
The support of parents is essential to the efficient working of the system. Parents are informed about the school behaviour policy through the school brochure and both parents and children are asked to sign a behaviour agreement form on entering school.
Parents will be contacted when pupils behaviour is giving cause for concern and copies of all letters sent will be logged in our behaviour file. School, parents and pupil will work in close partnership to resolve issues. An Action Plan will be devised to ensure that the behaviour improves.
Reviewed: September, 2017
Signed -M Doran